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Old 12.27.2007, 02:09 PM   #1
bad moon rising
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deathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's assesdeathbombarc kicks all y'all's asses
the los angeles all ages music/art space The Smell begins celebrating its 10 year anniversary tonight!!!

The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Thursday December 27th:

Kevin Shields (member of Gang Wizard)
Argumentix (ex-member of Alarmist from Portland, OR)
Budweiser Sprite (member of Shitty Vibe Smasher from Portland, OR)
Kyle H. Mabson
Human Hands (formerly Toxic Loincloth)
Teenage Zsa Zsa (SD)

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Friday December 28th:

DJs Nate Harringbone and Melodyshell

Megafuckers (members of New Collapse, The Jews and The Pope)
Hello Menno (ex-members of Polar Goldie Cats and The Warlocks)
Janet Pants (Portland, OR)
Polar Goldie Cats

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Saturday December 29th:

Jesus Makes The Shotgun Sound
Totally Serious (ex-members of Upsilon Acrux)
Jamie Stewart From Xiu Xiu (solo)
Fuckin A

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Sunday December 30th:

Hello Astronaut, Goodby Television
Black Black
Devon Williams
Maria (Oxnard)
Her Girl Friday
Mystery Guest

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Monday December 31st:

New Year's Eve Party!

DJs Michael Stock and Benny Shambles

Foot Village
Softboiled Eggies (ex-member of Gogogo Airheart)
Redglaer (Portland, OR)
John Thill

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Tuesday January 1st:

DJs Napkin, Spunt-dawg and ChronJen

Teenage Moms (formerly Finally Bomb Squad!...members of Mika Miko and Finally Punk)
Ima Gymnist
Magic Johnson (Portland, OR)
Vomit Bomb
Party Fowl
NASA Space Universe
Apathetic Ronald McDonald

7:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Wednesday January 2nd:

Child Pornography (record release show)
Plague Of Dandelions
The Adapted

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Thursday January 3rd:

Captain Ahab
The Mae Shi
Lucky Dragons

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Friday January 4th:

Bad Dudes
Upsilon Acrux
Damion Romero
Bipolar Bear
Jarrett Silberman (member of Young People and Skull Sküll)
Peter Kolovos (member of Open City)

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Saturday January 5th:

John Wiese
Flaspar (Portland, OR)
Knight Rider
Logo Moi

...plus gift bags by Peter's Pool Boys and Big Monies!

8:00 p.m.


The Smell's Ten Year Anniversary Series

Sunday January 6th:

DJs Joey Gladstone and Nightwolf

No Age
Mika Miko
Abe Vigoda
Fast Forward
Silver Daggers
David Scott Stone (contributor to The Melvins and ex-member of Slug and Get Hustle)
Hard Bop (member of The Punks from NYC)

...plus $5 haircuts!

7:00 p.m.
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Old 12.27.2007, 02:16 PM   #2
Sheriff Rhys Chatham
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Sheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's asses
Pretty cool, plus you can get a hair cut? Ace!
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 12.27.2007, 02:18 PM   #3
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HaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's asses
I really want to go to the Smell. HA, GT is fantastic.
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Old 12.27.2007, 05:46 PM   #4
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Sounds like fun...too far for me to travel unfortunately (literally thousands of miles). Hope it goes well though. Also, this thread, for some reason, made me have a listen to Foot Village and they sound splendid. So three cheers all round.
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