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Old 04.09.2009, 12:49 PM   #1
Rob Instigator
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As part of an initiative to keep the airport clean and get people excited about the airport's new shops and dining options, officials there bought the rights to three popular R & B classics: "Shake Your Groove Thing" by Peaches and Herb, "Bustin' Loose" by Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers and "Fantastic Voyage" by Lakeside.
With rights secured, Doug Strachan, Creative Innovations Manager for the City of Atlanta Department of Aviation, rewrote the lyrics and invited the original artists to record the revamped songs.
"Whereas words reach the mind, music reaches the heart," Strachan said. "These are hit songs that people love ... real powerful, catchy and make you want to dance. If you can make someone dance, you can probably motivate them to do other things."
So "Groove Thing" became "Keep It Opening Day Fresh," "Bustin Loose" morphed into "We're Steady Cleaning Up," and "Fantastic Voyage" was reborn as "Our New Concessions." Clean music with a clean message -- literally.
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Old 04.09.2009, 12:50 PM   #2
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Yankee Rose.

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