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Old 07.16.2006, 11:21 PM   #21
expwy. to yr skull
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Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
Anyone have a torrent or something of their live dvd? I really wanna see that shit.

you can get it off of soulseek, and its very good resolution. Just search "wolf eyes dvd" and it will come up eventually.
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Old 07.17.2006, 02:20 AM   #22
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The live dvd isn't that exciting if you ask me. If you mean the Live in a Boat one.....
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Old 07.17.2006, 02:24 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Iain
The live dvd isn't that exciting if you ask me. If you mean the Live in a Boat one.....
I mean the Covered In Bugs dvd.


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Old 07.17.2006, 04:41 AM   #24
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people are excited about the new wolf eyes cuz it's on sub pop which means it's been properly produced and shit... think of their underground CD-Rs as SYR style shit and their sub pop stuff as their geffen albums proper... my friend works in a record store and heard the promo.. he said it sounds really metal which unnerves me a bit...
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Old 07.17.2006, 10:02 AM   #25
expwy. to yr skull
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m^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard suckam^a(t)h cold hard sucka
Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
I mean the Covered In Bugs dvd.

its ok, not amazing though, my best advice would be to try and trade with someone off this board for a dvdr copy, there are several traders in this forum who could probably trade it....
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