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View Poll Results: How many times have you seen Sonic Youth live?
Never 15 14.15%
Once 23 21.70%
Twice 13 12.26%
Three times 14 13.21%
Four times 8 7.55%
Five times 4 3.77%
Six times 2 1.89%
Seven to Nineteen times 18 16.98%
Twenty or more times 9 8.49%
Voters: 106. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02.17.2007, 01:34 PM   #1
invito al cielo
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Live i mean, not just on the street. Poll to follow.

when/where was the best sonic youth gig you have been to?

Ive seen them only once, in London on september 2nd 2004 at the Brixton academy. It was during the Sonic Nurse tour and all i can remember thinking is "i can't wait to see them again" i think the second time i wont be as nervous/anxious. They were great though.

the set list was -

I Love You Golden Blue
Pattern Recognition
Unmade Bed
Eric's Trip
Teenage Riot
New Hampshire
Mariah Carey
Paper Cup Exit
Dude Ranch Nurse
Brother James

Support was -

Decaer Pinga
Afri Rampo
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Old 02.17.2007, 01:53 PM   #2
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Seen them about 8 times during the 80s-90s. Best time was at London's Town and Country Club (now the Forum) when they did 'that' encore with Iggy Pop.
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Old 02.17.2007, 01:55 PM   #3
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i actually ranked the shows i've attended.

1. 6/15/06 early show, DC
2. 5/7/98, DC
3. 3/16/05 early show, Hoboken
4. 4/3/05 ATP UK
5. 7/1/06, Portland
6. 11/30/02, NYC
7. 8/18/02, Chicago
8. 12/10/06, Minehead
9. 11/24/02, Baltimore
10. 7/29/04, Chicago
11. 6/30/06, Seattle
12. 6/14/06, Philadelphia
13. 8/4/04, Montreal
14. 6/15/06 late show, DC
15. 6/30/03, DC
16. 8/11/02, NYC
17. 3/17/02, LA
18. 6/20/00, DC
19. 8/7/02, Raleigh
20. 4/21/01, Philadelphia
21. Arthurfest, 9/05
22. 8/12/06, Brooklyn
23. 6/16/06, DC radio gig
24. 8/6/06, Milwaukee
25. 8/13/06, Brooklyn
26. 3/16/05 late show, Hoboken
27. 8/11/04, DC
28. 6/15/03, Pittsburgh
29. 8/13/02, Boston
30. 8/8/02, DC
31. 8/31/06, Allentown
32. 7/30/04, Milwaukee
33. 6/19/06, Atlanta
34. 6/21/03, Cincinnati
35. 8/17/02, Chicago
36. 8/10/02, Philadelphia
37. 8/17/04, Philadelphia

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Old 02.17.2007, 01:55 PM   #4
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Old 02.17.2007, 01:56 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by jennthebenn
i actually ranked the shows i've attended.

1. 6/15/06 early show, DC
2. 5/7/98, DC
3. 3/16/05 early show, Hoboken
4. 4/3/05 ATP UK
5. 7/1/06, Portland
6. 11/30/02, NYC
7. 8/18/02, Chicago
8. 12/10/06, Minehead
9. 11/24/02, Baltimore
10. 7/29/04, Chicago
11. 6/30/06, Seattle
12. 6/14/06, Philadelphia
13. 8/4/04, Montreal
14. 6/15/06 late show, DC
15. 6/30/03, DC
16. 8/11/02, NYC
17. 3/17/02, LA
18. 6/20/00, DC
19. 8/7/02, Raleigh
20. 4/21/01, Philadelphia
21. Arthurfest, 9/05
22. 8/12/06, Brooklyn
23. 6/16/06, DC radio gig
24. 8/6/06, Milwaukee
25. 8/13/06, Brooklyn
26. 3/16/05 late show, Hoboken
27. 8/11/04, DC
28. 6/15/03, Pittsburgh
29. 8/13/02, Boston
30. 8/8/02, DC
31. 8/31/06, Allentown
32. 7/30/04, Milwaukee
33. 6/19/06, Atlanta
34. 6/21/03, Cincinnati
35. 8/17/02, Chicago
36. 8/10/02, Philadelphia
37. 8/17/04, Philadelphia


did you just follow them around? like a dead head (only sonic youth style)
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Old 02.17.2007, 01:59 PM   #6
expwy. to yr skull
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I was at the 6/21/03 Cincinnati show. My one time.
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Old 02.17.2007, 02:01 PM   #7
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in a manner of speaking, i guess...but i do have limits brought on by
personal responsibility (which was a notoriously evasive concept to
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Old 02.17.2007, 02:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jennthebenn
in a manner of speaking, i guess...but i do have limits brought on by
personal responsibility (which was a notoriously evasive concept to

how did you afford it?, did you wear ear plugs?, are there other sonic lifers? (my new name for sonic youth style Dead Heads)
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Old 02.17.2007, 02:09 PM   #9
Concrete Abutments
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I was actually going to go into the concert chronology and count this sometime over the weekend. Funny this thread shows up just when I was asking myself the same question. I think it's 50+ times. I'll let you know when I figure it all out.
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Old 02.17.2007, 02:12 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
how did you afford it?, did you wear ear plugs?, are there other sonic lifers? (my new name for sonic youth style Dead Heads)

i have a pretty good real estate job. mind you, 2006 took me to the
brink of the $$$ toilet, but i managed somehow to stay afloat. whew.

i have never worn ear plugs to an sy show or any show, and never really
felt the need. the seattle and portland shows i was taking medication for
excess fluid buildup in my ears, which affected the way i sounded to myself,
but not the way others sounded to me. which meant i enjoyed the shows
just fine, and didn't notice any pain during them. but after the portland
show, crashed out on the floor of a friend of a friends, i noticed my left
ear was making a ticking sound. i was freaking out, but my boyfriend said
just sleep and see how it is in the morning. sure enough, in the am, the
ticking noise was gone.

pantophobia, toxic johnny, and chris lawrence are all 20+ shows. sonic
kurt from the old blue board is 20+.
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Old 02.17.2007, 02:16 PM   #11
Magic Wheel Memory
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First, hats off to jennthebenn! That's what I call a dedicated fan!

I've seen them 13 or 14 times now. One of the best was the first show I saw, in NYC, 1993. Mainly because the set list had a lot of surprises, and the songs from Experimental... were still unknown to most of us, since the album was a year away.

For me, one of the major factors that influences my enjoyment of the show is sound quality. I like it when I can distinguish the different guitar parts, etc.

Set list from the '93 show (thanks to Chris Lawrence):
Cotton Crown Bull in the Heather In the mind of the Bourgeois Reader PCH Skink Starfield Road Candle Stereo Sanctity Secret Girl Flower Drunken Butterfly Theresa's Sound-world Self-obsessed and Sexxee Tokyo Eye Total Trash
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Old 02.17.2007, 04:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
Live i mean, not just on the street. Poll to follow.

when/where was the best sonic youth gig you have been to?

Ive seen them only once, in London on september 2nd 2004 at the Brixton academy. It was during the Sonic Nurse tour and all i can remember thinking is "i can't wait to see them again" i think the second time i wont be as nervous/anxious. They were great though.

the set list was -

I Love You Golden Blue
Pattern Recognition
Unmade Bed
Eric's Trip
Teenage Riot
New Hampshire
Mariah Carey
Paper Cup Exit
Dude Ranch Nurse
Brother James

Support was -

Decaer Pinga
Afri Rampo

That was my first as well screamingskull! And still best sy show I've seen so far. Well I've seen them only 4 times, but 2 times @ ATP. London was exceptional, because of the fact that it was first time seeing sy live+it was great, great show+it was packed (couldn't beleive how massive attendance was)+brixton is really nice hall.


Then second time it was in Dublin at Marlay Park 8/19/05. Really weird. It was festival, but everything was weird. Like Sonic Yout with Chemical Brothers? Then attendace was a bit poor for a Dublin I think (which I didn't mind coz I really had plenty space to "breath" in front and watch). Sound was bit terrible, Thurston broke his guitar ( it fell from the stage down on ground), Thurston ended in tank of water (hehe), Lee almost got electric shock from his mic, weird, weird, weird.....still lots of great action.


SET LISTI Love You Golden BlueStonesPattern RecognitionUnmade BedSchizophreniaDrunken ButterflyMoteNew HampshirePCH--Rain on Tin

Third and 4th. time I've seen them was @ ATP 06. Great, but they were worse on friday, then saturday (I've seen only half of saturday set), but they were much better I think.

Friday's setlist:


Saturday's setlist:

Kool Thing
What A Waste
Turquoise Boy
World Looks Red
Pink Steam

Teenage Riot
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Old 02.17.2007, 04:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by jennthebenn
i actually ranked the shows i've attended.

1. 6/15/06 early show, DC
2. 5/7/98, DC
3. 3/16/05 early show, Hoboken
4. 4/3/05 ATP UK
5. 7/1/06, Portland
6. 11/30/02, NYC
7. 8/18/02, Chicago
8. 12/10/06, Minehead
9. 11/24/02, Baltimore
10. 7/29/04, Chicago
11. 6/30/06, Seattle
12. 6/14/06, Philadelphia
13. 8/4/04, Montreal
14. 6/15/06 late show, DC
15. 6/30/03, DC
16. 8/11/02, NYC
17. 3/17/02, LA
18. 6/20/00, DC
19. 8/7/02, Raleigh
20. 4/21/01, Philadelphia
21. Arthurfest, 9/05
22. 8/12/06, Brooklyn
23. 6/16/06, DC radio gig
24. 8/6/06, Milwaukee
25. 8/13/06, Brooklyn
26. 3/16/05 late show, Hoboken
27. 8/11/04, DC
28. 6/15/03, Pittsburgh
29. 8/13/02, Boston
30. 8/8/02, DC
31. 8/31/06, Allentown
32. 7/30/04, Milwaukee
33. 6/19/06, Atlanta
34. 6/21/03, Cincinnati
35. 8/17/02, Chicago
36. 8/10/02, Philadelphia
37. 8/17/04, Philadelphia


38 actually, you forgot ATP UK from december,

i know this is a copy pasted list, but come on, contemporaize man
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Old 02.17.2007, 04:18 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
38 actually, you forgot ATP UK from december,

i know this is a copy pasted list, but come on, contemporaize man

8. 12/10/06, Minehead

reading is, as the french say, le fundamental.
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Old 02.17.2007, 04:21 PM   #15
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and yeah, my list is the same as her's but minus 11?
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Old 02.17.2007, 04:22 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
and yeah, my list is the same as her's but minus 11?

riding on my awesome coattails!

you were at the 8/8/02 show, the 11/24/02 show, and everything from '03
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Old 02.17.2007, 05:31 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by greenlight
That was my first as well screamingskull! And still best sy show I've seen so far. Well I've seen them only 4 times, but 2 times @ ATP. London was exceptional, because of the fact that it was first time seeing sy live+it was great, great show+it was packed (couldn't beleive how massive attendance was)+brixton is really nice hall.


it's great to see photo's from it!!!!!!!!!!, thanks!, you were on the balcony?, i was in the pit, with the incredibly sticky floor.
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Old 02.17.2007, 06:06 PM   #18
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I think I've seen them 11 or 12 times now. I really need to sit down and work that out. The most notable opening acts were Lightning Bolt, Magik Markers, and Aa.
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Old 02.17.2007, 06:20 PM   #19
Danny Himself
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Only one show. But it's their only show I could have possibly gone to since 2004.

Thurston Moore has been to EVERY ONE of sonic youth's shows.
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Old 02.17.2007, 06:43 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
it's great to see photo's from it!!!!!!!!!!, thanks!, you were on the balcony?, i was in the pit, with the incredibly sticky floor.

yeah, I was on balcony, but that's somebody's else photo (from this board). After Golden Blue I couldn't resist, run downstairs, persuaded bouncers let me in and fought my way very to the front! in front of Thurston.

Have you bootleg from that show?
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