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atsonicpark 12.10.2010 10:11 AM

I haven't played it but it looks lousy, like another of those haunting ground, rule of rose, etc. type games. Cheap thrills. Might be worth $5, but you can probably get disgaea and odin sphere for that price by now, so...

Keeping It Simple 12.11.2010 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson


Decided to test out my brand new NES Max that I picked up at the pawn shop today.


It was my first time using this controller, and I've gotta say - it plays like a charm! Definitely not as cool as the NES Advantage, but I'd say it's a new favorite aside from that. Now all I have to get is the R.O.B. (I'll finally be able to play Gyromite!) and a Powerglove, and I'll officially have every official first party controller made for the system (including the 'dogbone', and both versions of the lightgun).

I picked up Wild Gunman too.


I was also looking at this game Siren, for PS2. Anyone familiar with it? It looked like a pretty neat survival horror title, but I decided that I had better check out a few reviews, and whatnot before dropping any more dough.


The guy on the left on the River City Ransom box art looks like Don Johnson circa Miami Vice!

EVOLghost 12.11.2010 09:01 AM

they got one of these at a used bookstore....price at 40 bucks though..
alot of their video game stuff is whey over priced..


Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.11.2010 09:33 AM

GBA SP's rule! That model in particular. I almost purchased that one at a pawn shop once, but it had already been sold by the time I went back to get it. Now I just have a plain black one, which is nice, but I'd trade it for the NES edition any day. I'm pretty sure NR has that one though.

EVOLghost 12.11.2010 09:40 AM

yah....NR does have one of theese.

Anyway...when I saw this....I bought The Who Live at Leeds on Vinyl....heh.

yesca 12.11.2010 10:05 AM

my dick.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.11.2010 10:07 AM

I've heard that one was hard.

yesca 12.11.2010 10:12 AM


noisereductions 12.11.2010 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
they got one of these at a used bookstore....price at 40 bucks though..
alot of their video game stuff is whey over priced..


I have this edition.

EDIT: oops you guys knew that.

EVOLghost 12.11.2010 04:26 PM

watchu pay fer it?

atsonicpark 12.11.2010 04:42 PM

I am on the last disc of D2. This has officially trumped Killer7, LSD: Dream Emulator, various Cho Aniki, and HOLY PIRACY, BADMAN! as the weirdest official game I've ever played.

I was genuinely disturbed by one of the bosses on this last disc...


Basically, you meet 3 friends, and one "boyfriend" in your game, right as disc 3 ends/disc 4 starts, every single one of your friends in the game dies. One tries to kill you.. you kill him.. one turns into a monster and one sacrifices herself killing the monster dude and killing herself.. then, a little 6 year old girl who has followed you around for much of the game MELTS. Which hasn't been explained yet. She just fucking melts right in front of you. A 6 year old girl.

So, things are now INCREDIBLY depressing, as you have NO COMPANIONS. Your snowmobile is gone. Your sense of direction is gone. You find your mom and she is turns out to be a clone machine. Your "real" mom died. So your "mom" is actually a machine, and you're.. her.. clone daughter? So there are other little Lauras running around, I guess (which explains Enemy Zero and D I guess, since they both have different versions of Laura).

So, your mom begs you to kill her -- this is disturbing as hell. She SCREAMS "KILL ME. KILL ME. KILLMEKILLMEKILLMEEEEEEEEEEE. KILL MEEEEEEEEE!" so loud that it sent the volume on my tv into the red. Seriously, it came out distorted in places because she was screaming "KILL ME" so loud. You basically destroy this huge machine, that has dead naked women in water tanks, all hooked up to this main machine. I'm not sure if elements of their bodies are going into the machine, or if they're being "birthed" from the machine or something. Either way, you have to blow open the water tanks and destroy shoot to death these naked women before dismantling the machine.

Then, after you kill the machine, you notice that the two gigantic tubes sticking out of it are actually LEGS.. and the button at the center that you destroy last is a CLIT.. and a gigantic HOLE opens up... this is the vagina.


The vagina, btw, is represented as a "Flower" (though still looks like a vagina.. just, with petals). The entire game, you've had to kill these weird flower enemies.. hm.

After killing her, it goes into like 15 minutes of footage of airplanes being built in reverse, nukes being dropped on Japan in reverse, stop motion of entire buildings being destroyed/constructed.. usually in reverse.. footage of dinosaurs (!?!), all as superquick flashes.. like, each image is maybe on the screen a 4th of a second (though most images are returned to), this is almost like a fucking Brakhage film as it fills your eyes with insane images, the reoccuring image in the GAME is your eyeballs, each time it shows your eyeball this LOUD AS HELL high pitched sine wave plays and disrupts the rest of the footage (which all has its own weird sounds, usually explosion sounds or just weird distorted noise).

The entire game has been an insane mindfuck but this sequence of events last night seriously destroyed my brain. It definitely inspires me for my next movie.. but yeah. This is SOME FUCKED UP SHIT. Not coincedentally, it was Warp's last game. It felt very "final" in some weird way.

SpaceCadetHayden 12.11.2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I am on the last disc of D2. This has officially trumped Killer7, LSD: Dream Emulator, various Cho Aniki, and HOLY PIRACY, BADMAN! as the weirdest official game I've ever played.

I was genuinely disturbed by one of the bosses on this last disc...


Basically, you meet 3 friends, and one "boyfriend" in your game, right as disc 3 ends/disc 4 starts, every single one of your friends in the game dies. One tries to kill you.. you kill him.. one turns into a monster and one sacrifices herself killing the monster dude and killing herself.. then, a little 6 year old girl who has followed you around for much of the game MELTS. Which hasn't been explained yet. She just fucking melts right in front of you. A 6 year old girl.

So, things are now INCREDIBLY depressing, as you have NO COMPANIONS. Your snowmobile is gone. Your sense of direction is gone. You find your mom and she is turns out to be a clone machine. Your "real" mom died. So your "mom" is actually a machine, and you're.. her.. clone daughter? So there are other little Lauras running around, I guess (which explains Enemy Zero and D I guess, since they both have different versions of Laura).

So, your mom begs you to kill her -- this is disturbing as hell. She SCREAMS "KILL ME. KILL ME. KILLMEKILLMEKILLMEEEEEEEEEEE. KILL MEEEEEEEEE!" so loud that it sent the volume on my tv into the red. Seriously, it came out distorted in places because she was screaming "KILL ME" so loud. You basically destroy this huge machine, that has dead naked women in water tanks, all hooked up to this main machine. I'm not sure if elements of their bodies are going into the machine, or if they're being "birthed" from the machine or something. Either way, you have to blow open the water tanks and destroy shoot to death these naked women before dismantling the machine.

Then, after you kill the machine, you notice that the two gigantic tubes sticking out of it are actually LEGS.. and the button at the center that you destroy last is a CLIT.. and a gigantic HOLE opens up... this is the vagina.


The vagina, btw, is represented as a "Flower" (though still looks like a vagina.. just, with petals). The entire game, you've had to kill these weird flower enemies.. hm.

After killing her, it goes into like 15 minutes of footage of airplanes being built in reverse, nukes being dropped on Japan in reverse, stop motion of entire buildings being destroyed/constructed.. usually in reverse.. footage of dinosaurs (!?!), all as superquick flashes.. like, each image is maybe on the screen a 4th of a second (though most images are returned to), this is almost like a fucking Brakhage film as it fills your eyes with insane images, the reoccuring image in the GAME is your eyeballs, each time it shows your eyeball this LOUD AS HELL high pitched sine wave plays and disrupts the rest of the footage (which all has its own weird sounds, usually explosion sounds or just weird distorted noise).

The entire game has been an insane mindfuck but this sequence of events last night seriously destroyed my brain. It definitely inspires me for my next movie.. but yeah. This is SOME FUCKED UP SHIT. Not coincedentally, it was Warp's last game. It felt very "final" in some weird way.

Fuck, dude. I need to PLAY THIS. Are there any reasonable DC emulators that I can get a ROM of this for?

kinn 12.11.2010 04:51 PM

that seriously sounds so so so brilliant.

hayden - emulator

site with roms

kinn 12.11.2010 04:51 PM

i'm dling the rom and will report back if its working or not

atsonicpark 12.11.2010 05:02 PM

check out It will hook you up, I think there's an emulator called CHANKAST. The game is 4 discs. There are a few different rips: the game is SLIGHTLY bigger than 700mb so there's a rip that downgrades all the audio and removes a cinema or two (the game switches to cinemas when you open doors or pick up items -- which some people find annoying but it works, plsu you can skip 'em with the Y button.. still, removing them isn't going to change the game at all). This is one you'll want to download if you want to burn a copy. I got a brand new copy of the game off of ebay for $25, after shipping, that had never been played. So, it's pretty easy to find if you don't want to deal with burning it (plus,a DreamCast is only like $20-30 at most pawn shops and online).

But, if you get.. Chankast I believe it's called.. there's the regular rip, which is too big to burn, but you will be able to load the ISO in the emulator. Only thing is, I dunno how the disc switching will work... I assume when it says "insert disc 2" at the end of disc 1, you'll simply load the next ISO with no problem? I have no clue, I'm sure there are already topics on this.

I HIGHLY reccomend buying a Dreamcast, since it is one of the best systems of all time, new games are still being made for it (okay, only like 2 or 3 a year, and they've all pretty much been shmups but hey). There's an AWESOME Genesis and NES emulator on it that will play every Genesis/NES game perfectly (plus, you can play arcade games -- yes, there's a great Mame emulator and romset out there -- NeoGeo, Atari, Game Boy and Game Boy Color, Game Gear, etc). Finally, there's an SNES emulator, and you can play about 75-80% of the SNES games PERFECTLY, but some of the more graphically intensive games (Treasure Hunter G, Yoshi's Island, R2: Rendering Ranger) play too slow. Still, most RPG's run perfectly, Mario World runs perfectly, Mario AllStars runs perfectly, most of the best games run perfectly... but yeah, it's worth it just for NESticle and the Genesis emulator (with complete romsets; again, all this is as dcisozone).. I bet I've put 50 hours into just playing the ROMs on there. And then the actual GAMES... fuck.. Bangai-O, Ikaruga, Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia, Maken X, Shenmue 2, Space Channel 5, Canon Spike, Mars Matrix, Rayman 2, Street Fighter 3, Guilty Gear X, Project Justice, Border Down, Napple Tale, etc etc etc etc etc. There's just an insane amount of awesome Dreamcast games; the system was really only "around" for 2 years and there's seriously like 300 games for it, and about a third of them are AWESOME.. and easy to find. You can download every single game I just mentioned, and plenty more, with and then, you just need a burner, some cd-r's, and discjuggler or dreamboot, and burning is simple as hell.

Really, getting a Dreamcast was probably one of the best things I've ever done. I've played the hell out of that thing. I mean, there's still some sadness with playing it, since it represents the last hardcore gaming system in a way (games like Jet Grind Radio and Seaman and Shenmue were considered killer apps for the system... today, they'd be considered "b-titles" or something... probably part of the reason that the system "failed"... there's only like 2 first person shooters for the system, since a good handful of the games -- especially the 1st party ones -- were .. you know.. UNIQUE!). But, just check the dreamcast talk msg board man... there are still people playing the Dreamcast ONLINE (!). Insane.


If you have the money, I highly reccomend just picking up one of these babies. You WON'T be sorry.


atsonicpark 12.11.2010 05:14 PM

BTW, guys, if you go to, type in dreamcast, there are 4 or 5 torrents called "dreamcast [EVERY US GAME!]" and they're separated into, like, A-E and shit. I highly reccomend those torrents, they're well seeded and shit and dcisozone only lets you download 1 file at a time. Though most of the best DC games came out in Japan, and you'll want to get those later, you can hurry up and just get all the US games really quickly.. MDK2, Crazy Taxi 2, Soul Calibur, and so on and so on and so on, in a few hours.

BTW, I LOVE the VMU's, the little memory cards, I got a brand new one from for $5. Some of the games have VMU games attached to them. In D2, the VMU operates as a compass. In Sonic Adventure, there's a separate Tamagotchi-ish "pet raising simulator" for the VMU.

I forgot to mention.. In D2, there are RPG elements and "hunting" elements. Every time you kill an enemy, you get experience points, which raises your level. This is awesome. The enemies don't drop items, so it's nice that there's a reward for killing them. I've never seen an action game where you get experinece points like that (the Castlevanias that are like Metroid kinda do, though, I guess, if that counts).

OH YEAH -- THERE IS A GLOSSARY ARCHIVE IN THE GAME! So, anything you interact with in some way, there's a neat little description of it in the game!!! This is really cool. In case you didn't understand part of the story, it's in this thing. Also, there's some kinda minor stuff, like the definition/history of pianos and dinosaurs, but it's really really interesting.

Speaking of pianos, there's this dude who plays Mozart for you. You hear a melody at one point and you have to sit at the piano and play the next 5 notes correctly to open a door. Haha. There aren't that many puzzles, really, there are just moments when you need to take a picture of some numbers (the game comes with a camera which saves pictures to the VMU... yeah, Metal Gear Solid 2 did that a few years later.. I have a feeling this game REALLY inspired Killer7 dude, and Hideo Kojima, and the Resident Evil 4 dude) -- or write 'em down.

Anyway, the hunting part... you get a rifle you can zoom in and out.. you get to kill rabbits and moose and birds and cook em (this is done instantly, you kill em and they immediately are "cooked" as meat)... this is surprisingly really addictive, I found myself killing moose for hours. You get medals and different ranks depending on how good you are at killing. Also ,you have unlimited ammo in your rifle and both of your main uzi-type weapons (the bigger weapons have limited ammo, but they're extremely powerful).

Really, the game is just SO ... unobtrusive, I guess.. like, there isn't all these menus and submenus and energy bars getting in the way, you only see that stuff when you press a button.. the game moves REALLY fast, and it's pretty clear where to go, though I've read reviews where people are confused for some reason... the game moves REALLY fast. It's only about 10 hours long, and there are quite a few cinemas, but the storyline is the most interesting one I've ever encountered in a video game...

There is a character who talks about her mom killing herself.. and she turns to drugs (it shows her doing drugs in the game)... she also writes poetry and she plays a song she wrote on a tape.. the tape fucks up and starts playing really really slow, about halfway through the listening session.. again, Metal Gear Solid had some of this banter, and I guess Silent Hill had some more "serious" discussions and stuff.. but there are still some pretty insane things in this game I've never encountered in a mainstream video game before.

THis game is 10 years old and still ahead of its time. Check it out, it will be a game EXPERIENCE you will never forget.

EVOLghost 12.11.2010 05:27 PM

sounds pretty awesome dood.

SpaceCadetHayden 12.11.2010 05:44 PM

You've convinced me. I'm getting myself a DreamCast for christmas.

noisereductions 12.11.2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
watchu pay fer it?

I got it for $40 at Gamestop.

kinn 12.11.2010 05:48 PM

so get a dreamcast and get all those emualtors for it - do the emulators stay on the machine itself or do you need cdrs for them?

after you've got all that, what to buy then? a modded ps2 for your ps1 and ps2 games. what about n64 stuff without having to buy all the cartridges? any other way apart from having it as an emu on your pc?

basically im asking what you would do to get pretty much every game worth getting. like whats the optimum kit you would need.

atsonicpark 12.11.2010 08:47 PM

You don't "get" emulators, you go to and get the rom packs; the emulator is on the disc to run the pack already. You'd only need the emulators if you planned on making romsets; luckily, great romsets have already been made.

A PLAYSTATION 3 is probably the best console to get if you want to emulate just about every game ever. You can emulate any game that can be emulated on a computer, even N64 games and Saturn games.. it's powerful enough to emulate the most hardcore arcade games ever with no slowdown. Plus it can play PS1 and PS2 games. It can't emulate XBOX games, I think, but that's no big loss. Er, actually, the PC is probably the best "system" to emulate games, now that I think about it.

Let's see.. I own a PS2 and regularly burn PS1 games for it, which has worked out great. And then my Dreamcast with tons of games for it. Those are the only systems I own now (I have an SNES but sold 100 games for it last year and now only have 4). My best friend has a 360 I borrow quite often, and my girlfriend has a Wii, and I go over there and play it every week. I also have a DS, which is my favorite game playing thing of all time... at some point, I owned a LOT more "actual" games and a lot more "actual" systems, but now most of the games exist as cd-r's (I have spindles and spindles of cd-r's... tens of thousands of cd-r's) and computer data. I'd rather have the space and the money than an actual copy of a game.

atsonicpark 12.11.2010 08:50 PM

BTW, I finally got






Love it, perfect game. It makes me even more excited to start work on my 2nd game.

atsonicpark 12.11.2010 08:53 PM

Hahaha, did anyone else see the SUPER MEAT BOY pc version's "realistic" cover art?


Holy shit that's disturbing. You people with wiis and macs: this game is coming soon to those as well (another reason to own a Wii.. btw, did you guys know Kenji Eino, the guy who made the D games, just came out with a new WiiWare game called ME YOU AND THE CUBES?).

noisereductions 12.11.2010 10:24 PM

well I have a modded GameCube with Game Boy Player, which means tons of emulators thru the GameCube and thensome via the GBPlayer thru flashcarts. But of course it has its limitations. Works for my tastes though.

nicfit 12.12.2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
BTW, I finally got



Love it, perfect game.

Told 'ya!
I'm at the last level of the last "regular" world, damn I can't finish it (I've a strategy in mind but I always mess up a jump).
I left a few warp zones behind too, but I'm in no rush for those....

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.12.2010 08:15 PM

The thing that's keeping me away from D2 is the fact that I've heard that it's nearly impossible to rip due to all the cgi cutscenes. Is your version ripped AC? How is it working out for you?

Anywho.. GameStop had a buy 2 used games; get 1 free sale so I took advantage, and picked up:


Contra: Shattered Soldier (PS2)


Okami (Wii)


No More Heroes (Wii)


Madworld (Wii) *Free*

I don't even own a Wii yet! Ha, I'm just getting myself prepared.

SpaceCadetHayden 12.12.2010 08:17 PM

i love love love okami. I'm staying with my folks and they've got a wii so I'm going to pick up some games for it.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.12.2010 08:30 PM

My gf has one that collects dust in her basement. Her parents bought it for her little sisters, and all they have is Wii Sports and some silly fashion game. I think it might be this -


Oh yeah, I forgot that I convinced her to pick up RE4 (wii) as well. I wonder if she's been playing it at all. Hmmm...

I'm thinking of buying her Donkey Kong Country: Returns for XMAS, since we play the SNES originals all of the time. I like gifts that bring us together. In my opinion, it's pretty romantic without being cheesy. Last year I bought her a sweet Newport pleasure! tote bag/purse thing, and filled it with kinky sex toys.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.12.2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden
I'm getting myself a DreamCast for christmas.

FUCK YEAH, don't forget the CD-R's bro!


EVOLghost 12.15.2010 07:24 AM

ps3 and xbox are getting a dreamcast comp.

shabbray2.0 12.15.2010 10:47 AM

finally I received shadowrun for the genesis in an absolutely MINT condition.
to be honest this is one of my best looking genesis copies ever!!!
thanks again noiseredux for hooking me up with the kind guy who made the deal happen!!!!

noisereductions 12.15.2010 11:10 AM

no problem brobro

didja send my shit yet? :)

shabbray2.0 12.15.2010 11:18 AM

not yet, I was always waiting for the go!
sorry if you refering to the SENT I once posted. I found out that it was the wrong window (it was supposed to be in a mail, which was about guitar plektren, hahaha)
should I maybe if you are lucky you will get it as a christmas gift!

noisereductions 12.15.2010 12:28 PM

haha ok, man yeah go ahead :)

shabbray2.0 12.15.2010 12:30 PM

ok this time its official will send it out this week!

noisereductions 12.15.2010 12:52 PM

haha coool

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.15.2010 10:49 PM


Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC)



This is so much fucking fun, an absolute must-have for any Gamecube owner! You can find it used at GameStop for $4.99, and if you don't already own the DK Bongos, GS sells 'em for only $1.99. It's a fucking steal I tell ya'. If you're a cheap-ass gamer like me, then this one should be an absolute no-brainer. By-far my favorite game to play with my DK bongos now.

noisereductions 12.16.2010 09:12 AM

I've been sucked into Tactics Ogre: Knights Of Lodis (GBA) for the past week.

ink. 12.16.2010 11:41 AM


noisereductions 12.16.2010 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by ink.

FYI what? What are you telling us?

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