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Old 04.10.2007, 12:54 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Forensic Scene
e I like Joy Division alot and i like their subtle noise that is displayed in both of their albums especially Closer. a band that i respect and like greatly. So correctionk.

Hmm... maybe I should check them out before I bash them....I only remember new wave sounds.....did I miss somthing...?

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Old 04.10.2007, 09:22 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by scott v
people who are soo curious as to what thurston is into SUCK...

get an identity, get a mind and use it...

Exactly. While you and I don't get along, at least you aren't fucking brain dead like alot of people on here.
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Old 04.10.2007, 11:48 AM   #23
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Thurston and band were interviewed by Tony Wilson on local TV here in Manchester about the time of Daydream Nation.
There didn't seem to be much reverence for Wilson or his Factory label going on at the time. In fact the interview is funnily frosty. Both sides are rather sarcastic to each other.
I'd imagine SY would like JD because they're smart, of an artistic bent and have been known to rock radical.
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Old 04.10.2007, 04:08 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Palmer Eldritch
Thurston and band were interviewed by Tony Wilson on local TV here in Manchester about the time of Daydream Nation.
There didn't seem to be much reverence for Wilson or his Factory label going on at the time. In fact the interview is funnily frosty. Both sides are rather sarcastic to each other.
I'd imagine SY would like JD because they're smart, of an artistic bent and have been known to rock radical.

I think it's just that Tony Wilson is an asshole.

Regarding SY and Joy Division I don't know Thurston's opinion but it's certain that Steve likes them.
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:19 PM   #25
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I always thought Making the Nature Scene was a JD homage, because really it is something I'd imagine JD doing. This is an interesting subject to me though because I always site one or the other, say if someone says they like Joy Division but not Sonic Youth that really bothers me. Though I think SY is the better band there's a correlation i think between them. In kind of how radical and in the way they were at their time. They're both influentual in the same kind of ways too.


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Old 06.19.2007, 09:21 AM   #26
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joy division weren't new wave...

i think unknown pleasures (and everything before and after on the "heart and soul" disc one) is easily some of the best things ever recorded. after that, it was a bit all over the place.

i'm sure thurston digs it. .most people should and do.

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Old 11.08.2007, 09:43 AM   #27
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Old 11.08.2007, 05:59 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bal
this question is now answered here

Thanks for the link
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Old 11.08.2007, 11:19 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Bal
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when thurston played a solo show in brooklyn, before playing trees outside the acadamy, he said "This song is about Ian Curtis"

so i'd say yes.
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Old 11.08.2007, 11:43 PM   #30
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Thanks for the link. All we need to know now is if he likes drywall....

I would say he's into splash ceilings...
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Old 11.09.2007, 06:47 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
Thanks for the link. All we need to know now is if he likes drywall....

I would say he's into splash ceilings...

Well, the question wasn't that pointless to me (I thought there were palpable Joy Division influences in early Sonic Youth and I'm glad to learn I may be right).
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Old 11.09.2007, 07:57 AM   #32
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hey everyone, quick note. thurston isnt god, he is a bloke in a band with an eclectic taste in music. yeah he is influencial and yeah he is knowledgeable but anyone with a grain of love for music of any genre will like joy division. if you dont well then its because its trendy to say so because joy division are back in vouge again....... i really get bored of flyby fans and post loving trends. music is good music end of story, lets not break out the butchers knife for the sake of 30 seconds of coolness........

thuston and kim also like the carpenters but i never ever see people waxing lyrically about those!
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Old 11.09.2007, 08:49 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
hey everyone, quick note. thurston isnt god, he is a bloke in a band with an eclectic taste in music. yeah he is influencial and yeah he is knowledgeable but anyone with a grain of love for music of any genre will like joy division. if you dont well then its because its trendy to say so because joy division are back in vouge again....... i really get bored of flyby fans and post loving trends. music is good music end of story, lets not break out the butchers knife for the sake of 30 seconds of coolness........

thuston and kim also like the carpenters but i never ever see people waxing lyrically about those!
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Old 11.09.2007, 09:18 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
Kill Yr Idols
I'm not sure that title is to be taken literally (cf the Teenage riot video).
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Old 11.10.2007, 03:52 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
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sonic death!
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Old 11.10.2007, 09:09 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Bal
this question is now answered here

Wasn't that in the liner notes to the Deluxe Daydream Nation?
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Old 11.13.2007, 02:04 AM   #37
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Joy Division started out as punk definitely, listen to the Ideal For Living EP. But by their full lengths they were a full fledged post-punk band. And Interpol, try as they might, will never hold a candle to them. I loved Control, but am afraid now that every know nothing shit is going to start listening to them, especially with the reissues, and especially since anything remotely new wave or "post-punk" is so in right now. I mean, I've been listening to JD since I was 14, when I bought the Heart and Soul boxset, and now all these people, granted they are my age, are going to be co-opting them...but it was a great film. And i cant really stand those biopics, ie Ray and Walk the Line.
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Old 11.13.2007, 03:09 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by SlothropLudwigMatzerath
Joy Division started out as punk definitely, listen to the Ideal For Living EP. But by their full lengths they were a full fledged post-punk band. And Interpol, try as they might, will never hold a candle to them. I loved Control, but am afraid now that every know nothing shit is going to start listening to them, especially with the reissues, and especially since anything remotely new wave or "post-punk" is so in right now. I mean, I've been listening to JD since I was 14, when I bought the Heart and Soul boxset, and now all these people, granted they are my age, are going to be co-opting them...but it was a great film. And i cant really stand those biopics, ie Ray and Walk the Line.

Calm it down a notch there, bucko. I'm pretty sure the film's only showing at art-houses anyway, isn't it? Anyway, Joy Division's been co-opted for a loooooong time now. Shit, you can see pictures of Good Charlotte wearing their shirts. Whatevuh.
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Old 11.13.2007, 03:21 PM   #39
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