My girlfriend goes to art school, and so I have met and talked to and been around plenty of "art school" people and I gotta say... none of them are particularly interesting and none of them DEFINITELY are what I would consider "artistic". Some are "talented" at crafting homages to other famous artists but none have their own voice. It's made me question the point of art school in general. Actually, college in general is kinda silly. I totally respect a lot of people who go, but I know so many young kids going to school, saying "Oh man I'm really going to get ahead in life after I get my degree!" What I've discovered from people that I know is that getting a degree USUALLY means you'll probably get a somewhat more enjoyable job than working at Wal-Mart... getting a college degree doesn't mean you're smart, nor does it indicate you have great tenacity or any real intelligence at all. But again, I respect people who put in the effort, and the people who go because they genuinely want to learn? That's great. I'm talking about the people who force themselves into it, or feel forced into it, because of other motivations (parents, usually)...
Admittingly, I'm somewhat bitter because I've saved well over $15,000 in 3 years, working (and still paying bills, though I do live at home), everyone I know is in debt and has no idea what to do with their lives and yet somehow I am an idiot in everyone's eyes for not going to school.