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Old 05.17.2007, 05:12 AM   #1
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Henry Rollins - Uncut From Israel (2007)

Henry Rollins: Uncut from Israel is a 90-minute special that was taped during Rollins' recent trip to Israel where he performed two nights in Tel Aviv. This special aired before the season premiere of The Henry Rollins Show, kicking of this second season.
"Henry Rollins: Uncut from Israel weaves Rollins' latest spoken-word show in Tel Aviv with documentary footage chronicling his tour around often politically infused locations in Jerusalem including The Wailing Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulcher and The West Bank Security Wall. In this special, Rollins returns to Israel for the first time in ten years with relevant commentary on pop culture, world events and the resilience of the Israeli people. The documentary footage includes candid conversations with world-renowned photojournalist and Israeli native Ziv Korren, who leads Rollins on a personal tour throughout Israel".

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Old 05.17.2007, 05:18 AM   #2
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Thanks, Porkster. Downloading that now...

I'll be looking to see if I can spot Moshe or Fugazifan in the background pulling faces at the camera
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Old 05.20.2007, 02:39 AM   #3
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I wasn't there. btw, the show was in Tel Aviv and the picture is from Jerusalem.
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Old 05.20.2007, 10:20 AM   #4
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hehehe cool. i was at the jlem show. it was really fucking good. too bad he didnt videotape that one. i knew some people that went to the tel aviv one though.
are there anypictures of the three shows?
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Old 05.21.2007, 02:17 AM   #5
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Old 05.21.2007, 02:20 AM   #6
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It must have been taken off the air in the past few days. If anyone who's downloaded it cares to re-up it (that includes me, but I haven't got enough time now), it would be cool.

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