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Keeping It Gimple 07.26.2015 03:51 AM

in ear sennheisers are cheap as fuck

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Gimple
in ear sennheisers are cheap as fuck

i didnt know. their mics and pro gear are $$$. awesome, but very pricey.

now im awake in the middle of the night and can't sleep. woohoo!!!



Originally Posted by terriblecanyons

i just stood in my kitchen at almost 2 am and ate four girl scout cookies back to back while my left eye was watering uncontrollably and i think it's some kind of sign

a sign that you're allergic to the ingredients maybe? ha ha

(i kinda hate those things)


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
I have the key to my new place!!!

you back in fluoridia already?

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 01:37 PM

well, back from daytona to gainesville

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 01:38 PM

my friends gave me a bed and finally have all my shit from Miami. feels so good.

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
my friends gave me a bed and finally have all my shit from Miami. feels so good.

oh good so you never have to go again to that cesspool

im still waiting to hear all about your famously swank desk

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 03:31 PM

it's some nice oak, pretty simple but has a sliding keyboard area and a drawer. that and the bed are already at my new place and eight of my sixteen boxes. so stoked.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.26.2015 05:30 PM

Stop hating on Miami !@#$! its LA East

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Stop hating on Miami !@#$! its LA East

LA is a giant vampyric amoeba that oozes pestilence. the worst of american culture drains into it like a cesspool.

looks like a drying scab that will soon fall off the earth-- or get yanked out by an earthquake

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
it's some nice oak, pretty simple but has a sliding keyboard area and a drawer. that and the bed are already at my new place and eight of my sixteen boxes. so stoked.


now please tell me you got it freecycled or something no-cost

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.26.2015 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
LA is a giant vampyric amoeba that oozes pestilence. the worst of american culture drains into it like a cesspool.

looks like a drying scab that will soon fall off the earth-- or get yanked out by an earthquake

Id say you watch too much tv but i know you don't so ill say you must get your LA info from people who watch too much tv.

Come to LA and ill show you some culture yo

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Id say you watch too much tv but i know you don't so ill say you must get your LA info from people who watch too much tv.

Come to LA and ill show you some culture yo

hell no. that's the place tv actually comes from.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.26.2015 10:24 PM

Yeah but what we put on tv is not representative of the entire LA experience. Again,we have culture, the arts, music, food, history, architecture, and even nature! Trust me yo..

Sure, the plastic side of LA is perhaps largest in world but its not even the majority of what LA simply what we export.

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

now please tell me you got it freecycled or something no-cost

friend and his boyfriend didn't need the desk (or their decent leather sectional) so it's MIIIINNNE.

supposedly i'll hear back from jeopardy any time in the next 18 months if i am chosen to appear on the show, so maybe in the next 18 months at some point i'll be in la for a few days. i think i've mentioned my mom is from there so i'm mostly interested in it as a "hey, my family started out in america here" way more than anything else.

miami is... oh, miami. the rent is high and the people are awful but there is some terrific food.

gmku- gardening! i'm so happy to have space now in my backyard (and to have a yard.) thinking of having an avocado tree.

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Yeah but what we put on tv is not representative of the entire LA experience. Again,we have culture, the arts, music, food, history, architecture, and even nature! Trust me yo..

Sure, the plastic side of LA is perhaps largest in world but its not even the majority of what LA simply what we export.

yah been there don't like it. weird people vibe. some nice things for sure but first you have to drive through the worst asshole drivers in america for 2 hours to get there. love the beaches though. no ocean like the pacific.

next time i'll try san diego though.

also i've been to miami more times than i can remember and my brother works there... what they have in common with LA is the nasty endless sprawl. but miami has not been good to schizo so i hate miami now so that's the end of that. final answer.

the last dream city i have left in america is new orleans. banged up and all. i lost new york to gentrification.

ANYWAY i thought you were in portlandia for the summer?


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
friend and his boyfriend didn't need the desk (or their decent leather sectional) so it's MIIIINNNE.


internet high fives and all that.

i ordered one of the thermarest mats for a test. we'll see how i sleep on it and order the second one accordingly. love the REI one-year return policy (though costco is better).

viva japan

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 10:48 PM

viva beds.

i'm at my old place for the night just to gather stuff and clean a bit. of course i did nothing instead, but c'est la vie.

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 10:50 PM

even the wynwood area of miami from what i hear is nothing like what it was just eight months ago and that's crazy to me. i think the only reason i'd ever go back is if the heat play on my birthday and the matchup is decent. and even then, go there and come right back.

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
viva beds.


here's to good sleep


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
i'm at my old place for the night just to gather stuff and clean a bit. of course i did nothing instead, but c'est la vie.

well, you always need to decompress and do nothing after a vacation. at least 2 days.

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 10:55 PM

yeah, i came back friday afternoon and the next morning was at work. soul-crushing is probably the best word for how it felt.

how are things for you? cook anything good lately?

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons

i just stood in my kitchen at almost 2 am and ate four girl scout cookies back to back while my left eye was watering uncontrollably and i think it's some kind of sign

which cookies?

so would you say you saw the sign and it... opened up your eyes?

also, sean and i cooked in the kitchen at 2 am i think wednesday night and he told me how love is dead.

!@#$%! 07.26.2015 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
yeah, i came back friday afternoon and the next morning was at work. soul-crushing is probably the best word for how it felt.

how are things for you? cook anything good lately?

made green tea ice cream today. we ate the whole quart ha ha ha ha.
well maybe i ate 3/4. uffff. 2 cups cream, 1 cup milk, 6 egg yoks! dinner.

gotta shut down in a bit but before i forget for your garden try maracuyá aka passion fruit. makes the best damn juice on the planet when it's fresh. also, frozen popsicles whatever they're called. grows great in the tropics. actually i don't know how hot are gainesville winters but if they stay above say 50 or 60 it should live and make fruit like crazy.


oh i wish i had something like that. my winters are cold-- even summers are cold here when it rains.

weno, i gotta go, but i leave you with a dream of maracuyá. it's the greatest.

schizophrenicroom 07.26.2015 11:21 PM

ohh, i love passion fruit. yum. gainesville gets fairly chilly- up until march it was 60ish during the day and 40ish at night. i'm so excited to be here for fall and winter. but they could be fine. have a good night!

!@#$%! 07.27.2015 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
ohh, i love passion fruit. yum. gainesville gets fairly chilly- up until march it was 60ish during the day and 40ish at night. i'm so excited to be here for fall and winter. but they could be fine. have a good night!

thanks! night was good indeed.

was reading how passionfruit comes in 2 colors! purple and yellow. i only know the yellow tart delicious maracuyá.

best thing about it is it grows FAST. also read some strains resist temperatures of 20F so it should be a piece of cake in your area.

i mean you want to grow an avocado tree and those take years. but the maracuyá grows like a vine and

oh i just looked it up.

might wanna switch to tomatos ha ha ha. 2-3 years for the passionfruit. 3-13 years for the avocado (3-4 if you buy ready tree, up to 13 if you plant) / i thought the maracuyá was a little faster but 2years is a bit of a long horizon for a rental.

lissen-- grow basil. great place to start and always tasty. also, mint grows like a weed and keeps bugs & rodents away (they say). great in your sweet tea. humid subtropical gardens are great for a lot of things. peppers, for example. beans. tomato of course. shit, you could plant corn and it's ready in 100 days. i'm thinking also sweet potatoes.

schizophrenicroom 07.27.2015 09:20 PM

basil for sure, oh my god sweet potatoes is a great idea too. I put a bit of maple syrup on top and yum.

terriblecanyons 07.27.2015 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
which cookies?

so would you say you saw the sign and it... opened up your eyes?

also, sean and i cooked in the kitchen at 2 am i think wednesday night and he told me how love is dead.

i always see the sign and ace of base, and you know this

remember that time we cooked like three boxes of macaroni and cheese at once?

!@#$%! 07.27.2015 11:57 PM

yo schizo, there is no need for maple syrup if you cook them long enough. this i promise.

a longer cook breaks down the pectin on the cell walls and the thing releases its own sugar, which caramelizes. they become supersoft and drippy with sweet.

just roast them a little longer/higher temp and you'll see the majicks. say 45' to 1h at 400F-- don't worry if it chars the ends a little. then add bacon instead mhuahahahahahahaha. (because it's already like a pancake.)

@ crayons - so where do you live now? didn't you go to montana or something? i forget.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.28.2015 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
i always see the sign and ace of base, and you know this

remember that time we cooked like three boxes of macaroni and cheese at once?

Were they Tagalongs? I fucking LOVE Tagalongs yo

gmku 07.28.2015 10:09 AM

I'm kind of hungry. I skipped breakfast this morning, not on purpose but just kind of forgot about it. Sucked down my coffee, left, and realized I hadn't eaten.

!@#$%! 07.28.2015 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
I'm kind of hungry. I skipped breakfast this morning, not on purpose but just kind of forgot about it. Sucked down my coffee, left, and realized I hadn't eaten.

go get a bottle of organic whole-fat milk yo

tastes delicious and you're in farm country

8g protein per cup and enough fat to get your furnace going

but hey, it's not like you have to work hard or anything ha ha ha hahahahaa

(hi kid! i hope you're not reading gmku's internets!)

lol the kid

im late w/ breakfast too. @ the computer tryign to figure out what kind of pancake this morning. because there's a maseca pancake that exists and i'm like WTF??? yes, maseca is the flour to make tortillas. basically fine-ground hominy. so maybe this is a jonnycake. or something. don't know. im hungry. adiós.

gmku 07.28.2015 10:20 AM

Thanks. I dislike milk. I love cheese, yogurt, other dairy products. I just can't do milk, for some reason.

When I skip breakfast, I start having cravings for red meat. Weird. I want a big burger right now.

But yeah, work. Ha!? I am coasting... . The big boss (the kid) and the little boss (her) both are trying to fill up my plate with projects, and what I'm keeping from them is I've already done most of this stuff, in anticipation of leaving, weeks ago! So, I'm like, "Sure, not a problem, I should have this to you by, oh, let's say..." and then I go back to my desk and surf. HA! So funny. "Gmku, can you give me a status update on your work with x. How's it going?" "Oh, great, I'm just checking on a few details, but no problem finishing this up. Should even have it early."

gmku 07.28.2015 10:27 AM

Also, both bosses are a little dumb about what I do. To them, updating or adding content to a web page seems like a big deal, something that might take hours, when in reality, I can get it done in minutes. Writing a short news release should take days and days in their eyes; I can do it in a few hours. So easy to pull the proverbial wool...

This morning, the new project was to figure out how to switch all my social media credentials over to someone else in the office. Really? This is a project? Changing log-ins and passwords? "Please handle and let me know when everything is transferred." You should have seen the astounded face when I reported back in 5 minutes. HA!

!@#$%! 07.28.2015 10:35 AM

i hate hot industrial milk (it stinks) but COLD ORGANIC WHOLE MILK is jsut fucking great. another substance altogether. it's my road food when i'm in a hurry.

i got stumped w/ the many contradictory recipes. taking a break but still hungry.

hilarious tales of the workload, there. it's a bureaucracy thing, isn't it? people get calcified.

gmku 07.28.2015 10:54 AM

Yes, and bureaucracy is based in fear, isn't it? Fear of true creativity, of individuality, of non-productive time. I feel it here.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i hate hot industrial milk (it stinks) but COLD ORGANIC WHOLE MILK is jsut fucking great. another substance altogether. it's my road food when i'm in a hurry.

i got stumped w/ the many contradictory recipes. taking a break but still hungry.

hilarious tales of the workload, there. it's a bureaucracy thing, isn't it? people get calcified.

!@#$%! 07.28.2015 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Yes, and bureaucracy is based in fear, isn't it? Fear of true creativity, of individuality, of non-productive time. I feel it here.

i've always avoided those places but my brother tells me tales of having worked at a place where he was able to do his work in a week that was allotted for a full months. there were people sitting next to him that had been doing things at the official pace ofr 25 years. he hated the place but used it to get his master's and then fucked off.

Rob Instigator 07.28.2015 12:12 PM

in nearly every job I have ever had, from corporate america, to private law firms, to academia, I see that 80% of the workforce gets paid to take up space, while 20% of the workforce actually works hard and does all the work, and gets paid the same as the ones that do jack shit.

This is all management 101, and taught in every MBA program. a drone that shows up every day and does middling work is m ore valuable to the bottom line than a worker who is devoted, slaves away, goes above and beyond in their duties. either way you get the same 3% cost of living raise (if you are LUCKY)

it's all a crock of shit.

Keeping It Gimple 07.28.2015 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
in nearly every job I have ever had, from corporate america, to private law firms, to academia, I see that 80% of the workforce gets paid to take up space, while 20% of the workforce actually works hard and does all the work, and gets paid the same as the ones that do jack shit.

This is all management 101, and taught in every MBA program. a drone that shows up every day and does middling work is m ore valuable to the bottom line than a worker who is devoted, slaves away, goes above and beyond in their duties. either way you get the same 3% cost of living raise (if you are LUCKY)

it's all a crock of shit.

how does this work exactly? surely the guy who works harder is more valuable?

Rob Instigator 07.28.2015 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Gimple
how does this work exactly? surely the guy who works harder is more valuable?

because in corporate America employees are not treated as individual sources of quality work. They are cogs, pieces, to be switched and swapped around at the discretion of upper management. Whole departments can be dumped/fired/laid off solely because cost overruns have occurred in a different department. with this expendability ingrained in the workforce, requiring employees whose departure would not be critical to the actual functioning of the busienss. the search for REAL talent and hard work only occurs in very specified positions, things like "Director" or "VP of Finance". It is why hourly employes are treated like sheep to be herded, while salaried employees are treated like slaves to overwork.

the person that works harder is more valuable only to an employer that actually allows that employee to be invested in the work. most companies do not do this, saving their profit-sharing, stock options, performance bonuses solely for those in upper management. (the 20% of "actually valuable" employees.) a slacker "file clerk" will get paid just as much as a "hardworking" file clerk. Sometimes the hard work is noticed and appreciated (rare) but many times it is actually discouraged, because it creates tension among the drones.

Of course this is a generalization of sorts, but it has been my experience in all fields of work.

gmku 07.28.2015 02:47 PM

I worked hard in this job. Don't get me wrong. And I put up with a lot of pure nonsense. I'm just no longer motivated, as you can well imagine.

On a different note, I got that burger, and it was a nice burger, to boot. Organic Iowa grown beef, caramelized onion, cucumbers, and blue cheese. I kept things in balance by ordering a salad instead of fries, and water instead of a carbonated beverage.

Rob Instigator 07.28.2015 02:54 PM

My mother was let go from several jobs after we moved to US from Houston. She would be assigned duties, get them done in a few days, and be let go after being told that she was supposed to "stretch it out" so that the work would last a month.

This is standard practice in corporate america....

!@#$%! 07.28.2015 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My mother was let go from several jobs after we moved to US from Houston. She would be assigned duties, get them done in a few days, and be let go after being told that she was supposed to "stretch it out" so that the work would last a month.

that's usually a union thing--"don't make the rest of us look bad"

elsewhere, people either get promoted or loaded with ever more work


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
This is standard practice in corporate america....

which is the place to avoid...

Rob Instigator 07.28.2015 03:30 PM

the nation's largest employer is Wal-Mart, with over 80% of their workforce earning minimum wage.....

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