M favorite part about punk shows is that its just one big chorus, everybody is always singing along every word together
Oi Polloi fucking destroyed it! This bar was way too crowded, and worth it.
This was hardly even a circle pit, more just total chaos, but when it was a circle it was good enough for Deek to notice and mention how they don't have circle pits at punk shows in Scotland.. They even sang two songs in fucking Gaelic yo! The best part about watching videos from a different perspective is the random people diving off the stage about 100 fucking times.. epic. I always love the opportunities to see obscure and rare international bands playing and shit clubs in LA on weeknights. Its almost historic. And what is more important, total fun!
"Cheers.. Cheers.. uhh.. thank you very much indeed, I think I speak for everybody and say this is the best fucking concert we've done in fucking years! we're very touched and very thankful.."
Word, we were equally as touched, it was all time good punk, like I ain't been to in ten years at least
here is
I just fucking love oi punk.. really any anarcho, crust, and some crusty street.. too much fucking fun! I want to go to TSOL/Anti No-Where League next week buts its about 100% guaranteed that some Boneheads will be there..