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!@#$%! 01.26.2018 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I don't feel comfortable predicting that far ahead, but I feel good predicting 2018 will be a fucking bloodbath for the GOP. Some really, really cool shit is happening on the ground.

I'm in a small place in Ohio. A core group has developed over the past year. We are fierce and committed, and we are well-connected with other groups in Ohio who are just as committed. We've already kicked some ass. Recently stopped some bullshit redistricting proposal in the statehouse. We're ALREADY canvassing for November candidates.

Sure, some popular war may break out and the "don't change horses mid-stream" sentiment might prevail. Who knows?

But I'm headed to Columbus tomorrow to meet with leadership committees from various groups to refine our plan of attack. We're smart. We care. We'll fight hard.

Work local to change the nation. I'm pretty sure it'll work. Maybe not. But I think so or I wouldn't be spending my time. Chin up and help out.

this is great to hear and it gives me some courage


evollove 01.27.2018 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
For instance, the "Muslim Registry" was already in effect as the "Countering Violent Extremism" (CVE) program. .

This interested me, so I did some research. No ban. No registry. It is flawed. It's not as "progressive" as some would want, but it's miles away from anything Trump Administration has proposed or, indeed, implemented.

In 2014, the U.S. government announced a new anti-terrorism initiative in the United States. The program, dubbed Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), aims to deter U.S. residents from joining "violent extremist" groups by bringing community and religious leaders together with law enforcement, health professionals, teachers and social service employees. Attorney General Eric Holder announced a White House CVE summit and three CVE pilot programs to begin in Boston, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles.

These programs, however, are not new. CVE programs have existed for some time, often with dubious results. And while purportedly aimed at rooting out all violent extremism, they have previously focused only on Muslims, stigmatizing them as a suspect community. These programs have further promoted flawed theories of terrorist radicalization which lead to unnecessary fear, discrimination, and unjustified reporting to law enforcement.

Where do you get your "information?"

ilduclo 01.27.2018 07:32 PM

It was no surprise when Mick Mulvaney’s new and improved “no-budget” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced it was ending its investigation into installment-loan lender World Acceptance Corporation on Monday. Mulvaney and the Trump administration are known to be friendly to the payday loan industry, and World is no exception. Based in Mulvaney’s home state of South Carolina, the company made multiple donations to Mulvaney’s congressional campaigns, going back to 2013.

Sure, that’s not sketchy.

tesla69 01.28.2018 05:05 PM


The FBI just released the results of their investigation claiming that the media mogul and found of RT killed himself by repeatedly smashing his head and upper body into the ground.

evollove 01.28.2018 05:20 PM

No Muslim registry, no widespread ban, including refugees, still far away from El Douche's draconian bullshit, still uncomfortable with it. So, basically what I said. Not at all surprised FBI overstepped; they infiltrated the Occupy movement after all. It's what they do. I will confess I'm embarrassed I didn't pay more attention when the story unfurled. I'll give you that.

You know who did pay attention? Liberal/progressive groups, so your premise that liberals don't actually care is bullshit.

And what was the point of referring to some anti-racism/xenophobia signs you saw pre-Trump? Racism existed before Trump, therefore... what?

I think people are mean to you on this board. I feel bad sometimes. I guess I learned something new, but that was a shitty way to learn it. (Btw, no amount of latinite vocab and convoluted syntax makes your posts any more "intellectual." Only idiots are tricked by a dumb idea wrapped in faux academic prose.)

I'm done. Go organize with people who share your politics. Unless you don't actually care.

demonrail666 01.29.2018 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
My primary purpose in engaging in these discussions is to demonstrate that there's really nothing "left-wing" about PC liberalism, and to challenge the assumptions underlying that ideology.

I increasingly wonder if 'left-wing' simply means something different for those who now describe themselves as such. But if they aren't 'Left', their cavalier attitude to free speech and apparent willingness to tip-toe around the sensitivities of certain (utterly illiberal) religions, make them equally incompatible with what I understand to be liberalism. Or maybe someone just moved the goalposts without telling me.

ilduclo 01.29.2018 01:00 PM

self driving tesla in the ditch with a shunk in the trunk!


The Soup Nazi 01.29.2018 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
self driving tesla in the ditch with a shunk in the trunk!




Originally Posted by demonrail666
I increasingly wonder if 'left-wing' simply means something different for those who now describe themselves as such. But if they aren't 'Left', their cavalier attitude to free speech and apparent willingness to tip-toe around the sensitivities of certain (utterly illiberal) religions, make them equally incompatible with what I understand to be liberalism. Or maybe someone just moved the goalposts without telling me.

Nah, look, we have enough problems dealing with the Trumpocalypse to go into the rabbithole (the shithole?) with Schunk. I used to think the difference between him and t69 is that the latter is obviously a paranoid schizophrenic having a psychotic break, while the former was "just" a wretched conceptual mess. But the bottomline is it doesn't fucking matter what Schunk defines as what because he was excruciatingly stupid enough to take what Trump said AT FACE VALUE and VOTE FOR THE FUCKER, even though anyone with eyes and ears could immediately tell Drumpf was lying out of his ass. That alone disqualifies Schunk to discuss anything.

The Soup Nazi 01.29.2018 02:47 PM

This is going really well...

FBI Deputy Director McCabe stepping down


Rob Instigator 01.30.2018 10:36 AM

far left wing and far right wing are equally fascistic and intractable. the people that matter are the 98% that sit in the middle of that Bell Curve.

evollove 01.30.2018 11:37 AM

Sure. It's so hard to tell the difference between homicidal Neo-Nazis and school administrators. The fuck, Roberto? Bad people on both sides? Where have I heard that before?

Putting Robert on ignore. So done with this shit. I'll miss out on Tucker Carlson links, but I'll live.

demonrail666 01.31.2018 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
'All Hell Broke Loose': NYU Prof Suing School After Being 'Coerced' Into Paid Leave for Criticizing PC Culture

A liberal studies professor at New York University was put on paid leave and ridiculed by his colleagues for his criticism of political correctness on campus. Michael Rectenwald is suing NYU and several professors, alleging they have launched a harassment campaign against him because they disagree with his views. Tucker Carlson noted that the Greenwich Village school is one of the most liberal in the world. Rectenwald agreed, saying "all hell broke loose" after administrators discovered his Twitter account, which listed criticisms of political correctness and suppression of speech on campus writ-large. "I merely made criticisms," he said, noting that his focus was national - citing the treatment of conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos in 2017. "I mentioned no persons by name, no... identities at all," he said. Rectenwald told Carlson he was "coerced" into being put on paid leave and soon after returning to NYU, he was pelted with stern emails from colleagues, questioning his "mental well-being."He said the campus' "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" group denounced him in what he called a "double-speak Orwellian condemnation."Carlson remarked that it was ironic to see a college's "inclusion" committee "exclude" Rectenwald."[I'm] guilty for the structure of my thinking," he said, paraphrasing the group's critique.NYU spokesperson John Beckman responded, “This suit has no merit.”

Something similar happened at a university in Canada, where a lecturer was brought in front of a committee and had to defend herself for showing a clip of Jordan Peterson during a class debate about gender identity.

The lecturer secretly recorded the meeting on her phone.

!@#$%! 01.31.2018 09:14 AM

jeezus fuckin christ this thread lol

been busy moving but to summarize:

schunk’s first post: whataboutism and dementia (because a discreet “prevention of radicalization” is not the same as the public stoking of ethnic strife so his caveat of “qualitative difference” actually disqualifies the whole presentation as the qualitative differences are such as to make the comparison both silly and perverse)

demonyo extrapolates the lunacy of academia to society at large. there is no free speech issue with schunk— he says whatever the fuck he wants and others do the same. he defends a racist, gets called an idiot, in the marketplace of ideas

ilducio and soupnazi are being goofy which this being the internet is their prerogative i guess

as for the certain-certain-certain let’s not dance around the issue, your’re talking about muslims and islam and saying the religion is illiberal. issue is muslims come in all stripes just like christians. the american taliban is actually christian. so, deport all christians?

american muslims were doing fine until this whole bullshit with “terrorism” started. now they’re being pushed against the corner by terrible fucking policies and rhetoric.

robigator’s statement is patently true but maybe a bit of an odd timing contextualizes it as an extreme relativism

evollove is just practicing good time management, because it’s crazy to engage a crazy. just wish it was in a less wounded fashion.

tucker carlson is a shitbird no doubt

and academia is indeed an ideological hellhole which is why i quit it early and often. last discussion i had on the new blade runner with a professor friend she was foaming at the mouth and banging at the table with a fist screaming “weinstein”. so much for “ideas.”

anyway suckas have fun with this fucking marmaja of a debate

ilduclo 01.31.2018 09:55 AM

Poor little consies, they sure can dish it out but can't take it, what's called a china chin

Severian 01.31.2018 10:34 AM

Trump's State of the Union: 18 WTF Moments

Yeah, it’s Rolling Stone, but they’ve had better political writing than music writing in the last two years, and this is a good primer for anyone who wasn’t watching the goiter flap in real time.

evollove 01.31.2018 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Poor little consies, they sure can dish it out but can't take it, what's called a china chin

Was this directed at me? Can't tell. If so, how's this: Robert Schunk is a retarded faggot.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
and academia is indeed an ideological hellhole which is why i quit it early and often.

No. Ideologically entrenched Academia is merely annoying and unfortunate. (I left a place called Antioch College after exactly one semester for that very reason.)

Living among homicidal neo-Nazis and their apologists is the real hellhole. If saying that makes me PC, color me PC. But I'm fucking sick of tolerating retarded faggots.

!@#$%! 01.31.2018 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
No. Ideologically entrenched Academia is merely annoying and unfortunate. (I left a place called Antioch College after exactly one semester for that very reason.)

Living among homicidal neo-Nazis and their apologists is the real hellhole..

kissinger famously said (im paraphrasing) the reason academic fights are so vicious is because the stakes are so low

and yeah the academic casualty count is low, but it’s still a hellhole if your livelihood depends on it. and who’s afraid of virginia woolf?

but you’re right— the problem is now we have a lunatic in charge of the asylum who is applying low-stakes tactics to such high-stakes situations as the future of liberal democracies or global thermonuclear war. it’s a fucking disgrace.

the other stuff you wrote and i’m not quoting is embarrassing and goes against the point you’re trying to make, but i understand the rage and what it does to a brain. you likely need to sleep it off. what ilducio said wasn’t against you since you’re not a consie (conservative, i’m guessing) so... yeah.

don’t engage a crazy or you might become one.

Severian 01.31.2018 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

and academia is indeed an ideological hellhole which is why i quit it early and often. last discussion i had on the new blade runner with a professor friend she was foaming at the mouth and banging at the table with a fist screaming “weinstein”.

Yes. This. Academia is its own kind of hell, no question. If you don’t feel that way, I daresay you’re either a minion of Satan or you haven’t experienced academia.

Rob Instigator 01.31.2018 03:31 PM

everything is sux. there is no perfection. at least academia doesn't send thousands to their deaths to protect three corporations oil fields.

!@#$%! 01.31.2018 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
everything is sux. there is no perfection. at least academia doesn't send thousands to their deaths to protect three corporations oil fields.

no, seriously, academia is a special kind of hell

speaking of oil fields, check this shit out

White House seeks 72 percent cut to clean energy research, underscoring administration’s preference for fossil fuels

ilduclo 01.31.2018 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Was this directed at me?

certainly not. was criticizing those who demand free speech zones to air their neo Nazi beliefs. Because, if they had their ways, there certainly would be no free speech

The Soup Nazi 01.31.2018 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
far left wing and far right wing are equally fascistic and intractable. the people that matter are the 98% that sit in the middle of that Bell Curve.

Well... I can agree with the first sentence. The second? I doubt 98% of all people MATTER — sounds like way too big of a percentage to me. :D The real point, though, is this: where in today's main public "debate" :rolleyes: is this "far left wing"? Obviously it's not CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times or The Washington Post. It's not even Bill Maher. Shit, it's not even Noam Chomsky (not that he's anywhere to be seen on media outlets like the ones I just mentioned). So, for purposes of discussing the Trumpocalyptic context in which we live, it's rather irrelevant... Unless, of course, one's willing to be sucked into the pathological vortexes of horseshit that are Faux News AND Schunk's bunk.

The Soup Nazi 01.31.2018 05:32 PM

Train Carrying Republican Lawmakers to Retreat Crashes Into Garbage Truck

"This is proving to be extraordinarily hard work", a first responder said. "I hadn't noticed before, but garbage looks remarkably like Republican lawmakers. It's pretty difficult to tell a real live turd from one of these fuckers".

The Soup Nazi 01.31.2018 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ilducio and soupnazi are being goofy which this being the internet is their prerogative i guess


ilduclo 01.31.2018 07:35 PM

perogative? my perogi, rather


!@#$%! 01.31.2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
How about that? My rational arguments reduced evollove to that! Another head on my trophy wall!


aaaand this is what your petty drunken self is really about behind the syntax, Q.E.D.

!@#$%! 01.31.2018 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
The stakes seem quite high to me, as the integrity, quality and future of Western academia are at stake. If the schools are now turning out ideologically programmed robots, who's going to restore academic rigor, creativity and objectivity?

I don't know how crazy I am, as I've already indicated that Defending Rights and Dissent raised the alarm on CVE while Obama was still in office, and it alarmed me as well as it seems to imply, if not guilt by association, then suspicion by association. I oppose both CVE and the Muslim Registry for the same Constitutional reason.


evollove 02.01.2018 09:08 AM

I was worried I went too far, but anyone who matters seems to get I was demonstrating I'm not PC or mindlessly virtue signaling.

Still, apologies to any mentally handicapped homosexuals I may have upset. Please know that should push come to shove, I got your back.

ilduclo 02.01.2018 09:42 AM

something I'd like to add, certainly don't need any internecine rancor. All oppo to the right wing is acceptable.

The Soup Nazi 02.01.2018 11:23 AM

David Byrne Radio Presents: The Beautiful Shitholes



The Beautiful Shitholes

I assume I don't have to explain where the shithole reference came from.

Here's a playlist that gives just the smallest sample of the depth and range of creativity that continues to pour out of the countries in Africa and the Caribbean. It is undeniable. Can music help us empathize with its makers?

For me, Trump is not the issue. We know and have known for a long time that he is racist. That is a fact, borne out by plenty of evidence. It's not news — we know what he is.

What is truly disturbing is the Republicans who go along with this person. Their behavior makes them complicit and the same as he is... exactly the same, no difference. Remember that come voting time.

The swells in Davos too — who are happy to get rich off Trump's policies and are more than fine supporting a racist. None of them has risen to condemn his racism and to say that this man does not represent our values as human beings.

Got that off my chest, now maybe I can listen to some music.


David Byrne

(Click on the link above to listen)

Severian 02.01.2018 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
no, seriously, academia is a special kind of hell

Yep. Still right there with you on this.

evollove 02.01.2018 12:26 PM

Fine. But can we agree there are bigger fish to fry?

I'll make a deal: let's first work together to purge our country of right-wing killers, and then I'll do what I can to solve the problem of snowflake students and wussy administrators.

!@#$%! 02.01.2018 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Fine. But can we agree there are bigger fish to fry?

I'll make a deal: let's first work together to purge our country of right-wing killers, and then I'll do what I can to solve the problem of snowflake students and wussy administrators.

haa haaa haaa

haaa haaaa haaaa haaaa


Rob Instigator 02.01.2018 01:22 PM

academia, like any field, has it's hells and it's heavens.

Severian 02.01.2018 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
academia, like any field, has it's hells and it's heavens.

* its and * its

BOOM! You’ve been academiated! Welcome to hell! ;)

The Soup Nazi 02.01.2018 04:18 PM


Rob Instigator 02.01.2018 04:26 PM

hahahha. I am the Graduate Documentation Coordinator for the University of Houston Graduate School.
At least in academia you can hold intelliogent conversations with your co-workers, as opposed to the inane drivel that passes for conversation at a corporate gig or at a large law firm (both of which I have suffered through)

tesla69 02.01.2018 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
virtue signaling..

anytime you use that expression you are doing it.

ilduclo 02.01.2018 05:51 PM

President Donald Trump “didn’t really care” about opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling until a friend of his in the industry asked him to, he said during a speech Thursday.

Speaking to Republicans at the party’s annual retreat in West Virginia, Trump said he was convinced to put a provision in his tax bill that would open up part of the wildlife refuge to oil and gas companies after one phone call with a friend “who’s in that world and in that business.”

Recounting the phone call, Trump told lawmakers: “He said, Ronald Reagan, and every president, has wanted to get ANWR approved. And after that, I said, oh, make sure that’s in the bill. It was amazing how that had an impact, that had a very big impact on me… I really didn’t care about it and then when I heard that everybody wanted it, for 40 years they’d been trying to get it approved, I said make sure you don’t lose ANWR.”

Severian 02.01.2018 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
hahahha. I am the Graduate Documentation Coordinator for the University of Houston Graduate School.
At least in academia you can hold intelliogent conversations with your co-workers, as opposed to the inane drivel that passes for conversation at a corporate gig or at a large law firm (both of which I have suffered through)

Lol. I was just fucking with ya. Ballsy to put your job title up online though. Careful with that.

Yeah, I’m sure your setting is a better on than most bullshit corporate office gigs. I’ve been there too.

Anyway, academia in general is preferable to right-wing America in general, but I’m not sure why we’d be comparing the two. Two completely different kinds of hell.

This is so off-topic, I’m very sorry.
Who said there are bigger fish to fry? Because that person was right.

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