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Old 09.12.2008, 07:25 AM   #1
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I don't know if that's the right word but I was just reading the NYTimes online and a headline was "A West Bank Ruin, Reborn as a Peace Beacon" but I read the last word as bacon. (Maybe because I haven't eaten breakfast yet)

Does anyone else do that?

20 f'ing years ago I had big problems in my philosophy class because I kept reading the word causal as casual. (Why are they talking about all of these casual relationships?)
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Old 09.12.2008, 07:33 AM   #2
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yeh when ever i say 2 numbers one after the other i always say the highest number first its fucking annoying

"yeh i think i seen two or one"
Old 09.12.2008, 08:21 AM   #3
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...solw dwon wlhie raeindg?
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Old 09.12.2008, 09:14 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
yeh when ever i say 2 numbers one after the other i always say the highest number first its fucking annoying

"yeh i think i seen two or one"
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Old 09.12.2008, 09:15 AM   #5
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my father and brother are both mildly dyslexic.

I dodged that bullet, but can't spell worth a damn.
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Old 09.12.2008, 09:56 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by akprodr
I don't know if that's the right word but I was just reading the NYTimes online and a headline was "A West Bank Ruin, Reborn as a Peace Beacon" but I read the last word as bacon. (Maybe because I haven't eaten breakfast yet)

Does anyone else do that?

20 f'ing years ago I had big problems in my philosophy class because I kept reading the word causal as casual. (Why are they talking about all of these casual relationships?)

i don't. i learned to read when i was 3. however--

my wife is dyslexic & studied film, then we discovered that a number of photographers & a graphic designer we know are dyslexic too. their "symptoms" vary from seeing the letters move on the page to saying their own phone number wrong, but fuckit, they are awesome at visual shit.

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Old 09.12.2008, 10:18 AM   #7
the end of the ugly
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My favorite joke:

What do you get when you cross a dyslexic, an insomiac and an agnostic?

I believe that this joke just says so much about the world we live in.
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Old 09.12.2008, 10:47 AM   #8
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i'm quite the opposite of dyslexic, but my nephew has it in a bad way. he is 18 now and still has massive problems with reading.


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