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evollove 07.27.2012 11:40 AM

I never liked you all that much and only used you for pot.

EVOLghost 07.27.2012 06:02 PM


EVOLghost 08.24.2012 02:34 PM

Yeah...I'm down to "chill". This is FUCKING awkward though...(PS. That new piercing is pretty fucking hot.)

Genteel Death 10.15.2012 09:35 PM

Can you and foreveretc stop being emo faggots on the internet now? Nobody gives a shit about your problems.

EVOLghost 05.05.2013 09:51 AM

I just don't know doods....

TheMadcapLaughs 05.06.2013 12:46 PM

not my quote but “I don’t want to get married until I’m sure nothing else good can happen”

EVOLghost 05.19.2013 02:22 AM

I'm not paying attention because I'd don't want to right now.

demonrail666 05.19.2013 05:47 PM

I spend far too much time thinking about people I dislike.

EVOLghost 07.12.2013 07:46 AM

Yes, I do actually.

pony 07.12.2013 10:36 PM

^love horses?

EVOLghost 07.28.2013 07:12 PM

Just awful. :D

!@#$%! 07.30.2013 09:04 AM

why did you have to die??


nah, just fucking w/ the thread

EVOLghost 08.07.2013 08:30 AM

I don't want to, but I just don't know right now. Can I just go to sleep for the rest of today?

dead_battery 08.29.2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i'm so scared of that foreverasskiss. he be like, dead battery negative after my minds eye soul. what a jerk. what a pussy go getter. ever the old ladies scream queen laiyer FOREVERASS!!!!

da bomb. da old sckool slap in you face. hahha. dehahhah. HOHOHOHO. tha MAN!!!!

i'm the bomb.

you dont coincide with yourself, and its ok not to obey the law of non contradiction my neighbour

dead_battery 08.29.2013 01:06 PM

we can find our roots

bloody roots


dead_battery 09.01.2013 12:45 PM

yeah enjoyment is the new sieg heil, justification for life and only permissible attitude. it wont end well.

i dont know. i have no idea what the hell im doing or what then hell is going on and all my intuitions are pessimistic and life is horrible.

but i dont believe anyone who tries to pretend enjoyment, for its own sake, is enough.

!@#$%! 09.01.2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i dont know. i have no idea what the hell im doing or what then hell is going on and all my intuitions are pessimistic and life is horrible.

I saw this earlier and I meant to ask (I might have asked before but I don't know) if you do this because your hopes are terminally crushed or because you're a nihilist.

Before you answer please understand this isn't mockery or a taunt of any kind but an "objective" straightforward question, I.e., a request for data, so I'm fully aware there is a 3rd or 4th or 5th option I can't imagine at this moment.

Just trying to understand the origin of that so I can put it jnto context (since not all pessimisms and disorientations are the same).


!@#$%! 09.01.2013 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
well my own situation is indeed almost hopeless and mired in familial conflict, social isolation, unemployment and the desolate stupidity of a country of drunken fucking folksy christo-fascist bumpkins degenerating into tribalist terrorism.

however my knowledge of the human condition, however biased and pathetic that might be, does not find any hope or redemption in it.

even when i try to disassociate my own life from my worldview, i'm still left with absolutely appalled and terrified conclusions. i am also deeply deeply anxious at what i think science is preparing to reveal to us about what we actually are and how our brains work. i agree with scott bakker. we're going to lose free will, meaning, morality and all our pretenses in an onslaught of scientific proof that mercilessly disenchants US just as we disenchanted the natural world. all the comforts of religion and art will be nothing more than aesthetic historicisms.

what are we left with? a meaningless, violent, indifferent, nihilistic universe, trapped in brains that are blind to their own inner workings, trying to convince ourselves that whatever cheap thrills we can find can abate our terrible anxieties, fear and suffering. working for money just to survive, embedded in decaying economic systems. if i found anyone who didn't just want to smile for no reason in a senseless denial of everything, trying and failing to make enjoyment the sole justification for living - i could probably truly love them. as it stands im still searching.

i see a world in which it is absolutely arbitrary if evil and violence result from our actions. there really is no judge or punishment most of the time. theres no force to bring moral balance to the excesses of behaviour. all the hopes we had about our spirit and the triumph of civilized values seem to me almost completely lost. maybe this is all melodramatic romanticism - and maybe the problem is i lack the cognitive framework to escape that?

i have optimism, but it has nothing to do with enjoying life or the potential for peace. i see technological trends that will totally fucking upend our way of living - great - but its nothing but more chaos. i see people around me and myself, despite the war i wage, degenerating into moronic hedonists. i see a lot of exhaustion, plagues of mental illness, but no cure. just more chaos and a kind of bleak instrumentalized economic reality that is preparing to send us all back to fucking victorian era poverty. i think the future for 1st world proles like ourselves is going to be hellish. i dont think the economy is going to come roaring back anytime soon. all our civilized accomplishments can regress so easily but we fail to see it happening before our very eyes.

i think our entire social and economic framework is deeply deeply flawed and can't continue. the world is catastrophe and chaos and media hallucinations will no longer successfully derealize it. there has been no response from all the art and music i loved other than a doubling down on the denial, which is why i think there has been so much cheery indie twee twatness in indie music recently.

in a sense i see myself as in LESS denial than most other people who seem to alternate between blissful idiotic positivity for its own sake and sneery nihilist rage. and i'm probably totally fucking wrong about that. i think the attitude that reigns now - of positivity for its own sake - is the most total denial and indicative of absolute despair under the surface.

and what drives me mad is my implication in the murderous slaughtermachine that our states have become. wtf am i supposed to do? sneer and laugh or applaud at the killing of innocents in the middle east that we commit? we are killing and being killed, murdering ourselves in despair in lost wars. but the average person is happy to have this reality edited out by hollywood movies and i wish i could be that dumb. i dont like living in a culture where its about "who can smile the most" or "who can care the less". i dont think something retarded like sincerity or whatever is the answer but i'd fucking kill to talk to someone else who gets that. maybe thats my vanity.

the liberal idea of progress is just an old religious notion retrofitted for hopeful secular moderns like me - and its not real. that brings me to absolute despair. i thought those ideals could help bring my own country into the future along with the rest of you guys but it seems we are starting to go backwards. most of my problem stems from my blissfully ignorant and naive youth and my utopian optimism and faith that i was not on the side of evil. i'm really not so sure anymore.

anyway, i know that all this disaster means that the real fundamental changes that will bring a new future about are just on the horizon, but its still too terrifying at a gut level to find much exhilaration in that.

i'm also just NOT CONVINCED that the majority of people in my country are smart enough to maintain a modern democratic state. i dont see us being the first to install a fusion reactor or world leaders in cutting carbon emissions. i DONT see us pioneering much more scientific research than we do now, which is the bare minimum. we could be so much better but all the smart people leave for jobs elsewhere and it seems like the dipshits are getting back into power. i hope to god that we can weather the collapse that seems to be hitting parts of europe better than fucking greece. i mean, if i'd lived there i'd have to have been a survivalist or something. but it seems we're not recovering while the rest of the UK is. it seems we're going to hell and i hope i'm wrong. there is a real right wing backlash here, riots and "community groups" that are fronts for the worst kind of tribalism and all sorts of other awful forebodings.

I am chemically unable to process a text this long & complex at the moment but I'll save it for later when I can put it all together.

But let me ask a followup anyway (from what I could read), which is-- looking at all the things that affect you in the negative, could you sum up the values you find "positive"? In other way of putting it-- I can see what you fear/abhor but is what you desire its antithetical opposite? (Eg "good" vs. "evil" since you mention evil.). Or to ask in yet another way-- i can more or less discern what you find "evil", but what is it that you find "good"?

Thanks and sorry I can't address all point but I'm anti-caffeinated at the moment.

dead_battery 09.01.2013 07:45 PM

well the good is things like technology, science, civility, peace, education, health. successful aspirations to end suffering and improve personal or social infrastructure so we can lead lives of material prosperity and live and die independently with minimal abuse, violence and harm. the lights being on. when you aren't facing threats, noone is insane, you have the security of knowing you can afford to live decently. not having to fight wars. obvious things. i think that in reality we can be afforded these luxuries only by our material situation. in the 3rd world its corruption, violence, misery, sickness, poverty etc. even worse than it is here.

things like a fusion reactor or a carbon neutral or at least minimal infrastructure are good. things like soylent are good. i dont believe in this bullshit about man existing independently from the material world and needing to just tend to his soul to realize happiness independent of his material circumstances.

another way to put this is there is NO good. only more comfortable and civilized living conditions. those, to me, are good, but my biases and longings for the good and in fact everyone elses are meagre and fragile. 1st world shit that the science and techniques we use to ameliorate suffering, poverty and ruin need to flourish - that's the good.

in other words, a peaceful drift into the void.

EVOLghost 09.02.2013 06:29 AM

must spread rep.

!@#$%! 09.02.2013 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
well the good is things like technology, science, civility, peace, education, health. successful aspirations to end suffering and improve personal or social infrastructure so we can lead lives of material prosperity and live and die independently with minimal abuse, violence and harm. the lights being on. when you aren't facing threats, noone is insane, you have the security of knowing you can afford to live decently. not having to fight wars. obvious things. i think that in reality we can be afforded these luxuries only by our material situation. in the 3rd world its corruption, violence, misery, sickness, poverty etc. even worse than it is here.

things like a fusion reactor or a carbon neutral or at least minimal infrastructure are good. things like soylent are good. i dont believe in this bullshit about man existing independently from the material world and needing to just tend to his soul to realize happiness independent of his material circumstances.

another way to put this is there is NO good. only more comfortable and civilized living conditions. those, to me, are good, but my biases and longings for the good and in fact everyone elses are meagre and fragile. 1st world shit that the science and techniques we use to ameliorate suffering, poverty and ruin need to flourish - that's the good.

in other words, a peaceful drift into the void.

alright thanks for answering mang.

tell me if i'm wrong but looks like a good summary from you would be that your supreme values are those of "safety" and maybe "comfort"? am i wrong in inferring this from your post? from what you say-- technological advances, infrastructure, non-violence, etc. would you summarize all that under those two things? or am i ass-wrong here?

i'm slowly waking up so i still will have to muster the energy for your long post from last page but i'll get to it when the time is right.

dead_battery 09.02.2013 09:47 AM

yes. exactly the values of the last man that nietzsche decried.

i'd add experimentation, research, and some sort of accelerating if not progressive momentum with technology.

war and strife and all that shit that is supposed to glorify us is bs. the only people who ever said that were upper class right wing intellectuals who never fought a day in their lives.

anyway, i dont take my ability to affect the world or the existence of my ideals all that seriously. since its mainly pissing in the wind.

!@#$%! 09.02.2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
yes. exactly the values of the last man that nietzsche decried.

ha ha ha.


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i'd add experimentation, research, and some sort of accelerating if not progressive momentum with technology.

but is that for more control/safety/comfort or for its own sake? e.g., would you sacrifice safety and/or comfort for experimentation and research?


Originally Posted by dead_battery
war and strife and all that shit that is supposed to glorify us is bs. the only people who ever said that were upper class right wing intellectuals who never fought a day in their lives.

left wing ones to. "for the revolution" and all that.

i don't think war glorifies jack shit, i think that the "glory" is a way to justify getting yourself killed like a skewered pig. sorta like religion ("suck off god today and get the eternal afterlife tomorrow")

but i digress


Originally Posted by dead_battery
anyway, i dont take my ability to affect the world or the existence of my ideals all that seriously. since its mainly pissing in the wind.

yeah my question re:values was for you originally but then you started talking about the whole planet (in the long post) and i thought "that's too much for a single person". i get that we are all one with our environment (generally speaking, not just in the ecological sense) and ultimately share its fate, but as dna water packets we also operate at the individual level.

re: last man stuff. i think it's hard to wake up day after day and face all manner of shit just to say "today i wanna bee reeeel seyf". in other words the preservation of life itself for its own sake is sufficient for survival but nothing else. which may cause disorientation and depression and all that shit. a lack of "meaning."

now i'm not saying "invent yourself a new desire so you can have a reason to live" but that shit can't be manufactured. HOWEVER (however)--

dead_battery 09.02.2013 10:28 AM

i dont think that meaning can be found. i think there literally is none. i think that even comfort and safety are but a feeble attempt to pacify basic terror and anxiety.

i get what you're saying - and i share that attitude too - you dont wake up and think "man i hope my house is still here". you want to take that as a given. what you daydream of is success, but i think sane dreams of success do not interfere with safety and comfort.

i mean, i think the human conditions terrible.people who skydive or take those kind of risks - im not condemning it or trying to stop it. i just think you need to maximize intelligence and security before you can die in any kind of a worthwhile way.

i think we're all collectively hitting into walls of exhaustion and collapse because we have this kind of dim promethean attitude that is encouraged on us - were instead of knowing anything about the world we're told to focus on this kind of magical thinking where some part of our eternal creative essence is gonna triumph against the odds of the zero sum economic game and banish all the strangeness, confusion, death, nothingness and entropy. i'm repeating here things that other people are coming up with in theory at the moment.

i should change my idea of security and safety. what i mean by this is not "niceness" or hippies holding hands. im talking about real fucking technological shit. i want a motherfucking fusion reactor giving me free energy so the electricity companies stop raping me. i want clean water and air. i want advanced consumerism - i want to be able to grow my own food and i want all the trends in medicine and science that are empowering the individual, particularly low income ones or no income ones like me - to increase. i want MOTHERFUCKERS TO KNOW - all this shit is possible. stop believing in these false metaphysics. believe in THINGS, not just your self.

i want everyone to have leisure time instead of exhausting themselves to stack shelves of more fucking junk food.

i want people to finally wake up the technology we ALREADY HAVE - most of our work can be done by machines. we could have a new era of massively increased free time and empowered individuals able to tend to their own energy and food and to a certain extent health needs with even greater independence from the state/market. this is not an anti capitalist philosophy - its more about getting people to understand we need to integrate renewable resources. then, ON TOP OF THAT, once everyones basic living needs can be easily met - you can have the greatest most experimental and scientifically advanced capitalist free market system humanity has ever known. but motherfuckers need to stop having to spend their lives trying to out work machines being unable to take care of their rent/food/energy bills. im sick of my generation being sacrificed and having our futures and potential squandered for this fucking INEFFICIENCY!

i believe today, we peasants are in the situation as we were in the middle ages. back then the church told us we couldnt read and we werent allowed to learn cos only they could handle the bible and only they could manage our interests. motherfuckers rebelled and we taught ourselves some dang fine good english and empowered ourselves, and it was to the benefit of all. the same situation applies today - only with science and technology. the average person needs to become literate in scientific techniques and understand the means for their own greater independent survival, freeing themselves from economic brutality and emiseration as part of the precarious work force!

we dont need revolts to attain this kind of future. we need an understanding that an individuals best interest lie not SIMPLY in collaborating with the market system or whatever systems exists for them, but having an understanding of their body and technology that allows them to extricate themselves from the types of enslavement so common to those of us who dont start off with daddys trust fund and nepotism network.

h8kurdt 09.02.2013 12:41 PM

You know who should listen to more? Queen. That'll sort you right out.

dead_battery 09.02.2013 12:54 PM


!@#$%! 09.02.2013 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i dont think that meaning can be found. i think there literally is none. i think that even comfort and safety are but a feeble attempt to pacify basic terror and anxiety.

i get what you're saying - and i share that attitude too - you dont wake up and think "man i hope my house is still here". you want to take that as a given. what you daydream of is success, but i think sane dreams of success do not interfere with safety and comfort.

i mean, i think the human conditions terrible.people who skydive or take those kind of risks - im not condemning it or trying to stop it. i just think you need to maximize intelligence and security before you can die in any kind of a worthwhile way.

i think we're all collectively hitting into walls of exhaustion and collapse because we have this kind of dim promethean attitude that is encouraged on us - were instead of knowing anything about the world we're told to focus on this kind of magical thinking where some part of our eternal creative essence is gonna triumph against the odds of the zero sum economic game and banish all the strangeness, confusion, death, nothingness and entropy. i'm repeating here things that other people are coming up with in theory at the moment.

i should change my idea of security and safety. what i mean by this is not "niceness" or hippies holding hands. im talking about real fucking technological shit. i want a motherfucking fusion reactor giving me free energy so the electricity companies stop raping me. i want clean water and air. i want advanced consumerism - i want to be able to grow my own food and i want all the trends in medicine and science that are empowering the individual, particularly low income ones or no income ones like me - to increase. i want MOTHERFUCKERS TO KNOW - all this shit is possible. stop believing in these false metaphysics. believe in THINGS, not just your self.

i want everyone to have leisure time instead of exhausting themselves to stack shelves of more fucking junk food.

i want people to finally wake up the technology we ALREADY HAVE - most of our work can be done by machines. we could have a new era of massively increased free time and empowered individuals able to tend to their own energy and food and to a certain extent health needs with even greater independence from the state/market. this is not an anti capitalist philosophy - its more about getting people to understand we need to integrate renewable resources. then, ON TOP OF THAT, once everyones basic living needs can be easily met - you can have the greatest most experimental and scientifically advanced capitalist free market system humanity has ever known. but motherfuckers need to stop having to spend their lives trying to out work machines being unable to take care of their rent/food/energy bills. im sick of my generation being sacrificed and having our futures and potential squandered for this fucking INEFFICIENCY!

i believe today, we peasants are in the situation as we were in the middle ages. back then the church told us we couldnt read and we werent allowed to learn cos only they could handle the bible and only they could manage our interests. motherfuckers rebelled and we taught ourselves some dang fine good english and empowered ourselves, and it was to the benefit of all. the same situation applies today - only with science and technology. the average person needs to become literate in scientific techniques and understand the means for their own greater independent survival, freeing themselves from economic brutality and emiseration as part of the precarious work force!

we dont need revolts to attain this kind of future. we need an understanding that an individuals best interest lie not SIMPLY in collaborating with the market system or whatever systems exists for them, but having an understanding of their body and technology that allows them to extricate themselves from the types of enslavement so common to those of us who dont start off with daddys trust fund and nepotism network.

hey it's hard to reply to everything you're saying here even though it's a holiday weekend (or maybe because of it), but the first thing that jumps at me is that you're saying that THERE IS NO MEANING.

and it strikes me that the problem is that you're asking is for some sort of cosmic shit to answer you. "the meaning of it all" or monty python's "the meaning of life".

and of course the meaning is "nothing" or "46" or whatever teh fuck.

because that's the wrong question.

you're not the whole of it all so you cannot ask "what is the meaning of the universe and everything in it" or "what is the meaning of this single thing/event to the whole universe". it's an absurd question, with an absurd answer.

but you can ask simply: what does this mean TO ME?

that's the only thing you can ask and it's the only thing you can answer too.

seriously, who gives a splatterd turd about THE WHOLE FUCKING COSMOS. it makes no sense.

what makes sense is:

what is the meaning of this TO ME?
what is the value of this TO ME?

that's a lot easier to answer and it's meaningful within its context. if you then say "this means X to me but i am nothing to the whole cosmos" then you're pissing away your anwser.

forget about the fucking absolutes-- you're not the whole of it and it doesn't matter and it's unanswerable/pointless/etc anyway.

there is some horrible-ass song from the 60s that the hippies like-- it's some lamo singing "duuuuust in the wiiiiiiid... all we are is duuust in the wiiind...." i've always hated that fucked song not just because it's horrible in every way (whiny bastard singing crybaby music) but because he overgeneralizes. "all we are is..." -- *speak for yourself, motherfucker*.

of course it's all christian bullshit-- people who claim to know "god" or that "god" will reveal shit to them.

seriously. trying to speak for "god" or figure out his fictional mind always ends up in either nihilism or delusion or both.

in other words, you have no god any more, but his shadow is still pestering the fuck out of you and trying to kill you in your sleep. get out from under it.

dead_battery 09.02.2013 02:42 PM

but what if there is no me?

i think its sensible to see zero value in anything as a moral proposition. i think its more accurate.

i am yet to be convinced that i posses a self that isn't an illusory neural trick. i know this is in a way a redundant move but i think its a more accurate description of whats actually going on.

and i cant see the value in trying to assess everything according to my own whims. i dont want to live that kind of a life, where i am the ultimate arbitrar of value. i'm just trying to survive and know - but i really don't know what the hell i'm doing most of the time.

and you should know by now im a hypomanic machine that cant stop and interrogation is often a dead end or a tldrathon. :)

dead_battery 09.02.2013 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

in other words, you have no god any more, but his shadow is still pestering the fuck out of you and trying to kill you in your sleep. get out from under it.


dead_battery 09.02.2013 02:50 PM

but then again, i still dont know what you are telling me to do or how to do it.

the decaying corpse of god will always hang heavily over my mind, being a mere hick who is accosted on the street by maniacal preachers telling me they've extracted demons from people that "left their body in a mans voice but they were a woman." I think this was some subtle way of saying "you're faggy looking and i want to exorcise you" but i'm not sure.

I can remember the moment the teacher uttered the accursed word "atheism" and 30 disgusted faces turned to glare at me, the heretic. They called me a heathen. "Why can't we burn him on the bonfire?" That's the kind of mentality I come from, so it's maybe hard to carry gods corpse all the way to the incinerator on my own.

dead_battery 09.02.2013 02:56 PM

yeah anway, you're probably right. i added too much creatine to my soylent today.

!@#$%! 09.02.2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
but then again, i still dont know what you are telling me to do or how to do it.

the decaying corpse of god will always hang heavily over my mind, being a mere hick who is accosted on the street by maniacal preachers telling me they've extracted demons from people that "left their body in a mans voice but they were a woman." I think this was some subtle way of saying "you're faggy looking and i want to exorcise you" but i'm not sure.

I can remember the moment the teacher uttered the accursed word "atheism" and 30 disgusted faces turned to glare at me, the heretic. They called me a heathen. "Why can't we burn him on the bonfire?" That's the kind of mentality I come from, so it's maybe hard to carry gods corpse all the way to the incinerator on my own.

what i mean is that while you have chucked the old fucker out the window, you're still doing business in His way-- i.e., looking for the cosmic answer.

toxically shamed humans like those who invented and maintain religion need GRANDIOSITY to compensate for their wounded egos. so they claim a god that gives them the answers of their past present and future (prophecy) and eternity and the afterlife and all the grandiose shit that's way way way past human capability. lunatic fuckers!

voltaire on the other hand who was as rabid as atheist as it comes (and in the dangerous 18th century no less) really put very well an alternative option to al this cosmic fecal matter in candide.

btw if you haven't read candide it's one of the most hilarious motherfucking books ever. EVER. it's so fucking funny that even the musical based on it (i hate musicals, but this is an exception) is funny. and it's short so you read it in a couple of hours.

eh, go read it and have a good laugh-- the belly kind that leaves you dizzy afterwards.

ps- professor pangloss is supposed to be leibniz. not the inventor of the cookie, but the monad fucker. okay. enjoy!

dead_battery 09.02.2013 03:25 PM

its on my kindle so i'll read it tonight.

and in response i will commend a bit of nihilism to you

its true - i am one toxically shamed motherfucker.

but i am not going to totally get on board with your "stop looking for absolutes" thing because i dont want to totally reside in pomo relativist hell. been there too long, its in my blood, its too comfortable.

dead_battery 09.02.2013 03:29 PM

btw i dont fully agree with the conclusions of that article but its a good overview.

!@#$%! 09.02.2013 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
its on my kindle so i'll read it tonight.

and in response i will commend a bit of nihilism to you

its true - i am one toxically shamed motherfucker.

but i am not going to totally get on board with your "stop looking for absolutes" thing because i dont want to totally reside in pomo relativist hell. been there too long, its in my blood, its too comfortable.

i don't have time/energy to read that now, but thanks for the link

pomo relativist hell is just more liberal academic pant-crapping. it stands for nothing because it (again) adopts the god-perspective and says all shit is equal in its eyes. it's just the shadow of god calling it quits in impotence.

but if there is no god and his shadow has vanished and there is only human limitation, then it is up to us to claim whatever is our domain and do our work there with things that matter to us there. that's the (real, sane) meaning of "humility" (not "duuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiind" which is just god-posturing ceybaby). we don't know everything, can't know everything, but we can work our fucking parcel, we can find meaning and value there, because that's the only place one can find it. and yes one can voluntarily associate with others for larger purposes in what's called a "community," and there's meaning and value there too, some say a greater meaning and a greater value. but there is no meaning or value in the vast interstellar emptiness because the universe as a whole does not / can not give a fuck and it is absurd to ask any of that of it. except to scam other people for tithes & mind control.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2013 04:08 PM

dead_battery, I feel you. I was once and generally still fight a deeply rooted sense of societal nihilism, especially with my fellow Americans. You got to dive into the world and enjoy the show, cultivating an almost spiritual (i.e. transcendental) sense of humor about things. Like in African folk tales, funny traits about animals are the butt of most jokes and laughs and are a colloquial way of saying, "Life is what it is.", the moral being we have to be able to laugh at ourselves more often than we don't. I think that in means we have to be able to laugh at everybody else too. I think you might enjoy this very short novel, its one of my all-time favorites by one of my all-time favorite authors. Its a very short read, a introspective reflection on self-destructive inward nihilism but expressed in brutally polite and congenial forms on the outside.


dead_battery 09.02.2013 04:10 PM

ill give it a go, i love perfume.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2013 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
ill give it a go, i love perfume.

Isn't it fucking fantastic? ALL Suskind's works are great. They have this way of being nihilistic yet without coming across as pessimistic or crass. Nihilism doesn't have to be negative, even the Desert Fathers were spiritual nihilists, yet pious men. In its positive manifestations, nihilism is about limiting expectations towards realism, not getting too caught up. Hope is fine, but wishful thinking is caustic. In fact, the core of the Orthodox Christian tradition is nihilism, or what the Fathers call apathia (not to be confused with apathy) which is what the Rastafari folks call, "Don't feel no way." Feelings are deceptive, thoughts are illusory. There is something altogether deeper to life than the chatter of the mind, but it can only be understood in the experiential sense.

dead_battery 09.02.2013 04:35 PM

yes. the object of buddhism is in a sense to become an object. to become still as a stone and cultivate an emptiness of mind. then you hit the phase of terror when you meet the total void inside everything. i've been there and met a friend who went down the buddhist path and was stuck in this phase. he was ranting about episodes of south park that didnt exist, telling me some crappy youtube video was the best song in the world. i didnt laugh, but i smiled knowingly, since i too was once at that phase of panic at the nothingness inherent in everything. eventually you realize how emptiness and form are the same thing, and it becomes more clear again.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2013 05:51 PM

That is unfortunate about your friend, as I mentioned on the David Lynch thread, there is substantive danger in approaching deep spiritual practices and meditations with out some professional guidance. Nihilism especially, its a thin line between passionless perfection and crassly judgmental self-destruction.


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