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Old 06.11.2007, 11:10 AM   #41
Rob Instigator
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Originally Posted by Washing Machine
Rob ive looked at a great deal of the studies concerning dreaming. There are people like you that say dreams are just randoming firings of brain activity that have no meaning at all. However there is considerable evidence to suggest that dreams serve other important purposes.

Some psychologists point to the fact that often dreams help us solve problems. I for example used to have a terrible fear of lifts (or elevators) until I had one dream when I was about 7 and from that point on I loved going in lifts. Scientists often say that problems they have been working on solve themselves in dreams.

Freud's Wish Fulfillment is obviously the most famous of all dream theories. But as with everything with Freud there are some ideas that are nuts, absolutely insane and some ideas that are brilliant. Although I like many psychologists nowadays am extremely sceptical about his ideas on dream symbolism, the idea that we indulge in ideas and emotions whist dreaming that would be too disturbing in waking life is not that far feached an idea.

You are right. The reason though that I feel as I do is be cause my own personal dreaming is so non-existant, in relation to my waking life.
literally 99% of my sleep is recalled by me in the morning as pure dreamless sleep, so if anything is getting sorted out in there it is happen8ing in my subconscious and therefore is out of my control or even out of my recollection.
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Old 06.11.2007, 11:13 AM   #42
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I try to remmber my dream as much as I can it's good fun really.
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