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Old 12.03.2006, 03:08 PM   #1
invito al cielo
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Hi there!
Yesterday I mixed the vocals from Beastie Boys' check it out with dianogah's shogun and it was soooo much fun i want to do more remixing. So, could one of you guys/girls address me to some sort of site with " a cappella" tracks ( does not matter what is the original song/artist) or provide me some download links to stuff you already have?
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 12.04.2006, 02:49 PM   #2
invito al cielo
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there's only a few acapella songs I know, best one is this one and shouldn't be fucked with either IMO
Oh but Bjork did an full album with almost only voices as instruments

Tori Amos - Me and a gun

Friday morning
Thursday night
Far from sleep
I'm still up and driving
Can't go home
So I'll just change direction
Cause they'll soon konw where I live
And I wanna live

Got a full tank and some chips
It was me and a gun
And a man on my back
And I sang "holy holy" as he buttoned down his pants
You can laugh
It's kind of funny things you think
at times like these
Like I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this

Yes I wore a slinky red thing
Does that mean I should spread
For you, your friends your father, Mr. Ed

Me and a gun
and a man
On my back
But I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this
Yes I wore a slinky red thing
Does that mean I should spread
For you, your friends your father, Mr. Ed
And I know what this means
Me and Jesus a few years back
Used to hang and he said
"It's your choice babe just remember
I don't think you'll be back in 3 days time
So you choose well"
Tell me what's right
Is it my right to be on my stomach
of Fred's Seville

Me and a gun
and a man
On my back
But I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this

And do you know Carolina
Where the biscuits are soft and sweet
These things go through you head
When there's a man on your back
And you're pushed flat on your stomach
It's not a classic cadillac

Me and a gun
and a man
On my back
But I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this
what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 12.04.2006, 03:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by nicfit
Hi there!
Yesterday I mixed the vocals from Beastie Boys' check it out with dianogah's shogun and it was soooo much fun i want to do more remixing. So, could one of you guys/girls address me to some sort of site with " a cappella" tracks ( does not matter what is the original song/artist) or provide me some download links to stuff you already have?

I just started doing this myself! Ghostface A Capella on a Dre beat sounds really smooth too. PM me and I'll give you some that I have
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