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Old 06.05.2007, 02:31 PM   #81
the end of the ugly
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Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i was going to rip this to shreds, but i think an "lol" will suffice.

i bet your world would be shattered if you found out that regina spektor was a dedicated roman catholic, huh?

by the way regina is jewish
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Old 06.05.2007, 02:46 PM   #82
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See man. Alot of people do this when they get stoned.
I once went into to detail about the corruption and greed of the people I work for, I was also blazed at the time.
Only difference is I didn't make a goofy thread about it
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Old 06.05.2007, 02:56 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the Nazis were christians, wholly supported by the Holy Roman Catholic Church. I get so upset when revisionists talk about how they were godless atheists. While the personal relgious beliefs of der Fuhrer are in question, the official belief of the National Socialist party was Roman catholicism..

But the religion of the SS, the real core and power of the Nazi Party, was pagan in nature. (You gotta read Peter Levenda's book on the SS, Unholy Alliance)
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Old 06.05.2007, 11:18 PM   #84
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Yes, God is dead.

We've discovered the body to prove it.

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Old 06.06.2007, 01:52 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by tesla69
oh I don't know about that, how about viruses genetically engineered to only infect specific ethnic groups?

How about child rape? Isn't that inherently evil? No? ok, what about BABY RAPE?

I'd say religion is all about social control and preservation of the State.

Man-made viruses and rape are human perversions of natural things that aren't evil- natural viruses aren't evil nor is sexual reproduction. Murder is a perversion of death. Corporation is a perversion of business.

Zealotry, Fire and Brimstone, and Televangelism are perversions of religion. Those are about social control and preservation of the state. Religion is something different to everyone. To a buddhist monk it is about finding enlightment, to one Christian it might be about having a relationship with Christ/God, to a stupid born-again Christian it might be about believing that you are gonna be raptured away while all the others are burned in flames, to Pat Robertson it might be a way to be a racist and sell books and appear on TV, to yet another Christian it might be about being condescending to those that they haven't really liked all their life.
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Old 06.10.2007, 10:57 PM   #86
atari 2600
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[Otter Bay. evening. The otters are arming each other]
The Wise One:[walks in with a cane]
Silence, otters!
Otter 1:It's the Wise One
Otter 2:The Wise One speaks.
The Wise One:This is not the path we should be taking. Will more bloodshed end anything?
Blavius:[floats up to him on a hovering throne] Wise One, our answer to the Great Question is the only one based on good science.
The Wise One:Science, reason, is that really all there is? Blavius:They are not a logical race, Wise One! They go around chopping down trees for tables, when they have perfectly good tummies to eat on. How logical is that?!
Otter Leader:Yes! [walks up to a painting of Dawkins and Garrison] The great Dawkins said we cannot tolerate those who don't use reason! How reasonable is it to eat off wood instead of your tummy?
The Wise One:Well perhaps the great Dawkins wasn't so wise. Oh, he was intelligent, but, some of the most intelligent otters I've ever known were completely lacking in common sense. Maybe, some otters do need to believe in something. Who knows? Maybe, just believing in God makes God exist.
Otter Soldier:Kill the Wise One!
Otter 3:Kill the Wise One! [the other otters crowd him in and start attacking]
The Wise One:Whoa, wait wait! [perishes amid the pummeling]


Robert Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959. Combine on canvas 81 3/4 x 70 x 24 inches.
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Old 06.10.2007, 11:00 PM   #87
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this thread is fucking useless.
fuck i'm frustrated, freaking out something fierce, would you help me? i'm hungry and i stuffer and i startle, i struggle and i stammer til i'm up to my ears in miserable quote unquote "art"
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Old 06.10.2007, 11:01 PM   #88
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Aww, someone brought this shit back up again?
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