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Old 12.12.2009, 03:02 AM   #1
children of satan
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 338
Kuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's assesKuhb kicks all y'all's asses
Wondering if you guys had heard it? I'm not too sure if it leans too far in the jazz direction for you guys but has a fantastic mix of jazz, funk, noise, rock, free elements, all wrapped into one.

Sun Ra seems popular on this board, so I would highly recommend this album... it even has a brief cameo from Marshall Allen who does his thing over one of the tracks (Felic)...

Just thought i'd drop the name, since I haven't seen the band mentioned on here before.
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