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Old 06.12.2006, 02:15 PM   #1
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damn, this is a "weird" record, in the kind of weird that I like. It is a good ol fashioned noisy sound scape with hints of rhythm, and a dash of melody, but mostly just thrash and noise, and everyonce in a while they lied and it is 4 guitars and a percusionist, but then again, in all reality, they were needing the percusion the whole time, to keep it going. but all in all, a well played and very original performance. it is what I wish the SYRs did ALL the time, instead of some of the time.
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 06.13.2006, 03:31 AM   #2
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yeah, its a great record!
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Old 06.13.2006, 04:38 AM   #3
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have to listen to it again right now.
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Old 06.13.2006, 04:41 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
damn, this is a "weird" record, in the kind of weird that I like. It is a good ol fashioned noisy sound scape with hints of rhythm, and a dash of melody, but mostly just thrash and noise, and everyonce in a while they lied and it is 4 guitars and a percusionist, but then again, in all reality, they were needing the percusion the whole time, to keep it going. but all in all, a well played and very original performance. it is what I wish the SYRs did ALL the time, instead of some of the time.
Imagine what it might be like when you buy your first London Guitar Orchestra album.Not even Robert Fripp dared going there,i tell you.

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Old 06.13.2006, 03:01 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by porkmarras
Imagine what it might be like when you buy your first London Guitar Orchestra album.Not even Robert Fripp dared going there,i tell you.

i will take that in mind most definately.
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 06.13.2006, 04:10 PM   #6
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I love the SY side projects way more than SY releases these days. Four Guitars Live is my favourite buy of 2006 definitely.
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Old 06.13.2006, 04:45 PM   #7
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fuckin right !!!!!!!!!!!
this shit is awesome .......
but im not shure i know about the percussion ???
im not hearing it on 4guitars ?????

........ about the side projects .... it seams the more you listen to the recent side projects you can tell that sonic youth is prolly more sort of like a " sonic day job" ... if you know what i mean ....
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