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Old 04.25.2008, 12:18 PM   #21
Rob Instigator
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Rob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's asses
They had to lower the tuning on their songs because Perry farrell cannot hit that higher register anymopre.

hell, he had a hard time doing it when they were young. all jane's addiction vocal tracks are highly dubbed and tweaked and reverved and echoed to make up for Perry's lack of vocal ability. you can hear him straining in the first live self titled.
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Old 05.12.2008, 12:47 AM   #22
the end of the ugly
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EyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's assesEyeballGrowth kicks all y'all's asses
Oh my god. Eric Avery's solo music is so..... bad http://www.myspace.com/ericaverymusic

Good god. If he turns down touring with Jane's Addiction for this jack off bullshit I will be so dissappointed
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