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Reload this Page Must-Haves: Bob Marley and the Wailers "Natty Dread"
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Old 02.07.2009, 02:05 PM   #21
the destroyed room
Join Date: May 2008
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lechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asseslechaoscestmoi kicks all y'all's asses
i like lovers reggae the best i suppose. don't feel related to rastafari and getting high etc.
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Old 02.07.2009, 06:11 PM   #22
Rob Instigator
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Rob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's asses
love, rasta, and getting high may be just 25% of what Bob sang about. revolution, freedom, opression, SURVIVAL are the true topics of most of his music, from a young age on till his early death
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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