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Old 12.16.2008, 03:33 PM   #43
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Glice
It really isn't a small company. If you've had a drink in the last week, they've had an oar in it somewhere. But whatever, you're right, London does have more than it's fair share of prickery. London does not, by any means, have a stranglehold on corporate prickery. I'm not entirely sure what the point is now, but... yeah. Eat it.
London IS the mirror of everything that is happening in this country, just like any other major city is the mirror of whatever happens in any other country. I'm sure the company you work for is big, smart, and all that, but it isn't based in London, where you get to see the consequences of the tremors caused by volatile economical instability before everywhere else in the UK, like it or not. Agree?