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Old 11.03.2006, 08:16 PM   #1
bad moon rising
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wearescientists is a jewel in the roughwearescientists is a jewel in the roughwearescientists is a jewel in the rough
for my 100th post...

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Old 11.04.2006, 05:47 AM   #2
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downloading isnt bad. its the blatant lack of respect for artists which suck......
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Old 11.04.2006, 09:05 AM   #3
bad moon rising
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wearescientists is a jewel in the roughwearescientists is a jewel in the roughwearescientists is a jewel in the rough
yeah when i was first told about this i was thrown for a loop too...i usually only look at stuff i think i might buy. if i like it i end up buying it on vinyl anyway.
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Old 11.04.2006, 09:44 AM   #4
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I don't download. Not altogether, I'll download a few tracks to check out what the band sounds like, then delete them, and I download full albums if I have the record. I never download albums that I don't have, I feel really guilty if I do.
Inhuman no longer dwells on here. http://about.me/robinbastien
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Old 11.04.2006, 12:41 PM   #5
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i do download. i download rare shit, stuff i cant get, stuff i havent heard and then i go and buy it. its a great way to discover music but i dont use soulseek or shit like that. i prefer to get my files off actual people!
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Old 11.04.2006, 12:42 PM   #6
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ok, what the fuck happened to my signature font?????????
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Old 11.04.2006, 02:16 PM   #7
atari 2600
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atari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's asses
Looks like the RIAA has dropped another file sharing case where the defendant refused to settle: "Wilke had been accused of the usual malfeasance by the RIAA: sharing music over a P2P network. Instead of settling the suit as many others have done, Wilke denied any wrongdoing." And check this out: "Since the RIAA began filing lawsuits against suspected file sharers in 2003, not a single one has gone all the way to trial. In most cases, the defendants agree to write a four-figure check to the record labels to avoid a drawn-out court case. However, some of the accused are fighting back, and in some cases, it appears that the RIAA is dropping cases to avoid the possibility of losing." Fight the power! And win. Wired's Listening Post reminds us that "no one has ever even been sued for downloading music, only for sharing it."
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Old 11.04.2006, 02:20 PM   #8
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porkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's asses
Downloading entire albums is still wrong though and it can never replace buying one by a million miles.Let's face it,who wants 40000 mp3s on their pc?

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Old 11.04.2006, 02:29 PM   #9
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porkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's assesporkmarras kicks all y'all's asses
I don't have p2p software on my pc and rarely download music anymore.When i used to,it almost destroyed my love for it and i'm talking from personal experience only.Even the grubbiest looking of cdr releases has my simpathy for the effort that's been made in at least putting something togheter.

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