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Reload this Page Sonic Art Swap, Thanks hairwaytosteven!
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Old 10.01.2007, 01:44 PM   #1
Rob Instigator
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Just got my art! I LOVE IT! I am gonna put it up in my office at work where I can see it every moment and remind me that the world consists of more tha these fucking musically uilliterate lawyers and secretaries.!


Inhuman, you should be getting what I sent this week! Hope you like.
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Old 10.01.2007, 01:51 PM   #2
invito al cielo
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Inhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's asses
Woah! You got it already? Niicceee, that was really fast. Post a picture of it if you can.

I'm excited to see what you made Rob! Hairway, I hope the one I sent doesn't take too long with customs and all.
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