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Old 04.20.2008, 07:10 PM   #21
invito al cielo
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Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
i like 'psychic hearts' too. i'm not sure if it's for nostalgic purposes or what, in those sweet pre-internet days, hearing 'queen bee' and 'ono soul' on the radio accompanied by an interview w/ thurston really got me excited for that record, and it didn't disappoint when i finally heard it. the 'psychic hearts' encore on the 'trees' tour was the highlight of the show for me (and i know many disagree, which is cool.. i like 'trees' but not to the extent that most people seem to worship it).

yep, I'm with you on this one dude.. Trees is nice but lacks anything quite as sublime as Female Cop, Feathers, or Hang Out..
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Old 04.20.2008, 07:30 PM   #22
little trouble girl
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Originally Posted by whorefrost
yep, I'm with you on this one dude.. Trees is nice but lacks anything quite as sublime as Female Cop, Feathers, or Hang Out..

And no Elegy.
D.B. Cooper is alive, and probably planted those fucking bills to throw off the scent.
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