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tesla69 01.12.2018 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the article I linked to is the Washington Post, one of the op three newspapers in the USA, and a bastion (once) for conservative writers.

I know that, Rob, you do know The Post is now owned by Jeff Bezos, "liberal" billionaire who has a large part of his business coming from the intelligence agencies - they use his cloud services -

historically the Post is tainted - as example, The Ghost which relates how James Jesus Angleton would sit down to dinner with Ben Bradlee, legendary WP editor, and call him up to get stories squashed. I think Chomsky has a whole shelf of criticism of their bias.

The corporatist media is making this out to be a race issue when its really an economic issue. Working Americans fear more of their jobs going to immigrants and illegals, while they can't find work, or work that pays anything or the work gets sent overseas...Or a cheap and safe place to live. I'm not particularly keen on the Europeans who come to NY looking for my type of work.

The risk of bringing more uneducated and unskilled people who do not share our values, who hate democracy, who HATE women - why would we do this?

It just seems the allowed correct viewpoint is to allow unrestricted immigration from these shithole countries.

The Soup Nazi 01.12.2018 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
It just seems the allowed correct viewpoint is to allow unrestricted immigration from these shithole countries.


The Soup Nazi 01.12.2018 07:27 PM

Speaking of Norway...

Trump boasted of selling fighter aircraft to Norway that doesn't really exist
The jet Trump mentioned selling to Norway only exists in the video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare


Bytor Peltor 01.13.2018 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Trust me, people around the world look at America and say that it's a shit hole. Bad health care, a government system that only favours the rich and with every passing law degrade the poor and working class, entire cities crumbling from poor infrastructure, a drug epidemic destroying whole communities.

But then again, that wouldnt be wholly true would it?

While America has it’s problems and short comings, it’s still the Country everyone is trying to enter. The land of the free is the place where you can achieve your dreams!

ilduclo 01.13.2018 09:52 AM

Well, first of all, it ain't "America", there, Vespucci....2nd of all, there is much less upward mobility in the US than in a lot of other countries..can you spell "oligarchy"? Then, look up the def.

evollove 01.13.2018 12:54 PM

Seriously. What the ever living fuck. Mr shunk: you're not a leftist, trump is a racist and neither of you understands how America works.

ilduclo 01.13.2018 02:09 PM

truly, shooting off their mouths without any clear understanding.

a couple of links about "upward mobility and entrepreneurship" are in order

educate yourselves. it IS possible

conclusions for our "non readers"?

you're born poor in the US, that's where you're more likely to stay

_tunic_ 01.13.2018 04:59 PM

woohoo! Trump is also managing the alert messaging service. Good job!!



ilduclo 01.13.2018 05:27 PM


The Soup Nazi 01.15.2018 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
While America has it’s problems and short comings, it’s still the Country everyone is trying to enter.

Not as a tourist, though — bronze medal only:

Spain set to replace US as second most popular country for tourists as 'Trump slump' continues

France keeps the gold. More:

!@#$%! 01.15.2018 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The land of the free is the place where you can achieve your dreams!


The Soup Nazi 01.16.2018 05:46 PM

OK, so the dude who "pressed the wrong button" evidently fucked up, he was probably wasted or maybe he's the Hawaiian Homer Simpson or something — the real point here is I can't be the only one who got an acid My Pet Goat flashback, can I? A FEW MINUTES after the false alarm Drumpf was informed that it was bullcrap, and what did he do? He kept on golfing! Later, way after THIRTY-EIGHT minutes of panic (not that everyone in Hawaii panicked; again, they were probably wasted) he went back to Twatter only to complain like a little bitch, for the 100th billion time, that people in the media were meanies to the very stable genius.


The Soup Nazi 01.16.2018 08:42 PM


More than 20 states are suing the FCC over its net neutrality decision

More, including the quest for the 51st vote in the Senate:

ilduclo 01.18.2018 03:36 PM

The Trump administration announced on Thursday a new division within the Department of Health and Human Services devoted to "conscience and religious freedom."

Social conservatives and religious liberty leaders have anticipated conscience and religious freedom protections to come out of HHS, and the work of the new division, which will fall under the purview of the Office of Civil Rights, will likely pave the way for health care workers to refuse specific types of care, like birth control or abortion, based on their religious or conscience objections.

as opposed to "get into another line of work", like maybe baking wedding cakes?

!@#$%! 01.18.2018 03:40 PM

i’d like to work as a medical professional and refuse to support of birth or life preservation based on my religious belief that humans are noxious parasites of this earth and should go extinct for everyone else’s benefit.

it’s my conscience!

The Soup Nazi 01.18.2018 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
humans are noxious parasites of this earth and should go extinct for everyone else’s benefit.


ilduclo 01.18.2018 04:05 PM

Roger Severino is the Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Prior to joining the Department, Mr. Severino served as Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society in the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation.

The Soup Nazi 01.18.2018 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

Why do these Trump administration fucks always have faces that are asking to be smashed with a sledgehammer?


ilduclo 01.19.2018 08:52 AM

Just love those republican racial sell outs, Slappy Thomas, Ajit Pai, you go, girls!

ilduclo 01.19.2018 12:48 PM

so, all the Russian bots are real big on the "release the memo" , got about as much truth to it as "pizzagate"

reminded me of a couple different things

release the Kraken


aaaand, "release Roderick!"

The Soup Nazi 01.19.2018 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
reminded me of a couple different things

release the Kraken

aaaand, "release Roderick!"

Don't forget the most important one!



The Soup Nazi 01.19.2018 01:33 PM


evollove 01.19.2018 05:04 PM

"The laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the NINTH month. It is wrong. It has to change.”

-DT, 1/19/18

The Soup Nazi 01.19.2018 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
"The laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the NINTH month. It is wrong. It has to change.”

-DT, 1/19/18


!@#$%! 01.19.2018 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Someone actually agrees with the point I made in an earlier post:

'Trump is a revolution, unfortunately, and I'm concerned': Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller


he used the same word as you but meant it so differently

you see a hope of salvation

the guy envisions the gates of hell opening wide to receive us all

the noise that your mouth makes to invoke such dissimilar events happens to be the same, is all

thanks for giving us the antichrist

The Soup Nazi 01.19.2018 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he used the same word as you but meant it so differently

you see a hope of salvation

the guy envisions the gates of hell opening wide to receive us all

the noise that your mouth makes to invoke such dissimilar events happens to be the same, is all

thanks for giving us the antichrist

I must spread some love around before giving it to !@#$%! again.

Schunk, you don't know what in the bloody fuck you're talking about. Sad.

tesla69 01.20.2018 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
so, all the Russian bots are real big on the "release the memo" , got about as much truth to it as "pizzagate"

So you've seen the memo! Tell us what is in it! You should be on the news, dude, since you have insider knowledge!

ilduclo 01.20.2018 03:20 PM


tesla69 01.20.2018 05:16 PM

While they quibble about this

A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming,” with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia.

the left hand slyly drops the peas under the table

The National Security Agency destroyed surveillance data it pledged to preserve in connection with pending lawsuits and apparently never took some of the steps it told a federal court it had taken to make sure the information wasn’t destroyed, according to recent court filings.

and we wouldn't want to miss this

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department has turned over to Congress additional text messages involving an FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigative team following the discovery of derogatory comments about President Donald Trump.
But the department also said in a letter to lawmakers that its record of messages sent to and from the agent, Peter Strzok, was incomplete because the FBI, for technical reasons, had been unable to preserve and retrieve about five months' worth of communications.

The Soup Nazi 01.23.2018 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo


tesla69 01.23.2018 09:49 PM

maybe its all not true
  • Six U.S. agencies created a stealth task force, spearhead by CIA’s Brennan, to run domestic surveillance on Trump associates and possibly Trump himself.
  • To feign ignorance and to seemingly operate within U.S. laws, the agencies freelanced the wiretapping of Trump associates to the British spy agency GCHQ.
  • The decision to insert GCHQ as a back door to eavesdrop was sparked by the denial of two FISA Court warrant applications filed by the FBI to seek wiretaps of Trump associates.
  • GCHQ did not work from London or the UK. In fact the spy agency worked from NSA’s headquarters in Fort Meade, MD with direct NSA supervision and guidance to conduct sweeping surveillance on Trump associates.
  • The illegal wiretaps were initiated months before the controversial Trump dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.
  • The Justice Department and FBI set up the meeting at Trump Tower between Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner with controversial Russian officials to make Trump’s associates appear compromised.
  • Following the Trump Tower sit down, GCHQ began digitally wiretapping Manafort, Trump Jr., and Kushner.
  • After the concocted meeting by the Deep State, the British spy agency could officially justify wiretapping Trump associates as an intelligence front for NSA because the Russian lawyer at the meeting Natalia Veselnitskaya was considered an international security risk and prior to the June sit down was not even allowed entry into the United States or the UK, federal sources said.
  • By using GCHQ, the NSA and its intelligence partners had carved out a loophole to wiretap Trump without a warrant. While it is illegal for U.S. agencies to monitor phones and emails of U.S. citizens inside the United States absent a warrant, it is not illegal for British intelligence to do so. Even if the GCHQ was tapping Trump on U.S. soil at Fort Meade.
  • The wiretaps, secured through illicit scheming, have been used by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election, even though the evidence is considered “poisoned fruit.”
  • Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who spearheaded the Trump Tower meeting with the Trump campaign trio, was previously barred from entering the United Sates due to her alleged connections to the Russian FSB (the modern replacement of the cold-war-era KGB).
  • Yet mere days before the June meeting, Veselnitskaya was granted a rare visa to enter the United States from Preet Bharara, the then U.S. Attorney for the southern district of New York.

The Soup Nazi 01.24.2018 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
maybe its all not true
  • Six U.S. agencies...


The Soup Nazi 01.26.2018 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Thread title is alittle out of date yea.

To quote Van the Man
, it's too late to stop now. For all intents and purposes this is our politics thread and I'm against thread fragmentation unless it's absolutely crucial.

ilduclo 01.26.2018 04:08 PM

yup, plus 2o2o is coming. IS HE SERIOUS???

The Soup Nazi 01.26.2018 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
yup, plus 2o2o is coming. IS HE SERIOUS???

Dude, nah, gotta be a total joke. I mean, come on, "President Trump" — could you imagine such a thing...?

!@#$%! 01.26.2018 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
yup, plus 2o2o is coming. IS HE SERIOUS???

he’s gonna get reelected

i feel sick to my stomach saying this and i really hope im wrong

ilduclo 01.26.2018 04:36 PM

should be a "bugfuck brainfuck" thread for stuff like this from Limpbaugh:

"What if the intel on the war in Iraq was another disinformation campaign to damage another Republican president?...So we know the deep state can mobilize if they want to, and they can create false narratives that everybody in the media believes. Even had the Republican Party for a year believing that Trump had conspired with Russia maybe to steal the election. What if Saddam's weapons of mass destruction was also a false narrative designed to…? Did it ultimately embarrass Bush? Did it weaken the U.S. military? Whatever it did, I mean, it opened the doors for the Democrats to literally destroy his presidency in the second term. Which is what they did."

The Soup Nazi 01.26.2018 05:22 PM


ETA: Hey, I wanted the above to be all caps. What the hex?

ETA II: Oh, I see, you gotta have at least something in lowercase for that to work. :cool:

evollove 01.26.2018 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he’s gonna get reelected

i feel sick to my stomach saying this and i really hope im wrong

I don't feel comfortable predicting that far ahead, but I feel good predicting 2018 will be a fucking bloodbath for the GOP. Some really, really cool shit is happening on the ground.

I'm in a small place in Ohio. A core group has developed over the past year. We are fierce and committed, and we are well-connected with other groups in Ohio who are just as committed. We've already kicked some ass. Recently stopped some bullshit redistricting proposal in the statehouse. We're ALREADY canvassing for November candidates.

Sure, some popular war may break out and the "don't change horses mid-stream" sentiment might prevail. Who knows?

But I'm headed to Columbus tomorrow to meet with leadership committees from various groups to refine our plan of attack. We're smart. We care. We'll fight hard.

Work local to change the nation. I'm pretty sure it'll work. Maybe not. But I think so or I wouldn't be spending my time. Chin up and help out.

The Soup Nazi 01.26.2018 08:53 PM

Oh man, this is possibly the biggest fuck-you delivered to Trump so far:


The White House asked to borrow a van Gogh. The Guggenheim offered a gold toilet instead.

Classic! :D More:

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