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Old 12.28.2016, 04:18 AM   #1
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Watch Iggy Pop and Thurston Moore Chat, Jam Together in New Film I’ve Nothing But My Name

Part one of an hour-long conversation at Iggy’s Miami home, filmed by Rough Trade


Rough Trade have shot a new documentary, “I’ve Nothing But My Name,” in which Iggy Pop and Thurston Moore converse at Iggy’s home in Miami. In the first instalment, they discuss themes ranging from the Stooges’ early psychedelic experimentation to their influence on Sonic Youth. Iggy also reflects on the San Francisco woman who inspired his song “Gardenia” (and also caught the imagination of their mutual acquaintance, Alan Ginsberg). In the anecdote, he reveals he once wrote essays on 12 of his former partners, during a “sexually dry” spell in the ’90s, which he has unsuccessfully tried to have published. And around the 15:50 mark, they jam Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode.” Check it out below.

what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 12.28.2016, 05:12 AM   #2
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thanks _tunic_!

this is great. conversations and that two impro sessions they having in the house. they should do some record together as well. both Thurston's riffs/jams are so sweet.

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Old 12.29.2016, 07:18 PM   #3
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came back to this forum to see if there was talk about this. kinda weird that there isn't.

i would love to see iggy backed by sonic youth for a whole album (i know they use to do i wanna be your dog). i think it would be cool! but in fairness i think any cool artist backed by sonic youth would be awesome.
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Old 12.31.2016, 03:16 AM   #4
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PLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's assesPLips kicks all y'all's asses
Enough about Iggy Pop! When is Thurston going to a homoerotic duet with Sting! a la Mick Jagger/David Bowie dancing in the street!
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Old 12.31.2016, 04:11 AM   #5
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