Yeah, Adult Swim used to be great. I used to jam that whole (what was it, three hours?) block on saturdays, even that Pilot Candidate show which I've to come to realize is actually really awful.
Just finished watching Breaking Bad season 2 the other day. It's a show that gets harder and harder to watch, not because it's bad, it's very good really. But it's just hard to watch Walt spiral out of control like it is. But yeah, amazing acting by both Cranston and uh, Pinkman, I think his real name is Aaron Paul. It finds ways to be hilarious in strange ways that are usually not appropriate to laugh at. It's a fun show that's kind of for any of those kids in high school that would always yell at their math teacher "Why should I do this! When am I ever going to use any of this in real life?" Well here's Walt White, making chemistry fun and applicable to the real world.