our diocese here in wexford (diocese of ferns) his central to the pedophile cases in ireland and the bishop had the absolute gall to ask the people at the churches to donate money in order to pay for the administative costs occoured during the cases against the church.. the pope , eventually, wrote a letter to all churches to be read out apologising for the actions of some priests..... its disgusting.
the church are so far removed from reality it is scary and the good work, and there is a lot of good work, the church and many priests and clergy do is well diluted by the actions of some EVIL priests over may years.
as regards the clergy matrrying. the only reason that the clergy take a vow of celibacy is to do with land ownership. if a priest married, and the marraige broke down, the wife could take away half the land by law..the land which is owned by the church...celibacy guaranteed that all church land and money remained in the church..this law has been in force for years and isnt likely to change at all..again ...devoid of any reality!