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dead_battery 09.19.2013 11:30 AM

turned into/presided over. whatever.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 11:35 AM

pooty just wants those gas pipelines flowin' so he can cut off europe when we don't play ball. he wants to stop the US advance in the middle east to protect russian business interests.

its all geopolitics, its not about humanitarianism. he's happy to sell arms and crackdown on human rights protestors at home, then scapegoat gays.

he's a journalist murdering corrupt motherfucker, whose smiling at the idea of US liberals and peace activist taking him seriously.

russia is authoritarian now. they ban books/writers/journalists/won't give visas to intellectuals they dont like. not as bad as stalinism obviously but still very totalitarian.

Rob Instigator 09.19.2013 11:41 AM

They killed plenty of civilians in Chechnya a couple of years back, and the west could have given a FUCK. Putin is a fucking horror.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 11:44 AM

i have to say though that op-ed is sensible enough. but its a pretence to think that russia is in any way less concerned with its own interests than it is peace. hell no. the US is the same, only it has the religious psychosis, exceptionalism, war lust, belief the world is satan/cthulhu and it needs to invade it so satan arises in the UN and jesus will come back and lead the troops into battle against the heathens etc. etc.

russia is just about narco/gangsta capital.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

The police should send the Bunco squad after all the churches just like they do the psychic rip-off artistes



Originally Posted by dead_battery
pooty just wants those gas pipelines flowin' so he can cut off europe when we don't play ball. he wants to stop the US advance in the middle east to protect russian business interests.

its all geopolitics, its not about humanitarianism. he's happy to sell arms and crackdown on human rights protestors at home, then scapegoat gays.

he's a journalist murdering corrupt motherfucker, whose smiling at the idea of US liberals and peace activist taking him seriously.

russia is authoritarian now. they ban books/writers/journalists/won't give visas to intellectuals they dont like. not as bad as stalinism obviously but still very totalitarian.

I think "Liberals" supporting Putin as as hilarious an inside joke as their support of Hamid Karzai or Barack Obama ;)


Originally Posted by dead_battery
turned into/presided over. whatever.

Haha.. EXACTLY!! I believe the term for such forms of government is kleptocracy err.. plutocracy ;)

Rob Instigator 09.19.2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous


dead_battery 09.19.2013 01:36 PM

theres a big difference between obama and pooty pute.

best damn president since clinton.

Rob Instigator 09.19.2013 01:44 PM

How come "conservative" talking heads still derogatorily refer to Pres. Obama as a "community organizer?" What is inherently wrong with being a "community organizer?" He graduated from Harvard Law right? Aren't all politicians supposed to be, at heart, community organizers?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
theres a big difference between obama and pooty pute.

best damn president since clinton.

That is easy to say from the outside looking in. Obama is probably a worse president than Bush because nothing has changed, in fact all the Bush II era policies have increased such as mass deportation, escalation of the police state, and expanding of forward military operations concurrently around the world. How is that better than Bush? How is that not the same? The window dressing looks great, and its fooled most foreigners, but here in the States, people aren't fooling themselves. Even !@#$%! finally came to his senses after five years of this bullshit.

Rob Instigator 09.19.2013 01:47 PM

Cash Rules Everything Around Them

!@#$%! 09.19.2013 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
That is easy to say from the outside looking in. Obama is probably a worse president than Bush because nothing has changed, in fact all the Bush II era policies have increased such as mass deportation, escalation of the police state, and expanding of forward military operations concurrently around the world. How is that better than Bush? How is that not the same? The window dressing looks great, and its fooled most foreigners, but here in the States, people aren't fooling themselves. Even !@#$%! finally came to his senses after five years of this bullshit.

while i have expressed immense disappointed with the messiah, and i recognize that the lesser evil is still evil, i would never claim that bush was a "better" president, you mulehead cognitively challenged mule.

i've said that obama is the greater hypocrite, but i consider hypocrisy a political virtue of sorts.

for your failed attempt to speak for me i'll say you're consistently trapped in your own reality distortion field and at this point i question if you're really so stubborn or you're just plain stupid.

i hope i have made my point clear now because nothing else gets through to you



Originally Posted by dead_battery
best damn president since clinton.

the above got me so pissed i almost forgot to say, that was funny.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
while i have expressed immense disappointed with the messiah, and i recognize that the lesser evil is still evil, i would never claim that bush was a "better" president, you mulehead cognitively challenged mule.

i've said that obama is the greater hypocrite, but i consider hypocrisy a political virtue of sorts.

you're consistently trapped in your own reality distortion field and at this point i question if you're really so stubborn or you're just plain stupid.

i hope i have made my point clear now because nothing else gets through to you


and i almost forgot to say, that was funny.

You're reading to much into the word "worse". It shouldn't automatically suggest Bush is better, but lets do the math. Bush? 1.5 million deportations in 8 years, tried three times to pass Immigration Reform through the Legislature. Obam? Almost 3 million and counting, and in only five years? Bush launched forward military operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Columbia, Somalia, Yemen. Obama? Has INCREASED the scope and scale of these operations, including a FIVE FOLD increase in drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, as well as expanding US military operations into countries like Kenya, Uganda, as well as the Philippines, Thailand, and Mexico! About the police state? The budget for "national security" increases every year, and the "leaks" are demonstrating just how expansive the "police-state" mechanisms are in the country. Further, domestic arrests have increased, as has surveillance and infiltration of domestic groups. Many have been shut down, several have been set up, a lot of people have been accused of being involved in "plots"... Again, how are things not worse?

By the way, way to go on the condescending prick part, its epic how much an asshole you naturally are :)

!@#$%! 09.19.2013 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
You're reading to much into the word "worse". It shouldn't automatically suggest Bush is better, but lets do the math. Bush? 1.5 million deportations in 8 years, tried three times to pass Immigration Reform through the Legislature. Obam? Almost 3 million and counting, and in only five years? Bush launched forward military operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Columbia, Somalia, Yemen. Obama? Has INCREASED the scope and scale of these operations, including a FIVE FOLD increase in drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, as well as expanding US military operations into countries like Kenya, Uganda, as well as the Philippines, Thailand, and Mexico! About the police state? The budget for "national security" increases every year, and the "leaks" are demonstrating just how expansive the "police-state" mechanisms are in the country. Further, domestic arrests have increased, as has surveillance and infiltration of domestic groups. Many have been shut down, several have been set up, a lot of people have been accused of being involved in "plots"... Again, how are things not worse?

alright, we can discuss all that shit, but it's going to be a long-ass way before i say that the bush administration wasn't the worst thing to happen to 'merica since... shit, is there even a precedent?


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
By the way, way to go on the condescending prick part, its epic how much an asshole you naturally are :)

i'm a social assassin.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:13 PM

bushes and obamas forever suit suchfriends since he is only interested in rad posing as 2 underground 4 evil.

obama was not worse than bush, jesus fucking christ. if you want to play "purer than thou" fine but it doesnt work as a political strategy. you are self aggrandizing. if obama is worse than bush whats better than either? oh right your own pure underground idealism. thanks for that. helped a lot. really important to the running of a country.

!@#$%! 09.19.2013 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
bushes and obamas forever suit suchfriends since he is only interested in rad posing as 2 underground 4 evil.

obama was not worse than bush, jesus fucking christ. if you want to play "purer than thou" fine but it doesnt work as a political strategy. you are self aggrandizing. if obama is worse than bush whats better than either? oh right your own pure underground idealism. thanks for that. helped a lot. really important to the running of a country.

i'll mail you a carton of cigarettes for this. you like marlboros? camels? some weird shit like chesterfields or luckies? you want organic american spirits?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
obama was not worse than bush, jesus fucking christ. if you want to play "purer than thou" fine but it doesnt work as a political strategy. you are self aggrandizing. if obama is worse than bush whats better than either? oh right your own pure underground idealism. thanks for that. helped a lot. really important to the running of a country.

Again, we're talking about substantive policies, not political window-dressings. Obama has deported more people, has arrested and illegally surveyed more people, and has out right killed more people around the world than Bush. How with a clear conscious can you accuse me of self-aggrandizing on this one? WHAT, DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THIS SAD TRUTH MAKES ME HAPPY OR FULFILLED THAT MY COUNTRY IS WORSE THAN IT WAS TEN YEARS AGO? YEAH, THAT MAKES ME FEEL SO WARM AND FUZZY :(

Facts are facts, data is data, and the numbers don't lie, all the politics in the world can't erase the reality of how terrible this presidency has been. I will not be fooled by politics. I will not be cornered into supporting these policies as the "lesser of two evils" when the substance suggests it might actually be worse! Again, more deportations, more arrests, more war? How is that change we can believe in? Are you guys serious? I'll take the fall as a hubris filled shit-sack so long as the point gets made that everything has gotten worse, not better in Amerikkka. I could careless what you pseudo-trolls think about me personally, it doesn't change the realities of American policy, so fuck it.


Originally Posted by dead_battery
bushes and obamas forever suit suchfriends since he is only interested in rad posing as 2 underground 4 evil.



Actually I'm thinking of voting Republican next election because Liberalism is too mainstream ;)

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:26 PM

love how suchfriends is playing the IDIOT game of blaming obama as if he was an omnipotent controller of everything the state does. this game is absolutely fucking redundant and is like a religious fantasy. obama does not sit there issuing omnipotent directives that are carried out.

its so easy to say "obama increased the wars and deportations! its all so evil! but my beautiful soul is pure!".

ok then - how many deportations do you think should have happened? zero?

and yeah, obama "increased the scope" of iraq and afghanistan. exactly. thats exactly what he did. exactly.

or i could just talk to a wall. because i have no interest in hearing what you are going to say in response since its predictable and doesn't come down to anything more concrete than idealistic sloganeering designed to aggrandize you. enlighten us all to how racism is bad etc.! thanks so much.

you can always rely on idiot peasants to take the media simulacrum of the great leader too cartoonish extremes and then make bank and vote off their collective hysteria. i use the word idiot peasants because that is essentially what anyone who takes persona over policy seriously is and how they are viewed by the state.

i mean, debate laws and issues of the state, what policy should be different etc. but attributing it all to a dark overlord is fucking retarded and does the opposite of helping.

debating personalities is a retards game. or a childrens version of how the world works for people who refuse to consider the states role in anything other than absolutist moral binaries.

also - things the state does does not = things obama approves of.

your repeated refusal to do anything but bitch about things you dont like while refusing to even research anything he has actually done or said means the conversation is pointless. obama is the real villian and we can just make up things and attribute them to him then blame him for the bush era police state which without him wouldnt even BE in the fucking media. blame the guy trying to clean up the mess for the guy who made the mess. very good.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i'll mail you a carton of cigarettes for this. you like marlboros? camels? some weird shit like chesterfields or luckies? you want organic american spirits?

what was reagans favourite brand? i need to smoke those because im evil now because obama. only suchfriends is pure because he dont support that mainstream shit. only he can resist the pull of the wicked earths satanic temptations. eve ate the apple while he was smoking the bong god gave him, and look where we are today - obama.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
love how suchfriends is playing the IDIOT game of blaming obama

Its been FIVE fucking years now, I think its safe to blame Obama for this shit, its his own mess. If we blamed Bush within two years, we can blame Obama after five.


also - things the state does does not = things obama approves of.


Neither was Bush totally personally responsible, but we hold him accountable because it was his administration. How can we have a double-standard where demonize George Bush and then romanticize Barack Obama for the EXACT SAME CRIMES???

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:31 PM

cos they didnt do the same things.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:32 PM

oh what fun this is.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
cos they didnt do the same things.


!@#$%! 09.19.2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
what was reagans favourite brand? i need to smoke those because im evil now because obama. only suchfriends is pure because he dont support that mainstream shit. only he can resist the pull of the wicked earths satanic temptations. eve ate the apple while he was smoking the bong god gave him, and look where we are today - obama.


okay but first please


Rob Instigator 09.19.2013 02:42 PM

I am also reading this
The Books of Charles Fort


working at an academic research library RULES

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

okay but first please


Can you demonstrate with data rather than opinion how either (a) deportations have leveled off or decreased, (b) the police-state is in decline, or (c) American military involvement oversees has been reduced? If then, indeed, I am finished, but if not, its the country that is in peril, not my or your own ego ;)

by the way, since you delusional Obama fanboys are going to keep playing games and sipping on the Kool-Aid, I will get back on topic, I am reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, and I am hoping it is better than the Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, because that book seemed to drag on endlessly without totally exciting me, yet, it wasn't bad enough to stop reading...


!@#$%! 09.19.2013 02:46 PM

who says that i'm against all deportations? are they some kind of moral absolute?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
who says that i'm against all deportations? are they some kind of moral absolute?


dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

yeah. all of that was obamas fault. the cia were like "yo bro is this cool with you" and he was like "shit yeah dog, took a lot of balls for you to come and ask me so i respect you, i approve." and they all sighed a sigh of relief knowing they were safe to carry on with their plans now that the president had said it was ok.

then the president flew on his personal mecha drone and sprayed bullets all over the iraq war which he decided not to end. martin luther king started breakdancing at the baghdad mcdonalds and the insolent pagan earth was appeased after receiving the seed of the great satan.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
who says that i'm against all deportations? are they some kind of moral absolute?

its absolutely morally necessary to let anyone stay in your country who asks because no matter how many people they've killed or what economic value they might have, once they smoke a spliff with suchfriends they're soul will be saved and they'll be building orphanages with the sweat of their own sativa induced panic attacks in no time.

!@#$%! 09.19.2013 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
its absolutely morally necessary to let anyone stay in your country who asks because no matter how many people they've killed or what economic value they might have, once they smoke a spliff with suchfriends they're soul will be saved and they'll be building orphanages with the sweat of their own sativa induced panic attacks in no time.

especially in a time of high unemployment. because the government can print money and therefore money is infinite. everybody could be rich tomorrow if we make the minimum wage $500/hr and we hire everyone on the planet.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:53 PM

love how us obama fanboys are doing unimportant things like sipping kool aid and playing games, while suchfriends does the real work of reading stieg larsson novels.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
especially in a time of high unemployment. because the government can print money and therefore money is infinite. everybody could be rich tomorrow if we make the minimum wage $500/hr and we hire everyone on the planet.

exactly. you could just hire them to make a new planet, or a new money factory. then they could pay themselves.

didn't think of that did you obama?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
while suchfriends does the real work of reading stieg larsson novels.


!@#$%! 09.19.2013 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
exactly. you could just hire them to make a new planet, or a new money factory. then they could pay themselves.

didn't think of that did you obama?

nostradamus saw it coming. he told haile selassie.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.19.2013 02:59 PM


dead_battery 09.19.2013 03:03 PM

thats very fair, since there are so few differences between obama and hitler.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 03:06 PM

unfortunately i cant go into detail on what they are right now because im going to be shot for good behaviour and am posting this via carrier pigeon from my fema camp. they even have them in europe now. obama deported me from my own country and then deported me back after the fema camp was built.

dead_battery 09.19.2013 03:08 PM

the only thing available to read in the fema camp is hilarys mid 90's healthcare proposal to the senate. i have to say i'd rather cut off my legs and pay $60,000 to have them put back on again than read such commie filth, but obama forced me to because i wouldnt go fight in his war in iraq that he didnt end.

pony 09.24.2013 10:01 AM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.24.2013 01:00 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to pony again.

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