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Old 12.31.2007, 04:10 PM   #1
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New York based trio, Tall Firs are back with the follow up to their 2006 debut record. While sophomore effort, Too Old to Die Young, doesn't stray too far from the musical stylings from the band's first LP, it does pack a bit more energy and a dash of new influences. Too Old does deliver on the sweetly subtle deliveries of lead singer Aaron Mullan, but also keeps its audience intrigued with an undercurrent of musical tension and non drowsy melodies.

"Hairdo" is an example of the cool ease the band personifies. It sounds like fall, when the leaves turn contrasting colors and the air becomes a bit crisp. As the drums compliment the breezy atmosphere of acoustic-electric guitar play, we follow the early stages of romance. Unlike winter when everything appears to be coming to a close, this season has just begun.

l "Hairdo" l MP3 l

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Old 01.11.2008, 08:16 PM   #2
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I just now listened to it, even though I downloaded it on New Year's Eve. I have to say that I am very impressed. I will definitely look for their new album.
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