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!@#$%! 06.22.2015 04:52 PM


don't worry. burn after reading. nuke it now actually before it registers on google alerts :P

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.22.2015 07:46 PM

So gmku isn't gonna go shitfaced drunk to the interview.. what my advice no good?

gmku 06.23.2015 10:35 AM

Oooooh, they are toying with me. More than 24 hours since the "send us your availability for an interview and writing samples" message. Not. A. Word.

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Oooooh, they are toying with me. More than 24 hours since the "send us your availability for an interview and writing samples" message. Not. A. Word.

just breathe man. maybe someone went on vacation. relax! it's like those institutional paychecks...

gmku 06.23.2015 10:48 AM

I know. I'm trying not to feel irritated. It feels like, Here, boy, here's a bone! And then there's no bone in the hand of the master, and the master is quiet, in fact, he went out to water the garden.

My wife tells me the same thing. "You worry too much. Things will fall into place as they will, and you can't force any of it." She is wise.

I'm just worried about the last-minute call or message expecting me to show up with little advance notice. Next week is moving week, and my time is really limited this week as well.

The funny thing is, when I first spoke with the point person several weeks ago, to set up a prescreening interview, she had called within a few hours of sending her email to me, wondering why I had not responded yet (I simply had not checked my email yet that day). She told that she was an impatient person so she was calling me because she didn't like waiting for email replies. Like, huh?

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 11:14 AM

maybe it's someone else who has to see it. maybe the dean wants to read your samples. maybe it goes to a committee. who knows?


whatever happens, happens.

i know it's hard to return to the present ha ha ha but cmon.

the nostril thing!

gmku 06.23.2015 11:28 AM

Returning to the breath. Relaxed now.

Need a nap.

gmku 06.23.2015 11:52 AM

Pet peeve: When people say "No problem" when they should say "You're welcome."

As in, "Thank you for wiping my butt." Reply: "No problem." No, say that the person is welcome to your help for wiping his butt. Helping can be a problem. To imply that it is not means that your help really wasn't worth much. Acknowledge that you had something to offer by offering the more appropriate response.

In all seriousness, I hear this all the time anymore. I myself am making an effort to avoid it. I am consciously using "you're welcome" more often.

gmku 06.23.2015 02:01 PM

If my cubicle neighbor were not so darned cute, this would be irritating: She has this particular nervous habit of laughing at the end of almost every sentence she speaks. It's a quick, nervous, little laugh, almost a giggle, but deeper and quicker--she laughs and then quickly stops.

She gets away with it because she's a "girl" and she's young, but I feel bad for her sometimes, as in, don't you know how that sounds to the other person? She does it especially when she's talking on the phone. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, that's bad news. (laughter) We apologize for our mistake. (laughter) But we do appreciate your significant contribution to our liberal arts in prison program (laughter)."

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 02:11 PM

pretend she's flirting with you instead. all will be well.

gmku 06.23.2015 02:13 PM

Oh, I don't mind, really. It's cute. But I hope she outgrows it before long, for her own sake.

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 02:19 PM

or you could enjoy watching her BUUUUURNNNN!

just kidding. i know what you mean. it's that nervous/submissive laugh. like a japanese girl.

she'll never grow up to be madeleine albright that way. that requires respect, and giggles don't cut it. speaking of albright, i read this fun thing by her today about the power of interruptions (and the power required to pull them off)

gmku 06.23.2015 02:23 PM

Ha ha, yes, only it's not that high and giggly. Nervous and submissive, yes.

And I love Portlandia. Love it.

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 02:26 PM

right, the pitch is cultural, but the status signal is the same

check out the albright piece

schizophrenicroom 06.23.2015 07:13 PM

so i have finally a living situation that i can AFFORD set up, and it's with good friends. just need some furniture. suh-weeeeet.

schizophrenicroom 06.23.2015 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
If my cubicle neighbor were not so darned cute, this would be irritating: She has this particular nervous habit of laughing at the end of almost every sentence she speaks. It's a quick, nervous, little laugh, almost a giggle, but deeper and quicker--she laughs and then quickly stops.

oh god, i have this issue. it's a nerve thing. i got in hot water many a time in the past for laughing during terribly inappropriate situations because i do that when i'm nervous. i end a lot of my sentences in a weird half mumble/laughter when anxiety strikes, and i'm overly self-aware of it. it's pretty awful. but she sounds aware of it at least.

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
so i have finally a living situation that i can AFFORD set up, and it's with good friends. just need some furniture. suh-weeeeet.

yesssss. congrats.

i would humbly suggest (humbly! who am i kidding!) going easy on the furniture. moving is a BITCH.

this is unrelated to your good news but i've been considering japanese- style furniture. i.e., very little.

this as a consequence of someone who asked me if i sat on beanbags. no, but then i thought--- "heeeeeey! great ideeeea!" well not a beanbag exactly but i've been thinking of tatami mats, floor cushions, etc. then i'll change my name to kussword kurosawa.

you prolly wanna check on freecycle. shit adds up at the register!

ps- if florida is hot you could get a nice hammock and put it indoors. you'd save on AC bills ha ha ha.

i'm crazy, i know. but at least i own my crazy & make no apologies. ha ha ha.

it works though.

schizophrenicroom 06.23.2015 07:35 PM

oh, moving is gonna be great. our move in period is right when i get back from my mini vacation, so i can be packed before i leave, then just come back and be ready to go

bean bags are awesome. i always had one in my room up til i left home. and yeah, this time also there are always the uf kids throwing out stuff. i just need a bed/desk/dresser, and a rug. i'm stoked.

!@#$%! 06.23.2015 08:44 PM

eh! that's great!

i've never achieved the delights of a pain-free move. i am aiming for that the next time it happens-- i gotta open an office in a different town so i have to set up a small apartment.

because king-size is a royal (clearly) pain to move around, i think we're gonna skip the bed altogether.

like this


or something

schizophrenicroom 06.24.2015 12:13 AM

i can see it working for some. but i gotta be high up/have lots of padding. side sleeper.

h8kurdt 06.24.2015 03:26 AM

Brb, gonna go see Kanye West and the rest of his support acts at hippyfest. See you in a few days. Peace.

!@#$%! 06.24.2015 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
but i gotta be high up/have lots of padding. side sleeper.

funny thing is i was a side & stomach sleeper since forever. and we have this airthing bed where you can choose how firm/soft your side of the bed is-- so i kept it in medium since we bought it a few years ago. the thing is massive, too.

then, only a months ago maybe? madame !@#$%! was having back pains for no reason, so i was like, fuckit, let's make the beds are hard as we can. so we pumped both sides to 100. took a few days of tossing & turning to get used to it but we now sleep better/fewer hours/no back pain/ etc. crazy.

which is why i started wondering if we even need a bed. but...

...bugs! that's the big turnoff. i don't want them crawling on my face ha ha ha. so-- having plenty of doubts about the floor thing. but would love to have the floorspace available during the day. will have to mull it over further. there has to be some way.


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Brb, gonna go see Kanye West and the rest of his support acts at hippyfest. See you in a few days. Peace.

oh, have fun!

schizophrenicroom 06.24.2015 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Brb, gonna go see Kanye West and the rest of his support acts at hippyfest. See you in a few days. Peace.

yo, enjoy!

no back pain at all? hm. i've just always slept on my side. any other way and i'm uncomfortable, sleep like shit.

this board was in my dream last night

!@#$%! 06.24.2015 03:14 PM

no back pain at all-- nothing. no snoring either. snoring is gone. and like i said, took a few nights getting used to--sleepless, restless nights. but once i got used to it, it was the best sleep ever. sounds weird, i know. but doing a search will turn up many many many stories--in blogs, articles etc--so many stories one might get a headache figuring out what's what. so i experimented. and yes now i sleep flat on my back mostly. no pillow/thin pillow. no tossing/turning/sore shoulder/snoring/etc

the other thing i notice is that my, ahem, yoga (embarrassing confession, i do a bit of stupid yoga) has improved since the stiff bed thing. things that were impossible a month ago now come easy-- this after having stopped for a while, so no, it's not from practicing more. i think it's the hard bed and having a better back alignment/posture.

now, mind you, this is not the floor-- it's still a bedr. it's just *ultrafirm*. almost like sleeping on a good yoga mat. i was like "heeeeey, corpse pose" and now that's how i sleep.

the thing is, now i need to keep 2 houses-- i don't wanna move my megabed, buy a second $3K megabed/ and i could rent a smaller place if the bed is removable during the day like the japoneses.

in the tropics people don't sleep in beds but in hammocks--keeps the bugs at a distance, one doesn't sweat like on a mattress, etc. and they are easy to hang & remove. so i'm like... "hmmmmmm...."

yes, i try to take nothing for granted, so my life is a constant experiment, ha ha ha-- total weirdo

schizophrenicroom 06.24.2015 03:34 PM

yoga's awesome. but i just do a few stretches incorporated into my workout.

ah, i don't like hammocks. i don't know. i move around in my sleep, last thing i need is to injure myself on a hammock. sleeping on my back just gives me a back ache.

and hey, whatever works. i've been playing around with supplements/whey/etc the last week or so and been having good results. sleeping better too. l-theanine/b-megadose/gaba/10 mg of ritalin in the morning and i'm straight. and protein, so i dont feel hungry every half hour. my body feels awesome.

!@#$%! 06.24.2015 08:51 PM

oh, there are hammocks & hammocks. the tropical hammock is nothing like the weird gringo hammock. see this. beyond that, i have a friend who swears by some camping hammock he & his gf take on hikes-- i have the check that one out

but yeah definitely an eccentricity ha ha ha ha. i have this cousin who used to sleep on the bare floor and eat only egg yolks and learned a bunch of language with just tapes. yep. genetics.

congrats on finding a good diet/supplement regime for you. i remember just a couple of months ago you were suffering hunger pangs etc. glad also the ritalin is working!


!@#$%! 06.24.2015 11:54 PM

beds on floors!

dammit, i think i'm gonna take the plunge...

pony 06.25.2015 08:39 PM

feeling good about finishing my paper until sunday!
today was a good writing day, thanks to Jenn and Patrick, i am so happy and I can go to bed without thinking i might not be able to finish this fucker.
I still have a week and 9 hours before I have to hand it in, which will even allow me to send it to people from the UK to proofread it! never had someone proofread my english papers. hopefully their input will make it even better. i might not be the stupid failure i thought i was for the last couple of weeks :D

high fives for everyone!

also, on saturday i will go to the lydia lunch gig here in hamburg. I have the best date for it. it's a lady that comes into my work quite often. She is 66 years old, used to be a hooker and a prostitue. Now she owns a flower shop and everyone in the area is scared of her. it's gonna be awesome!

!@#$%! 06.25.2015 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by pony
feeling good about finishing my paper until sunday!
today was a good writing day, thanks to Jenn and Patrick, i am so happy and I can go to bed without thinking i might not be able to finish this fucker.
I still have a week and 9 hours before I have to hand it in, which will even allow me to send it to people from the UK to proofread it! never had someone proofread my english papers. hopefully their input will make it even better. i might not be the stupid failure i thought i was for the last couple of weeks :D

high fives for everyone!

also, on saturday i will go to the lydia lunch gig here in hamburg. I have the best date for it. it's a lady that comes into my work quite often. She is 66 years old, used to be a hooker and a prostitue. Now she owns a flower shop and everyone in the area is scared of her. it's gonna be awesome!

lydia lunch rules!
hooker and prostitute are the same thing
make sure you get drunk after you turn in your paper. i mean, not blackout drunk, but-- the relief!!!
and eat something tasty.
meanwhile, keep pushing--and do look forward to your weekend plans, ha ha ha.

schizophrenicroom 06.25.2015 08:54 PM

congrats, pony! that's awesome.

pony 06.25.2015 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lydia lunch rules!
hooker and prostitute are the same thing
make sure you get drunk after you turn in your paper. i mean, not blackout drunk, but-- the relief!!!
and eat something tasty.
meanwhile, keep pushing--and do look forward to your weekend plans, ha ha ha.

oh, i meant to write heroin addict and prostitute, sorry!!!

we all will have drinks at uni the day we have to hand the thesis in :)

!@#$%! 06.25.2015 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by pony
oh, i meant to write heroin addict and prostitute, sorry!!!

we all will have drinks at uni the day we have to hand the thesis in :)

ha ha no problem-- i was just proofreading for you! :p

well enjoy


im sure you have your own hamburg brew but this was a good photo

ps- the board suddenly has 2 girls! it's like--comets flying. sorta cosmic.

EVOLghost 06.26.2015 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
beds on floors!

dammit, i think i'm gonna take the plunge...

My Room is fucking Hot so we put the mattress in our front room on the floor. Ahhh cool breezes from the balcony.

schizophrenicroom 06.26.2015 02:00 AM

i'm so entertained when i straight up tell guys, "i am not interested in speaking to you or otherwise engaging beyond the next few hours" and i find out that they're using mutual friends to like, try and get my number. like, what part of that is muddy and unclear?

Keeping It Gimple 06.26.2015 05:50 AM

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Keeping It Gimple 06.27.2015 04:55 AM

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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.27.2015 01:44 PM

Acid and hennessy.. wow.. off to the Dead show now

evollove 06.27.2015 01:58 PM

Stay safe and have fun. But mostly stay safe.

schizophrenicroom 06.28.2015 12:29 AM

a month to jeopardy. i'm so excited.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.28.2015 02:05 AM

Wow.. acid and hennessy..

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