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sarramkrop 04.13.2007 03:27 PM

Is it just me or a lot of 'noise' being made is just infantile?

sonicl 04.13.2007 03:37 PM

Couldn't agree more. There's a lot of "music to upset the parents" doing the rounds.

Pookie 04.13.2007 03:40 PM

Didn't we all do that in our youth?

Pookie 04.13.2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
maybe some of us to some degree.

ive always genuinely liked music, and some of it my parents didnt like so much.

I genuinely liked what I liked, but got a great deal of pleasure when my Dad saw my copy of Too Drunk To Fuck.

Rob Instigator 04.13.2007 03:48 PM

everything I listento from urge overkill to sonic youth to butthole surfers to codeine to unsane to cecil taylor to ornette coleman will offend my mom;s ears

she loves paul anka, the platters, the bee gees, peter cetera etc

Rob Instigator 04.13.2007 03:50 PM

to me it is ridiculopusly easy to get some people with instruments and "make noise", and by that I mean an incoherent thoughtless mess. I have seen several "bands" ion Houston trying that. I want to hear "songs" and I put that in quotes because it is a loose term to me. lightning bolt have "songs" Houston's own Rusted Shut has "songs". even the harshest stuff on CIS by the Youth has "songs"

structureless wanking disguised as a "noise" band does not do it to me.

Savage Clone 04.13.2007 03:52 PM

Rusted Shut will piss off some parents for sure.

atari 2600 04.13.2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I mean, the latest incarnation of Sonic youth sounds like it was meant to appeal to children.

More like you saw this thread today
Dinosuar Jr - Beyond

which was followed up by this thread
Thurston and Coco in Dinosaur Jr. Video
less than an hour later

& this irritated you, so you thought of Coco and the remarks from various interviews that Thurston may have written some stuff with her opinion in mind and posted this thread.

atari 2600 04.13.2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
true story pork...

you dig lustmord by any chance?

bootlick, pt. 2

the ikara cult 04.13.2007 04:28 PM

i really didnt hate my parents during my youth, my hate was directed at abolutely everything else around me. I dont see anything wrong with Rather Ripped being a more easy listen, its something you learn when you grow up - that things an people can be multi-faceted.

krastian 04.13.2007 11:49 PM

You're absolutely right.

val-holla-ing 04.14.2007 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
to me it is ridiculopusly easy to get some people with instruments and "make noise", and by that I mean an incoherent thoughtless mess. I have seen several "bands" ion Houston trying that. I want to hear "songs" and I put that in quotes because it is a loose term to me. lightning bolt have "songs" Houston's own Rusted Shut has "songs". even the harshest stuff on CIS by the Youth has "songs"

structureless wanking disguised as a "noise" band does not do it to me.

*cough* speaking of houston, my band's playing there in may, you should come check it out /shameless plug.

i'm wondering what bands in particular you're talking about that would piss off folks' parents.

sonicl 04.14.2007 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Couldn't agree more. There's a lot of "music to upset the parents" doing the rounds.

People take note - this will go down in history as the exact moment that I became middle-aged.

Toilet & Bowels 04.14.2007 04:01 AM

not long now eh?

Pookie 04.14.2007 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
People take note - this will go down in history as the exact moment that I became middle-aged.

Embrace it!

You should be able to pick up a few Phil Collins CDs in that Oxfam shop.

Dead-Air 04.14.2007 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
People take note - this will go down in history as the exact moment that I became middle-aged.

I felt that way mildly seeing the Blood Brothers from backstage while hanging out with Conrad from Trail of Dead (old school chum, I like his band only so-so). I could totally see what was good about the Blood Brothers, but I couldn't get it to move me. I was certain though, that if I was 20 years younger, I would probably love them the way I did Green River when I was (not that those bands sound anything alike, I'm just talking about the "young pissed off, slightly more intelligent than average, white guy" energy that is shared.)

As for what's considered "noise" these days being "infantile", I kind of figured out the other night at a house party that Crank Sturgeon played at here in PDX, what's up with that. With "punk rock" now a "jock" thing, the young rebellious kids (and I'm old enough that when I say "kids", I'm often referring to people into their twenties as much as teens) who would have been into hardcore a decade or two ago are now seemingly naturally into pure noise instead.

So there probably is something to the idea that people get into it in part to piss off others, particularly authority figures, and yes a lot of it is not very well thought out clone crap - just like was the case with hardcore. Of course you do have people who emerge from such scenes who are actually really good too. For every Minor Threat or Flipper you had untold dozens of really boring, close minded shit hardcore bands "back in the day", and so now you have the same thing for every Crank Sturgeon or Skullflower in the noise scene.

Glice 04.14.2007 05:49 AM

I was lucky. Being the youngest child by a good decade, my parents were far too savvy to get offended by anything. Now, I go to gigs with both on occasion. And, slightly more interestingly, they were the quickest to realise the genuinely offensive content of Prussian Blue, whereas most of my mates didn't. Am I lucky, or are all parents better than their children?

[NB I downloaded the PB album out of curiosity, and quite like it, and don't think they're any worse than Non or Current 93 (etc), and I have enough other records to assuage any accusations anyone might care to throw]

terminal pharmacy 04.14.2007 06:36 AM

yes alot of noise is utter garbage, but there is some good stuff

afterthefact 04.14.2007 06:57 AM

I don't understand. You criticise noise music, and then criticise Rather Ripped, the least noisy SY album yet. Either way, noise is the new punk rock. Not in the sense that it is as good, but punk rock used to be good for teenagers to blast intheir bedrooms to piss off their parents. Now that that same music is being used in car commericals and kid movies, they need something else. And noise fills that gap.

afterthefact 04.14.2007 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I was lucky. Being the youngest child by a good decade, my parents were far too savvy to get offended by anything. Now, I go to gigs with both on occasion. And, slightly more interestingly, they were the quickest to realise the genuinely offensive content of Prussian Blue, whereas most of my mates didn't. Am I lucky, or are all parents better than their children?

[NB I downloaded the PB album out of curiosity, and quite like it, and don't think they're any worse than Non or Current 93 (etc), and I have enough other records to assuage any accusations anyone might care to throw]

Bravo. Unfortunately media pushes the idea that parents are dumb, and kids are way more on top of things and can make better choices. Most likely everybody's parents here have at least about 20 years on them, right? Wouldn't 20 years of life give you a little more experience, both in making good choices and bad, seeing the consequences of both? Sure, they may not always know what the coolest music is, but that tends to change each decade anyways. I think if kids gave their parents more respect and actually listened to some of the advice they may have for them, they could be much better off.

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