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Old 05.27.2006, 01:50 PM   #1
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Old 05.27.2006, 02:58 PM   #2
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Never heard of it, but I will definitely check it out
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Old 05.27.2006, 06:14 PM   #3
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I like the title. And titles can say a lot about a movie's quality. And the poster looks cool. I will have o check it out.
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Old 05.27.2006, 06:57 PM   #4
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old horror movies are the shite. i'm not sure about the connection to death valley 69' though
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Old 05.27.2006, 09:03 PM   #5
umjammer atomsk
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Looks neat, thanks for the info-like stuff.

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Old 05.28.2006, 06:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sn@ke


Has anyone saw this movie?? I believe that some footage of this movie appears on the Death Valley '69 video! can anyone confirm this?...I'm 85% sure about it.

If anyone lives in the UK, this film is regularly shown on TCM. And it isn't a horror film; that poster makes it look several times more exciting and edgy than it really is.

Its about American university students in the late 60s / early 70s who spend most of their time lying around, listening to twee 60's music and talking naively about how radical and counter-cultural they are; which is all either very annoying or charmingly innocent depending on your point of view. The dialogue is very naturalistic (i.e., quiet) and the cinematography is tinged with beige, which it gives it an odd, dreamy quality. Overall, its fairly dull yet I have an inexplicable fondness for it.

I won’t spoil the ending, but its based on a real life incident as detailed in Neil Young's Ohio (I think?).

By the way, I've never seen the Death Valley '69 video, so I can't answer that.
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Old 05.28.2006, 07:30 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by noisemachine
And titles can say a lot about a movie's quality.
Now qualify this statement.

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Old 05.28.2006, 09:36 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by cbeattie
Now qualify this statement.

It mostly applies to cheesy b-horror movies, which I thought this was. Stuff like Dead Alive, The Hills Have Eyes (the original), Evil Dead, Assault on Precinct 13 (again, the original) all have cool titles and are awesome movies, in my opinion. Obviously, not everyone will agree.
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Old 05.29.2006, 05:58 AM   #9
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there is some riot footage, protesters getting tear gassed and beaten etc in the DV 69 vid... that would make sense in the context of Strawberry Statement as inferred above..
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Old 06.03.2006, 05:21 PM   #10
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i have no clue, but the person with the glasses kinda looks like thurston.
please do not misconstrue the previous statement as an invitation for same sex relations or as negative towards anyone of another sexuality.


(formerly "no homo")
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