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tesla69 03.21.2018 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
3 things:

1. I know you are a Trumpist. (I swear I'm not saying that condescendingly.)

2. I'm seriously going to look up the points that you have made, to see if they stand up to scrutiny. (Forgive me, but we are in the post-truth era.)

3. I've never owned a cell phone. (I know, right?)

I'm really not a "Trumpist", but it seems that if you don't agree with the "resistance", that is how you get labelled, because that mindset seems to be incapable of thinking beyond 1-2, on off, red blue. And this board has a problem with Russian agents, like the nameless one.

It is difficult to always express this through the internet, but just because I bring up an idea or piece of information doesn't mean I endorse it or support it necessarily - I am capable of thinking about an abstract idea without it consuming me. That seems to make you guilty in the eyes of the "resistance".

The whole fake news thing is a joke, the people screaming FAKE NEWS won't even acknowledge someone like Noam Chomsky or Alfred MCCoy-its not like the CIA stopped coordinating the media suddenly! the people screaming FAKE NEWS in many cases are those who have produced most of it, like the New York Times!

The "resistance" is screaming "fascist" but they use and pay for all the tools of the fascists and endorse the cashless, totalitarian society. They are fucking pod people. Their obsession with Amazon is destroying the country. Nevermind Amazon's preferential treatment and classified business from the Feds, which would be called fascism under any definition.

But what is really going on? In NY State, "liberal" Andrew Cuomo has put into a place a surveillance system so you are constantly being tracked moving around NY State. He wants to put a tracking system on the streets of Manhattan to toll us for going up and down our own city streets.

Skuj 03.22.2018 07:11 PM

There's a lot to digest there. I need time. :)

Meanwhile, Dowd....McMaster......just another day in Trumpworld.

Remember that Flynn tweet that Dowd took credit for in an attempt to plug the leaky dam? He is either a) a fucking liar (which I believe) or b) completely incompetent for constructing such a tweet. Either way, it's bad.

the ikara cult 03.22.2018 07:14 PM

Its amazing how sensitive Trump lovers are to abuse, the people who complain about "political correctness", they bleat and moan about being called names.

!@#$%! 03.22.2018 11:34 PM

mcmaster out, bolton in

only a week after huckabeast denied lol

we’re slouching towards armageddon

Skuj 03.22.2018 11:54 PM

Trump is surrounding himself with Yes Men. It's mind boggling.

Flynn, McMaster and Kelly were all Generals at one time, right? All looking for something rewarding post military? How's that working out? Everyone who comes into contact with Trump ends up smelling like shit.

The only thing that keeps me sane these days is that Trumpworld will come to an end one day. It might be 2024, 2020, maybe even earlier. But this will pass.

!@#$%! 03.22.2018 11:59 PM

yeah. we might all “pass” in a ball of hydrogen fusion at this rate

tesla69 03.24.2018 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Trump is surrounding himself with Yes Men.

Appointing Bolton is a fucking nightmare. I'm not sure if he's a 'yes' man, he seems to have his own dangerous neo-con agenda to which Trump is saying yes. Which is war with Iran at all costs.

ilduclo 03.25.2018 06:30 PM


ilduclo 03.26.2018 09:53 AM

So, Victoria Toensing and her hubby won't represent Drump, who is now down to only 5'1" Jay Sekolow on his legal team....I remember Toensign as being right wing idiot, but couldn't remember the exact, I looked her up on google....there, right next to "toenail fungus", was her bio. She was involved in the anti Clinton, both Bill&Hill, investigations, helped to cover up the outing of Valerie Plame during the Shrub admin, worked tirelessly for Newt Gingrich and also kept the Uranium 1 bullshit going....

Aaaaaaand, she worked for the presidential campaign of, get this, Fred Thomson

The Soup Nazi 03.26.2018 07:25 PM

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie spoke to Christiane Amanpour today about John Bolton's super PAC and more:

Remember "Zola's algorithm" from Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Dude, that was NOTHING...

ilduclo 03.27.2018 02:36 PM

an ad for an attorney on Washington DC’s Craigslist.

The ad, which seeks a “lead attorney for a difficult client” located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington DC, says that it would be “a plus” for prospective applicants to have “working knowledge of social media, especially Twitter” and “better than average knowledge of the adult film industry and a collection of Playboy magazines from 1985-2010.

tesla69 03.27.2018 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

some kind of dumb joke - no United States law firm is ever going to put "no fatties" in recruitment ad.

instead of actually going out and doing the nuts and bolts drudge work of political organizing, the "resistance" is now spending all its time obsessing over Trump's sex life from 10 years ago.

evollove 03.28.2018 09:10 AM


Media outlets like MSNBC are running wild with story (which is a bigger story than just sex, you know), so I can see how someone could have that perception.

But the boots on the ground are doing more important things. Nuts and bolts aplenty, I assure you.

Skuj 03.28.2018 06:25 PM

Veteran's Affairs guy fired now.

The Best People!!

tesla69 03.29.2018 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Media outlets like MSNBC are running wild with story (which is a bigger story than just sex, you know), so I can see how someone could have that perception.

sure, there may have been some threats, and the money grubbing whore, etc, but its some odd distraction in light of the major and serious situations being put into place - I never thought I'd end up living with a media shamelessly worst than the Soviet Union's -


Originally Posted by evollove
But the boots on the ground are doing more important things. Nuts and bolts aplenty, I assure you.

Right on schedule, a black man (Stephon Clark) gets shot by the police, and the cops didn't even plant a drop gun! So people will be distracted by that for awhile...

Do you think the cops did a sting ray scan of the area beforehand and his name came up, and with his criminal history he came up on their computer and they just went ready to kill

ilduclo 03.30.2018 09:04 AM

Trump and Pruitt set to TRY to remove cafe standards and cleaner car exhaust rules. MAGA? Hardly.....California set to fight it, go Becerra!

evollove 03.30.2018 09:50 AM

I'm such a stupid fuck. When Obama proposed lowering emissions by a certain amount by such-and-such a date, it wasn't good enough for me and I complained. SORRY!


Originally Posted by tesla69
Do you think the cops did a sting ray scan of the area beforehand and his name came up, and with his criminal history he came up on their computer and they just went ready to kill

I'm not sure how to read this or what it has to do with what I wrote.

Voter reg drives, circulating a petition to end gerrymandering, letter to the editor campaigns, lending a hand to progressive candidates, etc... I'm saying stuff like this is going on behind the scenes, which doesn't get any coverage because no tits or guns are involved. But it's happening.

So yes, there are "progressives" who show up for huge rallies and express indignation at this or that on social media and otherwise do nothing, all the while ignoring much bigger issues.

But there's a much smaller group of people doing a hell of a lot of practical, slightly boring but hopefully effective resisting. No one hears about it. Nor should they, really. It's the results that matter.

!@#$%! 03.30.2018 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Trump and Pruitt set to TRY to remove cafe standards and cleaner car exhaust rules. MAGA? Hardly.....California set to fight it, go Becerra!

that’s gonna generate a lot of jobs...! the healthcare sector to look after all the respiratory illnesses and cancer

and since obamacare is getting killed, the insurers will have an army of indentured servants in perpetual debt to them


it’s the new dark ages

evollove 03.30.2018 02:53 PM

I don't know. Sounds pretty good for some people. A few people. Okay, very few people. Still.

Gotta admit, that's some brilliant evil shit there. I'm tempted to tip my hat.

!@#$%! 03.30.2018 03:54 PM

how did that george carlin routine used to go? “cancer is good for the economy!”
it adds to the gdp.

tesla69 03.31.2018 06:43 PM

is this fake news?

Over 1,500 Central Americans are on a crusade across Mexico in the hopes of being granted asylum at the U.S. border..

Trump should train and arm them and, give them logistical support and send them back to liberate their country from the crooks.

Rob Instigator 04.02.2018 07:32 AM

1,500 is nothing.

There are hundreds of thousands of undocumented illegal immigrants from Canada and no one gives a shit cuz they r white.

ilduclo 04.02.2018 09:21 AM

DACA dead and Dump killed it. End of story, fuck him and his wailing wall

!@#$%! 04.02.2018 09:28 AM

the fucking toddler

!@#$%! 04.04.2018 09:11 AM

so this morning the stock market has begun to tank as a result of el trumpo’s trade war.

watch his pal carl icahn profit

tesla69 04.05.2018 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
DACA dead and Dump killed it. End of story, fuck him and his wailing wall

the precious Dems have had the chance time and again to get it done and never do. Even NPR woefully mentioned today Congress couldn't get it done when they controlled the House, Senate and Presidency! Trump simply did not renew the temporary Obama order. Get on the phone to your Congresscritters and tell them to get it done!

Give a clear way to citizenship to the Dreamers who haven't committed any crimes and have a documented life and harden the borders - the 2 aren't mutually exclusive.

tesla69 04.05.2018 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
1,500 is nothing.

There are hundreds of thousands of undocumented illegal immigrants from Canada and no one gives a shit cuz they r white.

The cops do Patriot Checks on I-81 and I-89 in New England looking for illegals being brought in, but I was told they are looking for Chinese being trafficked from Montreal. 1,500 people is a large undertaking to be dumped on any US city now. All the money is being sucked into FINTECH and the 800 military base empire of which we are so proud to be owners

I listened to some reports on the group of ~1,500 and many are going to try and settle in Mexico.

Hillary Clinton: “In the subsequent days [after the Honduran coup] I spoke with my counterparts around the hemisphere, including Secretary [Patricia] Espinosa in Mexico,” Clinton writes. “We strategized on a plan to restore order in Honduras and ensure that free and fair elections could be held quickly and legitimately, which would render the question of Zelaya moot.”

Allegedly they had the coup because he flouted the constitution by calling an illegal plebiscite to abolish term limits. He was also a friend of Hugo Chavez. It was after that coup that the criminal gangs took over.

!@#$%! 04.09.2018 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this one was just sheer blindness at that point

wow. suchfriends just negrepped me for reminding the universe that once upon a time he was wrong about the future.


you lurker you...

Skuj 04.10.2018 06:32 PM

Yesterday, I was on a very quiet "work" shift with two other people. I consider both of them to be very intelligent people.

BUT THEY ARE TRUMPISTS!! They even have MAGA hats that they wear in public. How can this be?

Worst of all, I was forced to watch Fox "News" for 4 FUCKING HOURS.

I now have PTSD.

tesla69 04.10.2018 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
With no definitive proof of responsibility, the US appears poised to strike Syrian and possibly Russian forces in Syria in retaliation for Saturday's gas attack. The attack itself came just nine days after President Trump announced that the US would soon pull out of Syria, a scenario entirely consistent with it having been a false flag attack designed to maintain and deepen the US presence in Syria.

Something has snapped - its like the corporate has decided to just tell its lies without any restraint - look at England and the insane assertions of nerve gas assassination. The US has no reason to be there, its a testing site. Its why we can't have anything good in this country anymore.

Have you seen where the US is painting its planes in Russian colors?

The fun thing is the Russians have very sophisticated jamming devices-this informs me why there is such a rush to AI and "Internet of Things" - the west needs the drones to be autonomous so there is no radio signal to jam. The US had to shoot 60 "world's most sophisticated" missiles the last time to hit the base!

Bolton is cleaning out all the old Bush people.

ilduclo 04.11.2018 03:44 PM

MAGA!!! Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.

The Soup Nazi 04.11.2018 06:27 PM

Not Trump shit, but... where else am I gonna post it. :D

Ex-Speaker Boehner, who opposed pot legalization, joins marijuana firm's board

tw2113 04.11.2018 07:42 PM

His job doesn't rely on voters now.

The Soup Nazi 04.12.2018 05:00 PM


Ever since I blocked tesla69 life is sweeter somehow... Even my elitist sushi and my elitist Dijon mustard taste better...

ilduclo 04.12.2018 06:02 PM

yeah! I got the same on a number of individ's on this here fora

Skuj 04.16.2018 01:08 AM

Well aren't you ignorers special? Must make for sensible, flowing discussions.

So......anything going on lately? Syria? Comey?

I'm gonna get that Comey book. I know who I would buy a used car from if it came to Comey or Trump. I still don't know how Huckabee Sanders sleeps at night.

tesla69 04.16.2018 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

Ever since I blocked tesla69 life is sweeter somehow... Even my elitist sushi and my elitist Dijon mustard taste better...

You're still a nasty, boring cunt

_tunic_ 04.16.2018 07:15 AM


tesla69 04.16.2018 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Well aren't you ignorers special? Must make for sensible, flowing discussions..

They don't seem to want to have any discussions, they seem to want to prevent any real communication on the board.

ilduclo 04.17.2018 09:31 AM

Sonya Sotomayor broke her shoulder in a fall at home......"STOP IT, Sonya!"

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