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Old 12.30.2007, 04:35 AM   #1
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People freaking out because they got Wendy's 1/4 pounders instead of Whoppers.

If I got a Wendy's burger at Burger King I'd wonder why my burger didn't taste like shit.
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Old 12.30.2007, 04:55 AM   #2
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Hungry Jacks mother fuckers

and whoppers are so damn good, they beat anything ronald shits out of his burger making asshole
Old 12.30.2007, 04:56 AM   #3
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"I hate Wendy's!"

Anyways. Fast food? With the exception of In-N-Out and Chipotle, not too fond.
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Old 12.30.2007, 04:59 AM   #4
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hungry jacks is burger king in australia
how i know that i have no clue

white castle is the greatest fast food in america (other than the in-n-out but i don't live in LA so fuck you people)
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Old 12.30.2007, 05:13 AM   #5
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hungry jacks is better than burger king even though its the same

white castle burgers look freakin awesome, but iv only seen them in H and K go there

right now i want to be with my girlfriend and eating a whopper
Old 12.30.2007, 05:14 AM   #6
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they're really good (white castle), they have little onions on them which are fucking delicious. the resulting gas, however, is horrendous.
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Old 12.30.2007, 05:24 AM   #7
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i love the little onion in a maccas cheese burger
but a whopper still wins
Old 12.30.2007, 07:14 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
hungry jacks is better than burger king even though its the same

white castle burgers look freakin awesome, but iv only seen them in H and K go there

right now i want to be with my girlfriend and eating a whopper

i agree when i went to Australia about 15 years ago i ate in a hungry jacks and thought it was better than burger king

as for being with girlfriend eating a whopper how could life be any better



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Old 12.30.2007, 08:31 AM   #9
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all fast food sucks.

but for the record, wendy's was the best fast food place ever when i cared about that kind of shit.

of course, burger king has the best ads ever.. fucking coq roq RULES.

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Old 12.30.2007, 09:36 AM   #10
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Come on, Jack-In-The-Box blows them all out of the water. I used to get it all the time when we were frequenting California, but I haven't been there for a while now and I miss it
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Old 12.30.2007, 11:03 AM   #11
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I don't even know what that is.

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Old 12.30.2007, 11:50 AM   #12
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One note about those commercials; it seems to me they are staged. Regular people were chosen to be the actors, or at least aspiring actors that look more like regular people than most.

And the ads are bizarre. "Bizarre" because they show the formerly "the way you want it" burger chain willfully playing tricks on their supposed customers. The spots reflect the influence of the internet and sites like youtube on television advertising, which is something we are seeing more and more of these days.

They come off as desperate attention-grabbing measures and fail to deliver any cohesive message about corporate image or the integrity of their products. Thus, the advertising campaign insults the intelligent viewer's sensibility and demonstrates that Burger King is counting on people not to think twice.
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Old 12.30.2007, 01:28 PM   #13
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Well of course people freak out when they go to their favorite fast food chain and can't order the most popular item on the menu. What they should do instead is approach people at other locations, and ask them what they think about Burger King removing the Whopper from its menu. Then they'll realize that most people don't care. If the Whopper were actually good, then maybe the Whopper freakout would be something, and would extend outside of the Burger King drive-thru. But it doesn't...so...this ad campaign is dumb...
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Old 12.30.2007, 01:56 PM   #14
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Fuck fast food. I eat at Subway only because I work there and it's not that gross. I haven't eaten a burger in fucking years. Gross.
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Old 12.30.2007, 02:28 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
hungry jacks is burger king in australia
how i know that i have no clue

white castle is the greatest fast food in america (other than the in-n-out but i don't live in LA so fuck you people)

In and Out is so fucking good.
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Old 12.30.2007, 02:31 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Fuck fast food. I eat at Subway only because I work there and it's not that gross. I haven't eaten a burger in fucking years. Gross.

I rarely have fast food myself. Subway's slogan is "eat fresh"...what a joke.
Anyone seen the recent advert with the Family Guy's Peter Griffin character?
It's good for a laugh. And not for the right reasons.

I especially chuckle at the part when he says, "Yep, I can smell it."
Yeah, I can fucking smell it too. I can fucking smell what seems to my nose to be rats that have fucking died recently every time I first walk into a Subway. Seriously, Subway may, in fact, on certain items, be the healthiest fast food option, but no other fast food chain consistently reeks like Subway does. It's the smell of the bread baking along with some sort of b.o. stink all in that small, confined space, I suppose. My guess is that the baking bread really wafts the mixture of odoriferous funk throughout the store.

The only thing fresh in that whole place is the "freshly-baked" bread. It comes in as a raw, frozen loaf, but the end product isn't bad. The cookies aren't bad either. The meat and the cheese are repulsive, processed junk. The lettuce is the worst. Often, their tomatoes are sickly; they are usually firm, but have no taste. Some of the other veggies are okay, not great, but okay, since they are packed in vinegar and usually purchased in wholesale volumes. The hot sandwiches they prepare in the microwave are no better than food from a convenience store.
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Old 12.30.2007, 04:29 PM   #17
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if they are this surprised now, imagine their reactions when they find out how their whopper actually made. I am not a Peta spokesman here, actually I think those assholes care more for animals then people sometimes, but the beef industry is surprising, considering its been a century since Upton Sinclair.

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Old 12.30.2007, 07:11 PM   #18
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Pittsburgh has no Jack in the Boxes, In 'n Out Burgers, or Whitecastles. There are a few sit down fast food places that have pretty good burgers. Steak and Shake is pretty good, and the Brighton Hot Dog Shoppe is good too (small local chain, not to be confused with the Originial Hot Dog shop, which is pure shit.) Dairy Queen burgers are made to order and are surprisingly good around here.
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Old 12.30.2007, 07:17 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
I rarely have fast food myself. Subway's slogan is "eat fresh"...what a joke.
Anyone seen the recent advert with the Family Guy's Peter Griffin character?
It's good for a laugh. And not for the right reasons.

I especially chuckle at the part when he says, "Yep, I can smell it."
Yeah, I can fucking smell it too. I can fucking smell what seems to my nose to be rats that have fucking died recently every time I first walk into a Subway. Seriously, Subway may, in fact, on certain items, be the healthiest fast food option, but no other fast food chain consistently reeks like Subway does. It's the smell of the bread baking along with some sort of b.o. stink all in that small, confined space, I suppose. My guess is that the baking bread really wafts the mixture of odoriferous funk throughout the store.

The only thing fresh in that whole place is the "fresh-baked" bread. It comes in as a frozen mixture, but the end product isn't bad. The cookies aren't too bad either. The meat and the cheese are repulsive, processed junk. The lettuce is the worst. Often, their tomatoes are sickly; they are usually firm, but have no taste. Some of the other veggies are okay, not great, but okay, since they are packed in vinegar and usually purchased in wholesale volumes. The hot sandwiches they prepare in the microwave are no better than food from a convenience store.

Ha, I used to work at a Subway. I had to take a lonnnnnnnng shower and wash my work clothes everytime I got home, otherwise I smelled like the damn place. I hate that.

I honestly hate the "bread". Quiznos bread is much higher quality, like stuff you might get at a bakery.

The cookies aren't bad. Frozen mixture stuff.

I personally like the meatball subs. Probably the least repulsive thing you can get there- taste and health-wise. There were always gnats buzzing around the meat and the vegetables, that place should have been shut down.
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Old 12.31.2007, 03:41 AM   #20
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you know what's awesome that i totally forgot about? dairy queen. there is not ONE fucking dairy queen in manhattan.
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