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The Soup Nazi 02.01.2018 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
President Donald Trump “didn’t really care” about opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling until a friend of his in the industry asked him to, he said during a speech Thursday.

Speaking to Republicans at the party’s annual retreat in West Virginia, Trump said he was convinced to put a provision in his tax bill that would open up part of the wildlife refuge to oil and gas companies after one phone call with a friend “who’s in that world and in that business.”

Recounting the phone call, Trump told lawmakers: “He said, Ronald Reagan, and every president, has wanted to get ANWR approved. And after that, I said, oh, make sure that’s in the bill. It was amazing how that had an impact, that had a very big impact on me… I really didn’t care about it and then when I heard that everybody wanted it, for 40 years they’d been trying to get it approved, I said make sure you don’t lose ANWR.”


Severian 02.01.2018 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
President Donald Trump “didn’t really care” about opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling until a friend of his in the industry asked him to, he said during a speech Thursday.

Speaking to Republicans at the party’s annual retreat in West Virginia, Trump said he was convinced to put a provision in his tax bill that would open up part of the wildlife refuge to oil and gas companies after one phone call with a friend “who’s in that world and in that business.”

Recounting the phone call, Trump told lawmakers: “He said, Ronald Reagan, and every president, has wanted to get ANWR approved. And after that, I said, oh, make sure that’s in the bill. It was amazing how that had an impact, that had a very big impact on me… I really didn’t care about it and then when I heard that everybody wanted it, for 40 years they’d been trying to get it approved, I said make sure you don’t lose ANWR.”

Come on, don’t use quotes like that. They just spread the mythos at this point. What’s he doing? Taking some credit for something nobody else could do. I refuse to entertain that shit anymore.

We all know he’s a nihilist and a miscreant and a malcontent and basically a fat version of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, but his narcissism is not worth inflating. Too many people like the smell of it.

But that is gross. Jesus fuck.

ilduclo 02.01.2018 06:14 PM


The Soup Nazi 02.01.2018 06:57 PM


The Soup Nazi 02.01.2018 06:58 PM


!@#$%! 02.02.2018 01:13 PM


ilduclo 02.02.2018 06:54 PM

The Deep State reopened the Clinton e-mail probe 11 days before the 2016 election at the exact same time they were planting fake evidence that Trump's campaign was working with Russian government to get elected.

It is now clear that the Deep State was trying to get Jill Stein elected.

evollove 02.02.2018 08:03 PM


I swear, this is the most logical thing I've read all day. I'm going to steal it, if you don't mind.

ilduclo 02.03.2018 12:53 PM

from SPLC's week end email

In his State of the Union address this week, President Trump congratulated his administration for having “taken historic actions to protect religious liberty.”
It certainly was historic in October when Trump became the first sitting president to give the keynote address at an annual summit hosted by an anti-LGBT hate group, the Family Research Council.
And it was historic when his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, issued religious freedom guidance eroding protections for LGBT people after he consulted with another anti-LGBT hate group, the Alliance Defending Freedom.
But it was an anti-immigrant hate group, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), whose talking points laced the State of the Union address this week.
CIS presents itself as an independent think tank, but it began as a project of the anti-immigrant hate group Federation for American Immigration Reform and was founded by white nationalist John Tanton.
CIS frequently manipulates its findings to achieve results that further its anti-immigrant agenda. Last fall, for instance, CIS staffer Jessica Vaughn published a report exaggerating how many people would enter America via a process that CIS calls “chain migration” — the hate group’s preferred phrase to stigmatize the idea of immigrant families reuniting.
The phrase “chain migration” appeared twice in this week’s State of the Union, alongside dangerous and hateful misinformation about immigrants taken directly from CIS talking points.
Given the State of the Union’s author, that should be no surprise.
Senior adviser Stephen Miller, who took the lead writing the speech, served for years as an aide to Jeff Sessions, who has himself endorsed CIS’ work, spoken on a CIS panel, and taken whispered counsel from a former CIS staffer during immigration debates on the Senate floor.
When Sessions hired Miller fresh from Duke University, he did so at the recommendation of anti-Muslim extremist David Horowitz. Now in the White House, Miller has been claimed and praised by extremists for advocating policy on hate group wish lists and pushing anti-immigrant narratives like the one we heard in the State of the Union.
“For decades, open borders have allowed drugs and gangs to pour into our most vulnerable communities. They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans,” Trump said Tuesday, reading Miller’s text off a teleprompter.
But studies consistently show that immigrants help — not hurt — the U.S. economy.
“Most tragically, they have caused the loss of many innocent lives,” Trump said Tuesday — despite study after study finding immigrants commit crime at rates lower than native-born Americans, not higher.
Hate groups should not have a seat at the table on matters of national policy or influence what talking points to highlight in the State of the Union.
But thanks to Stephen Miller, they have exactly that.

The Soup Nazi 02.03.2018 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I am the Graduate Documentation Coordinator for the University of Houston Graduate School.

They give jobs to atheists in the U.S.?

The Soup Nazi 02.03.2018 08:53 PM

Paul Ryan ridiculed on social media for bragging about secretary's tiny raise under GOP tax cut
What a dildo this guy.

ilduclo 02.04.2018 03:44 PM

Koch Industries Gave $300,000 To GOP Lawmakers Just Before Tax Vote

when are those two old dicks gonna go underground?

Severian 02.04.2018 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Koch Industries Gave $300,000 To GOP Lawmakers Just Before Tax Vote

when are those two old dicks gonna go underground?

Who says they have to? We’re full steam ahead into a corporate plutocracy here. The government has been purchased, and things like ethics and legality are becoming increasingly blurry and meaningless.

Keith Oberman gave a great little rant about this back when Citizens United passed. I think it as the inspiration for the that show the Newsroom, but I’m not positive. Anyway, it’s scary how accurate his prediction was.

Severian 02.04.2018 04:58 PM

Don’t mind me, I just popped in for the uplifting conversation.

h8kurdt 02.06.2018 08:29 AM

The exact same could be said for the other way. Shock! You've got incredibly biased people on both sides.

!@#$%! 02.06.2018 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
It seems my musings

your musings are shit

ilduclo 02.06.2018 11:00 AM

so much hidden, reminds me of the Trump White House

tesla69 02.06.2018 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I.. even through violence."Students should be able to have a discussion about what the issues are and not feel pressured one way or the other," said Phillips.

Kind of like what we experience here from the Clinton lapdog crew! Its funny because Hilary voted for the Patriot Act twice, the totalitarian dream.

Its the corporatists vs. the oligarchs.

As Mussolini told us, corporatism is fascism.

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2018 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
As Mussolini told us, corporatism is fascism.

And who here would dare question Il Duce's teachings! Quite the inspiring professor, that cat...

!@#$%! 02.06.2018 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Kind of like what we experience here from the Clinton lapdog crew! Its funny because Hilary voted for the Patriot Act twice, the totalitarian dream.

Its the corporatists vs. the oligarchs.

As Mussolini told us, corporatism is fascism.

i hear a trump lapdog barking

if you don’t applaud you’re a traitor, right?

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2018 08:51 PM


tesla69 02.06.2018 08:54 PM

They post to the board like flies on a road apple

evollove 02.06.2018 10:45 PM

I don't know what it is, but tesla can post just about anything and I still like him.

Shunck could post the cure for cancer and I'd still think he's a cunt.


I think it's just because tesla listens to good music. Am I that shallow? Guess so.

!@#$%! 02.06.2018 11:16 PM

it’s cuz tesla is truly demented and therefore forgiveable, whereas the skunk is only a massive douche begging for validation

The Soup Nazi 02.07.2018 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it’s cuz tesla is truly demented and therefore forgiveable, whereas the skunk is only a massive douche begging for validation


ilduclo 02.07.2018 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
And who here would dare question ilduclo's teachings! Quite the inspiring professor, that squirrel...


The Soup Nazi 02.07.2018 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo



The Soup Nazi 02.07.2018 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

ilduclo 02.08.2018 12:23 PM

John Kelly, Chief of Staff, commented: ‘Rob Porter is a man of true integrity and honor, and I can’t say enough good things about him. He is a friend, a confidante and a trusted professional. I am proud to serve alongside him.’

The Soup Nazi 02.08.2018 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
John Kelly, Chief of Staff, commented: ‘Rob Porter is a man of true integrity and honor, and I can’t say enough good things about him. He is a friend, a confidante and a trusted professional. I am proud to serve alongside him.’

The most infuriating part —as it's usually the case— is that the "family values" crowd is mute on Rob Porter. Goddamn hypocritical Teavangelical FUCKS.

evollove 02.09.2018 09:33 AM


ilduclo 02.09.2018 11:23 AM

^ great! Just in time for the Prayer Breakfast. (my prayer: "may they choke on their sausages, oh, Satan")

The Soup Nazi 02.09.2018 04:22 PM

Speaking of taking health insurance (and more) away:


Stop Ivanka Trump and Marco Rubio from cutting Social Security benefits

Sen. Marco Rubio and Ivanka Trump are coming after your Social Security benefits. The pair is reportedly building congressional support for a proposal that would require people to accept a cut in their future Social Security benefits in exchange for six weeks of paid parental leave.¹

This is a cruel false choice. The richest country on the planet can afford to ensure that both new parents and our senior citizens are able to meet their basic needs.

We must build overwhelming opposition to the cold-hearted Rubio-Trump proposal before it gains traction in Congress.

Tell Congress: Don’t pit Social Security against paid family leave.

New parents should not have to choose between caring for their children and keeping their jobs. Yet more than 25 years after Congress passed the Family and Medical Leave Act – which requires some employers to allow employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to attend to family-related matters – the United States remains the only industrialized nation in the world that does not offer all citizens paid family leave.²

Paid family leave is a good, progressive policy that CREDO supports. But we can’t allow Sen. Rubio and Ivanka Trump to pit paid family leave against Social Security. As Social Security Works President Nancy Altman put it, “our country can afford to increase, not cut, Social Security’s modest benefits, while also adding paid family and medical leave.”³

Under the proposal reportedly being discussed, new parents who choose to receive paid family leave would be forced to push back the date at which they would be eligible to receive Social Security benefits. The end result of such a scheme would be a cut in Social Security benefits, as individuals would receive benefits for a shorter period of time.⁴

The Rubio-Trump proposal is yet another cynical Republican attempt to cut Social Security benefits, under the guise of helping families. It is up to us to make sure members of Congress don’t fall for this Trojan horse attack on Social Security.

Tell Congress: Don’t pit Social Security against paid family leave.

Thanks for everything you do.

Click on the link above to check the sources and sign the petition.

The Soup Nazi 02.09.2018 07:58 PM

From Politico:

Trump believes the men

And so, when it comes to women who have to do a job that doesn't begin with "prefixes" like blow and hand, asshole surrounds himself with a bunch of fucking Aunts Phillyses: Conway, Sanders, Hicks, Haley, Nauert. :mad:

ilduclo 02.10.2018 02:35 PM

Penice doing his best to undermine any mutual Korean good will. Won't stand for united Korean team, and skips ceremonial dinner

ilduclo 02.10.2018 07:44 PM

Orrin Hatch on fellow Momo Rob Portman

“It’s incredibly discouraging to see such a vile attack on such a decent man,” the statement read. “Shame on any publication that would print this — and shame on the politically motivated, morally bankrupt character assassins that would attempt to sully a man’s good name. I know Rob. I’ve known him for years, both as a close friend and as a personal advisor. He is kind and considerate towards all. The country needs more honest, principled people like Rob Porter, which is why I hope that this cynical campaign to discredit his character ultimately fails.”

Hatch, like Porter, like the women, is a Mormon. This is not insignificant. Forty-two percent of homicides in Utah are the result of domestic violence — much higher than the national average of 30 percent (which, holy crap, is also really bad). This has a lot to do with the way the Church of Latter Day Saints handles domestic violence and other forms of abuse, and has long been an issue for a lot of those within the church and those who have left. It often entails going to the Bishop or the elders and being told to handle it within the family, within the community, not go to the police, and to respect the man as head of the household. In a Mormon family, the father is not just the father, but also the “priest” and the religious leader of the house. To go against him is going against the church itself.

Additionally, the church itself is very, very concerned about image in general, as good and wholesome and pure. They teach women makeup application at a young age, they implement strict, modest dress codes, and tend to have absurdly perfect teeth. They place a priority on these things. Domestic violence isn’t just a bad thing for women, it hurts the church’s image if they go public.

ilduclo 02.11.2018 02:21 PM

Fox News executive VP John Moody:

"Unless it’s changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to “Darker, Gayer, Different.” If your goal is to win medals, that won’t work."

The Soup Nazi 02.12.2018 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo


Dude. Dude. Kim Yo-jong is HAWT. Probably evil as fuck too, but just sayin'.


The Soup Nazi 02.12.2018 07:48 PM

he climbs on top in the dark
and pushes your legs apart
you grit your teeth try not to breathe
because he reeks of rotting meat

he’s crushing you
he’s fucking huge

his thick tongue slobbers across your face
you wouldn’t call it a warm embrace
it’s like being on a waterboard
sometimes you feel like such a whore

just close your eyes
try not to cry

give it up for the rhinoceros
guess who’s getting fucked by the rhinoceros

her name’s melania
she’s from slovenia
an illegal immigrant
he paid to sneak her in

he likes them young
and compliant

he rolls over and off of you
and he lumbers across the room
you go to the gilded bidet
to wash the shit away

just close your eyes, honey
and try not to cry

give it up for the rhinoceros
guess who’s getting fucked by the rhinoceros

this is a golden age
when anyone can get away with almost anything
but be careful what you say
everyone is watching you
and nobody cares about the truth

give it up
for the rhinoceros
guess who’s getting fucked by the rhinoceros
give it up for the rhinoceros, america
guess who’s getting fucked
by the rhinoceros

The Soup Nazi 02.12.2018 07:52 PM

i don’t understand
the way you make me feel
the way you turn me upside down
the way my heart sinks when you come around
like suddenly i don’t know who i am

the effect you have
you make me feel like animal
all my good sense goes out the window
and it tears me up to see you so composed

you make me mad
you’re so hard like a rock in my shoe
like every bitch in high school
do you love
do you feel
did you used to be real
is there any blood underneath your steely mask

you‘re on fire in my dreams
your straw hair catches instantly
your painted plastic face is melting
and you end up in a puddle at my feet

you’re a telegraph of vicious grace and pride
turning truth into lies

are you ever sad
i wanna be the first one to make you cry
i wanna make you cry
wanna make you cry
i can’t take it anymore

i light the match in my dreams
you burn
i watch you burn but you don’t even squirm
imperturbable until the end
you’re smiling as your face is melting
and sliding off your skull down to the ground

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