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Old 12.16.2008, 03:51 PM   #53
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what question? a question mark does not a question make. ask fucking question in an intelligible way and you might get an answer. just cos i point out your nonsensical syntax doesn't make it like "im superior to others". i just ask for intelligeble questions if an answer is expected of me.

otherwise, i might as well ask you:

what at where with done who?

plus two?

is there something that?

oh, stop acting naive and answer those!
Look, syntax can suck my arse on the internet. We could spend a whole thread trying to out-bitch each other, and I'd still win 100%. You might as well admit that you like appearing on any vaguely political thread with a bit of flowery language which at the core isn't saying anything else other than stating the fact you suffer from a big complex of inferiority toward your surroundings, therefore you make up for it with an inferior view of what's going on around you, in hope the use of said flowery language makes you appear like a better person than most other people posting on that thread. No syntax, just bitchiness.