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!@#$%! 01.30.2014 11:18 AM

yo, antagon
where the fuck is your barfday thread

that ain't right

here then


happy birthday! have a good one!

EVOLghost 01.30.2014 01:31 PM

Happay birthdaya

evollove 01.30.2014 01:57 PM

Good save, !@#$%!

Everytime antagon posts an amazing drawing, I feel like it's my birthday.

stu666 01.30.2014 02:08 PM

happy days!

MellySingsDoom 01.30.2014 02:21 PM

Happy birthday to you antagon!

Genteel Death 01.30.2014 03:27 PM


hipster_bebop_junkie 01.30.2014 09:27 PM

Happy Birthday! :)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.30.2014 10:20 PM


Just kidding, Blessed Earth Strong yo.

Antagon 02.06.2014 09:35 AM

Thanks, guys. You are all awesome!

A Thousand Threads 02.06.2014 09:37 AM

where are you living these days? Linz, Vienna?

Antagon 02.06.2014 09:45 AM

I moved to Vienna last September. I'm currently living in the 20th district.

A Thousand Threads 02.08.2014 04:18 AM

ah. cool.
what are you doing coming wednesday?
I'll play a gig at the rhiz - Salon Skug thing.

Doing a guitar duo with my Primordial Undermind bandmate Eric Arn.
you should come and say HI! I'll get you some free beer (rhiz is expensive).

and belated happy happies!

Antagon 02.08.2014 10:55 AM

Sure, I'll drop by. I'll be wearing my trademark black hat and possibly my old "Goo"-tee. There's nothing on my schedule on wednesday. Looking forward to it! :)

A Thousand Threads 02.08.2014 11:11 AM

cool. Here's a picture of me. Seen a few pics of you around here, so i think i'll recognize you.


it'll start around 10.
Really looking forward to meeting you!

A Thousand Threads 02.08.2014 11:39 AM

now that we have a record player in the bathroom, i really want one for the kitchen too!

commodity fetish ftw!

Antagon 02.12.2014 06:41 AM

Cool, I'll be there!

!@#$%! 01.30.2020 11:33 AM

relevant! relevant!

happy birthday

NYCgaf16 01.30.2020 01:06 PM

Happy bday man!

_tunic_ 01.30.2020 04:36 PM


... rhymes with ... :p

_slavo_ 01.31.2020 03:18 AM

Dude, I had the utmost pleasure to congratulate you to your birthday yesterday IN PERSON
(suck it, boardies! :))

It was super awesome to meet you in and have a couple of beers with you. And that place we went to - wow, that was some character! (including the half-dead old lady who served us drinks and scolded us for talking too loud)

I hope we meet again soon, you're a top bloke, Antagon.

_tunic_ 01.31.2020 04:03 AM

weirdest thing happened to my grandma the other day:
two blokes rang the doorbell in the middle of the night, and came to sit on her couch. And then they drank all her beer. All the time she tried to persuade them to leave her house so she could get back to sleep, but they only left until all the beer was gone.

Antagon 01.31.2020 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
weirdest thing happened to my grandma the other day:
two blokes rang the doorbell in the middle of the night, and came to sit on her couch. And then they drank all her beer. All the time she tried to persuade them to leave her house so she could get back to sleep, but they only left until all the beer was gone.

Tell your grandma she owns one of the most atmospheric pubs in Vienna and that her taste in music is exquisite. :D

Antagon 01.31.2020 05:30 AM

Also: Thanks, everyone!

choc e-Claire 01.29.2021 07:21 PM

Happy birthday to the one and only - made the big 30! :D

_slavo_ 01.30.2021 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Tell your grandma she owns one of the most atmospheric pubs in Vienna and that her taste in music is exquisite. :D

I think this is a joke that only you and I will understand :)

Happy birthday, man! Wish i'd still be coming to Vienna to have a beer with you again, but those times are gone.

EVOLghost 01.30.2021 09:58 AM

Ayyy that day again? Happy birthday!

!@#$%! 01.30.2021 11:46 AM

happy birthday sonic brother!

Antagon 01.30.2021 06:20 PM

Thanks, fellow youtherinos. It's been a bizarre time as of late. What with Covid literally being in the January of its existence and people really losing their shit right now (and their hope).

Then I was so inundated with preparing for an important exam that is one of the most vital keys to me actually being able to get my Master's degree as soon as possible (ironic, considering I've been studying for far too long now). In the midst of my anxiety-inducing foraging for useful information within drawn-out literature that seemed to be lost in a tangent far too often, I find out my grandfather passed away.

And quick to plan as my family usually is, they pretty much established the date of the burial ceremony on the same day, only to revise it the next day - same date as the exam I was anxiously cramming for and put all of my hopes and energy into.

As much as I was torn about it - I had to decline the invitation - I mean, how can you even properly comfort each other in times such as these?

Grieving became a matter of compartmentalization and I was just overcome with this general shroud of dread that enveloped me. On top of that, I still have deadlines to take care of as I write this, but at least, they're somewhat manageable.

And I aced that fucking exam in spite of feeling like I made no headway for days on end and dealing with some physical factors along the way too. Now I'm somewhat out of the fray and a bit more relaxed, but I feel about a decade older. Maybe grief will meet me properly, one of these days.

For now, I'm glad I have my friends and people who care about me - something I got reassured of quite a bit today - even if seeing a lot of them is quite difficult right now and being able to hug them again (or, once every blue moon, without feeling remorse) is a long way from now. We gotta take it as it comes. Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot. And sorry for the wordiness. Just, you know, weight.

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