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ilduclo 05.08.2018 05:39 PM

Melania Trump’s New ‘Let’s Move’ Initiative Sounds Pretty Cool

Skuj 05.09.2018 02:19 AM

It's so much better to live in a world where we don't inspect Iran, and we now punish them, and they will do as they please from now on.

Trumpists in this thread, please show me the errors in my thinking.

(I love the constant lie about Obama sending billions to Iran. Trump keeps repeating this, and I suppose his followers will do no research on the matter?)

This whole thing makes me fucking ill.

Rob Instigator 05.09.2018 07:42 AM

The US helped the religious fanatics overthrow the Shah of Iran by arming them to the teeth.

ilduclo 05.09.2018 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The US helped the religious fanatics overthrow the Shah of Iran by arming them to the teeth.

Yeah, another great Rethug move. Oliver North...Ronald Reagan...I wish the US would, as they say in Letterkenny, “figure it out”

evollove 05.09.2018 10:59 AM

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

Congratulations to Mike Dewine on his big win in the Great State of Ohio. He will be a great Governor with a heavy focus on HealthCare and Jobs. His Socialist opponent in November should not do well, a big failure in last job!


"I know Cordray isn't progressive but he's better than DeWine so support him anyway."

This is what I've said or typed about a hundred times today to progressive activists. Socialist? I fucking wish. Richard Cordray (D) is a very boring middle of the road wuss. The challenge will be getting Dems to actually vote for him.

I'm starting to think Trump is not always accurate in his statements.

Also, it is DeWine and not Dewine. Also, he sucks a lot, but particularly with healthcare and jobs. Jesus, what a fucking idiot.

ilduclo 05.09.2018 11:08 AM

KSM would like to give written testimony on Haspel....any chance, you 'spose?

we need the Senate in 2018. We can then has our OWN fucking hearings.


!@#$%! 05.09.2018 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Trumpists in this thread, please show me the errors in my thinking.

soros soros fluoride soros reptile aliens soros

a bit hopeless to ask for dialogue in a place where people come to either vomit their ill feelings or rationalize their biases, but good luck with that, brother.


Originally Posted by Skuj
This whole thing makes me fucking ill.

well of course. i don’t know what to tell you, except, at a personal level, try to protect your sanity.

you know james joyce’s/kinch the knifeblade’s famous “history is a nightmare from which i’m trying to awake” quote? well this is precisely what he meant. this.

but seriously. one has to be ready to go. not talking about the rapture or being eaten by reptilian fluoride soros ha ha ha. just leave this bullshit behind. and by that i mean the desperation.

i’m on the fence between the epicureans and the stoics. the epicureans recommended withdrawal from the world, but what do you do when the world comes to kick your door down? enter the stoics, who engaged, but from a place of non-attachment and imperturbability.

what else can i tell you? i’m not gonna repeat to you that the world has gone mad. yeats wrote a poem about that 100 years ago and shit has not let on (though some say as horrors go our century ranks low—though i’d say it ain’t over yet). no use no commiserating about that. the question is how to address and how to adapt. better people than us have already tried answering so i’d start there.

Skuj 05.09.2018 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by evollove

I'm starting to think Trump is not always accurate in his statements.

Dude, are you actually saying this with a straight face?

!@#$%! 05.09.2018 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Dude, are you actually saying this with a straight face?



wake up!

Rob Instigator 05.09.2018 04:19 PM

I wonder who Melania is bonin'?

The Soup Nazi 05.09.2018 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
It's so much better to live in a world where we don't inspect Iran, and we now punish them, and they will do as they please from now on.

The best move for Iran now would be to ditch Khamenei's bullcrap about "pulling out too" (let Rouhani deal with that guy) and send Zarif to Brussels, London, Paris, Berlin and Beijing to present a united (and smiling!) front: as with the Climate Change agreement (actually, the JCPOA is better than that one), everybody but the U.S. sticks with the deal and Trump can go fuck himself while playing Bibi's CDs.

The Soup Nazi 05.09.2018 05:45 PM


evollove 05.09.2018 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Dude, are you actually saying this with a straight face?

Trump got nearly everything wrong in a single tweet, including the proper spelling of the dude he was advocating for. If my face was straight, it needs slapped.

I'm really done with national politics. I guess it's "exciting," but aren't you all sick of horrible shit you really can't do anything about? I've tuned out. I'm staying local where my voice actually might matter.

Lemme know if Stormy brings him down or if Mueller cuffs him. Until then, it's all distraction.

ilduclo 05.09.2018 06:19 PM

Damn, really unhappy with Schneiderman, we also have a really long term advocate for the poor and immigrants here in Oregon who’s just been arrested for sex abuse of some underaged person. I really wish that Democrats and progressives who have that kind of issue would just hurry up, get a decent replacement in hand and then GTFO.

The Soup Nazi 05.09.2018 07:51 PM


The Soup Nazi 05.09.2018 07:58 PM

My country actually has net neutrality already, but Jesus Christ Monkeyballs you guys should do something about the fucking mess you got over there...

evollove 05.09.2018 08:49 PM

Sen. Rob Portman is on the fence with net neutrality. Calls are best, but if that's not feasible, write him an email. Seriously, on some issues, some representatives are responsive to constituent feedback. (On some issues of course, they don't give a fuck what you think.)

Oh yeah. You might have to lie and say you're from Ohio.

Bytor Peltor 05.10.2018 06:35 AM

The Americans are home and this is a good thing!

Skuj 05.10.2018 03:27 PM's that whole pulling out of the Iran Deal working out then?

Netanyahu going to do a new powerpoint soon?

ilduclo 05.10.2018 06:04 PM

that's a karaoke performance, man, not a powerpoint. Or was it kabuki? noh?

_tunic_ 05.11.2018 01:55 AM

Republican Who Claims Holocaust Was Orchestrated by Gay Nazis Wins Enough Support For Massachusetts Governor Primary


The author of a book claiming that the Holocaust was orchestrated by gay men who ran the Nazi Party will appear on a Massachusetts gubernatorial primary ballot later this year after garnering enough support at the Republican Party’s state convention last week. Scott Lively will now face off with incumbent governor Charlie Baker in September’s primary.

ilduclo 05.11.2018 11:53 AM

some pretty apropos things about Mike Penice lately. Too bad these folks didn't make him an issue in the election, he certainly was for me

Penice. And, he's really enamored with Donnie's "broad shoulders"

read George Fwill about Penice, pretty fucking good. be29c14621

ilduclo 05.11.2018 12:28 PM

Here's Kelly Sadler Director for the Surrogate and Coalitions Outreach of the White House Communications Office, former columnist at the Rev Sun Myung Moon Washington Times:

mocked Sen. John McCain’s brain cancer diagnosis at an internal meeting on Thursday, a day after the Arizona Republican announced his opposition to President Trump’s nominee for CIA director, Gina Haspel.

Special assistant Kelly Sadler made the derisive comments during a closed-door White House meeting of about two-dozen communications staffers on Thursday morning.

“It doesn’t matter, he’s dying anyway,”

wonder what Trump hired her for...Sherriff Clarke thinks he knows...


The Soup Nazi 05.11.2018 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
that's a karaoke performance, man, not a powerpoint. Or was it kabuki? noh?


Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran
(Oh bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran)
Bomb Iraaaan, oh take my steaaalth
You've got me strickin' and a-shellin'
Attackin' and air-raidin'
Bomb Iran
Bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran

The Soup Nazi 05.11.2018 07:30 PM

Update from


June 11. That's the day net neutrality will go away, after the FCC sided with AT&T, Verizon and Comcast against 86% of Americans to repeal Title II net neutrality protections.

Now we have another important date to share with you. Wednesday, May 16. That’s the day we are 99% sure the CRA resolution to save net neutrality will be voted on in the Senate.

Will you help win Wednesday’s vote? Tell Senators to vote YES on the resolution to save net neutrality.

Thanks to the entire Democratic caucus, and the support of Senator Susan Collins of Maine, we have 50 Senators in support of overturning the FCC and saving net neutrality.

We just need one more vote to win in the Senate. What happens over these next few days will determine whether the internet is controlled by you, or Big Cable.

You better believe that lobbyists for Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T are doing a full court press with members of Congress right now. So we have to bring our A game too.

Click here to tell the Senate to overturn the FCC and save net neutrality. DEADLINE: Wednesday.

Then, forward this email to someone you know. A friend, co-worker, your dog’s vet. Anybody who you enjoys the free and open internet as much as you do.

We are soooo close to victory. Small businesses across America are fired up and standing with us. Your favorite sites like Reddit, Etsy, Vimeo, and Medium are telling their visitors to contact Congress. People are protesting at Senate and House offices all over the country on May 14th.

If we push really hard now, we can save net neutrality for good without any complicated legislative maneuvers. If we don’t go all in, saving net neutrality becomes a heck of a lot harder.

This is one of the most consequential votes Congress has taken on net neutrality and internet freedom in years. We can win this vote. We only need one more senator to win.

So drop everything you are doing right now and sign this petition. Make sure the Senate hears all of us, loud and clear.

We have only until Wednesday: Tell the Senate to overturn the FCC and save net neutrality.

!@#$%! 05.13.2018 09:26 AM

“stop saying the trump era is not normal”

Slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, the Klan again. Internment of Japanese Americans. Gender discrimination and scientific racism. McCarthyism. George Wallace. All leading to a president whom Meacham considers “an heir to the white populist tradition,” a leader eager to undermine the law, the truth and “the sense of hope essential to American life.”

Trump is normal in that he embodies recurring maladies of American public life; perhaps the main anomaly is that he brings so many of them together. Such historical awareness can comfort, especially if you believe, as Meacham does, that every generation considers itself under siege and that, with the right leadership, Americans usually find a way forward rather than back. “The good news is that we have come through such darkness before,” he writes. “All has seemed lost before, only to give way, after decades of gloom, to light.”

Of course, if you’re living in the gloom, awareness of historical patterns bestows limited consolation. It might, however, inject small doses of those qualities that latter-day resistance requires: Inspiration. Patience. Even humility.

Skuj 05.13.2018 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
There's been much concern about President Trump;s pullout from the JCPOA last week, so i thought I'd share with you the views of Josh Gottheimer, a Democratic representative from New Jersey and former Bill Clinton speechwriter abd Hillary Clinton and John Kerry campaign adviser:

Gottheimer Stands Strong Against Iran Deal

Washington, May 8, 2018

Today, Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) released the following statement regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action:

“I opposed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015, because while it may have placed temporary limits on certain aspects of Iran’s nuclear program, it did not permanently preclude Tehran’s pathway to the bomb. It also failed to address Iran's aggressive development of long-range ballistic missiles to deliver these nuclear weapons. These facts remain true today.

“Since the deal’s implementation, Iran has reaped the benefits of sanctions relief, twice skirted the agreement’s limitations on heavy water, and continued to flaunt its refusal to allow international inspectors access to military sites under the JCPOA’s weak inspections regime. Iran has violated international law by testing long-range ballistic missiles and transferring weapons to terrorist groups, including Hezbollah and Hamas, and Iranian proxies in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen. But even if Iran were to fulfill all its obligations, the sunsets in the JCPOA would still permit Iran to resume its nuclear program within years."

Isn't it strange that he said this, but elsewhere it is said that inspections were not refused, and Iran followed the rules of the deal.

Which "truth" do we follow?

(I certainly cannot believe a word that Netanyahu speaks. He is almost Trumpist in his hatred of all things Obama.)

ilduclo 05.13.2018 05:37 PM

he's also just about as crooked as Trump

Skuj 05.14.2018 09:48 AM

So, Mr Kushner, how's that whole mid-east peace thing working out?

Skuj 05.14.2018 11:21 AM

What does Obama and EU know that we don't? OK I'll read that.....

If Kushner was on The Apprentice, wouldn't he be fired by now? Oh....wait....

!@#$%! 05.14.2018 11:28 AM

what this shit means is that the perfect is the enemy of the good

The Soup Nazi 05.14.2018 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
So, Mr Kushner, how's that whole mid-east peace thing working out?

I've always —even before the Trumpocalypse— hated Kushner and Ivanka for being parasitic famous-for-being-famous CROOKS, but today was the first day I simply couldn't stand the sight of them on TV anymore — it literally (and I literally mean LITERALLY) made me nauseous.




The Soup Nazi 05.14.2018 06:18 PM

But hey, who gives a shit about the 55 (and counting) Palestinians killed by Israel today, right? I mean, they're so brown and poor and faceless and just... unglamorous...




!@#$%! 05.14.2018 06:28 PM

fucking disgraceful

The Soup Nazi 05.14.2018 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
he's also just about as crooked as Trump

Updated overview: n_Netanyahu

Netanyahu was fighting for his political survival and Trump made it golden for him by getting out of the JCPOA and moving that repulsive motherfucking embassy to Jerusalem. Nothing like fearmongering (Iran and Hamas will rape us! They will RAPE US!) to get your poll numbers up, cry witchhunt, blame the media and try to discredit the Chief of the Israeli Police and the country's Attorney General... both of whom were appointed by Bibifuck himself — sounds familiar?

ilduclo 05.15.2018 09:23 AM

Yup, Election Day in OR today.

I wish someone would sanction the US and Israel for this..BDS!

The Soup Nazi 05.15.2018 03:22 PM

This is a almost two months old but I hadn't seen it. From

Inside the Last Days of the Hillary Clinton Campaign
From Huma Abedin's breakdown to Clinton's reaction to the Comey email investigation

Excerpted from DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT: An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World, by Jennifer Palmieri

evollove 05.15.2018 03:28 PM

DEAR MADAME PRESIDENT is short, inspiring book. Highly recommended.

!@#$%! 05.15.2018 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

christ on a cracker

of course she’s going to blame someone other than her boss

same old fucked excuses for a shitty “i’m not him” campaign. hillary & co please go away already.

she didn’t lose because she was a woman. she lost cuz she was a sucky candidate with a sucky campaign.

now let elizabeth warren run

The Soup Nazi 05.15.2018 03:59 PM

Join Mark Hamill and save net neutrality!

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