Thread: Good Morning
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Old 05.30.2007, 05:48 AM   #113
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Here it is. It's too beautiful for simple words and there are so many amazing pictures on it.

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. With its beautiful layouts, pin-sharp reproductions and sparkling texts, this enormous 15-pound book is worth every penny of its price. The volume kicks off with an illuminating essay by Dave Hickey (Air Guitar) that traces the development of Warhol's genre-mocking style to his childhood in industrial Pittsburgh. Poverty forced Warhol to hone the instincts of a salesman, Hickey suggests, and neighborhood tales about Czech folk hero David Schrapnel taught him his favorite artistic method: get it exactly wrong. "Exactly wrong demonstrated that you knew what was exactly right and you were doing it wrong for the right reasons," Hickey explains. "Thus, in his impoverished early days as a fashion illustrator, Warhol dressed so wretchedly that... colleagues suspected him of being rich." The volume covers both Warhol's numerous accomplishments (in commercial illustration, advertising, painting, film) and his transformation of the New York art scene so thoroughly that even fans will gain new appreciation for Warhol's enduring influence. Longer texts by Kenneth Goldsmith, David Dalton, Ivan Karp, Peggy Phelan, Ronnie Cutrone and Bruno Bischofberger reward sustained reading, but for those who prefer browsing, the 16"×12" reproductions and the quotations of Warhol's many witticisms will be enough. (Mar.)