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Old 05.26.2010, 08:50 PM   #1
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You aren't punishing anybody but your fans! Seriously, how much income do you think you bring to the state with a single concert anyway? You aren't exactly Rage Against the Machine in terms of ticket sales. Jesus! Me and my friends were looking forward to seeing you so much! Me especially since I missed your last concert here. Oh well. Not that I support the bill or anything. I want it gone as much as the next person but not for a lot of the completely bogus nonesense that's being tossed around about it. Have you ever READ the bill? Because so far just about everyone who's called for a boycott has publicly admitted to having not read what's in the document. The biggest douche bag is Ed Reyes of LA, here he is:

"Los Angeles the second-largest city in this country, an immigrant city, an international city. It needs to have its voice heard. As an American, I cannot go to Arizona today without a passport. If I come across an officer who's having a bad day and feels that the picture on my ID is not me, I can be … deported, no questions asked. That is not American.''

Not only is it "not American" it's also 100% false. As an american, a HISPANIC AMERICAN NO!! YOU WILL NOT BE STOPPED OR HASSLED OR DEPORTED!!! I cannot believe people are cottoning onto this overblown bullshit so much. How do you deport an american citizine? The very idea is 100% ridiculous. As a hispanic person I assure you. I walk to school everyday at ASU. I walk home. I drive my car, I pull up next to cops at stop lights, I go to the grocery store, I'm living my life and NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR ME! People keep saying this bill is anti-immigration and that's wrong. It's anti ILLEGAL immigration and it's basically nothing other than a different play on words for laws that are already and have been in action in this state for YEARS. It's funny that LA would come out with such a steaming load of BS since Los Angeles has equally if not harsher ways of dealing with ILLEGAL immigrants than Arizona does.

Also who does boycotting hurt? The business industry which in Arizona employs a vast number on legal and illegal immigrants. And what happens when business takes at hit? They let people go. If any of these boycotts are a success one end result is going to be thousands of legal and illegal immigrants alike finding themselves without a job. I don't even know how this hype started! YES the birther bill is VERY embarrassing and a total tarnish to the image of Arizona, and this bill passing right afterward probably made the intentions seem that they'd be evident, but believe me, nothing has changed for me and I'm hispanic, and I love Sonic Youth and now I can't see them and it's bullshit. This isn't coming from a political view, I'm not a republican, or anything. Just a Sonic Youth fan living in Arizona, and actually knows what's up.
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Old 05.26.2010, 08:55 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by sizzlemeat
You aren't punishing anybody but your fans! Seriously, how much income do you think you bring to the state with a single concert anyway? You aren't exactly Rage Against the Machine in terms of ticket sales. Jesus! Me and my friends were looking forward to seeing you so much! Me especially since I missed your last concert here. Oh well. Not that I support the bill or anything. I want it gone as much as the next person but not for a lot of the completely bogus nonesense that's being tossed around about it. Have you ever READ the bill? Because so far just about everyone who's called for a boycott has publicly admitted to having not read what's in the document. The biggest douche bag is Ed Reyes of LA, here he is:

dude, the bill is bogus, its not the state's business to directly enforce federal and specifically immigration (ie, international) law. AZ fucked up.. sorry SY aint showin up, but if you are against the law, then you should support the actions of one of your favorite bands as they stand up against it.
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fuck sb1070, all bullshit aside, it is a racist law, proposed and pushed by racist motherfuckers, and WE ALL know it. Big up Sonic Youth, maximum raspect.
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Old 05.26.2010, 09:33 PM   #3
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No disrespect at all man, but the law was ONLY pushed by a desperate crappy governor who needed to look in control because it's an election year, and what better way to get props where drug cartels and illegal border crossing is rampant than to pass a law that seems to take care of the issue. I'm not disagreeing with you, the law itself is racist and does offend me, but as I said it's nothing other than a new play on words for laws that have been in act for YEARS and therefor my life hasn't changed for better or worse. Whether the law was passed or not, corrupt cops would do what they want to do, but the thing about this bill is that it actually has law enforcement scared shitless because there are a number of new ways in which they are now more suseptable to lawsuits and a couple of county Sherrifs (obviously not Arpaio) have come out in opposition to the law as well because it will only hurt law enforcement in the end.

I say this because the image people seem to have in their heads is that the current state of Arizona is just like Alambama in 1962 or something and it's not the case. When my friend got pulled over he went on to me on how the cop was practically kissing his ass and being over polite, to ensure that he wasn't stopped for any other reason than that he was speeding 16 miles over the speed limit.
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Old 05.26.2010, 09:47 PM   #4
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I agree with the reason for the boycott but I would be really disappointed if I lived there. They have only ever played in my city once, back in 1991. I wish I had known about the band back then.
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Old 05.26.2010, 09:50 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by sizzlemeat
No disrespect at all man, but the law was ONLY pushed by a desperate crappy governor who needed to look in control because it's an election year, and what better way to get props where drug cartels and illegal border crossing is rampant than to pass a law that seems to take care of the issue. I'm not disagreeing with you, the law itself is racist and does offend me, but as I said it's nothing other than a new play on words for laws that have been in act for YEARS and therefor my life hasn't changed for better or worse. Whether the law was passed or not, corrupt cops would do what they want to do, but the thing about this bill is that it actually has law enforcement scared shitless because there are a number of new ways in which they are now more suseptable to lawsuits and a couple of county Sherrifs (obviously not Arpaio) have come out in opposition to the law as well because it will only hurt law enforcement in the end.

I say this because the image people seem to have in their heads is that the current state of Arizona is just like Alambama in 1962 or something and it's not the case. When my friend got pulled over he went on to me on how the cop was practically kissing his ass and being over polite, to ensure that he wasn't stopped for any other reason than that he was speeding 16 miles over the speed limit.

perhaps you don't understand how it works. let me give you an example of police profiling. here in LA, we also have a problem with drug cartels and especially gang violence in connection, and there is rampant profiling by the sheriff and police. When I was a youth, it was a constant daily routine. then I grew dread and forgot about it until last year when I cut my hair, and BAM, back into profiling.

The police roll on EVERY thing walking with a bald head, period. and they don't ask politely either. they put you in hand cuffs, throw you in the car, talk a lot of shit, then find out your clean and let you go. soon as I bought a ball cap (which I think actually makes me look more gangster) the heat died back.

if the police on the daily patrol now can stop people simply for looking like an immigrant, then they will be rolling ALL kinds of people all day. profiling is fucked up. fuck that.

let the feds take care of that shit. if AZ wants to pay for a bunch of extra ICE agents to patrol the streets, fine, let it be, but don't give the fucked up police departments and local outback nazi law enforcement the authority and green light to indiscriminately discriminate against anyone who is not white.

and further, the governor is not acting alone, the governor is supported by a whole coalition of racist, ignorant and backwards mother fuckers from Arizona who agree with that law.

sorry bro, either support the youth or support the law, but don't bicker about such simple and straight forward shit.
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Old 05.26.2010, 09:55 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by sizzlemeat

Not only is it "not American" it's also 100% false. As an american, a HISPANIC AMERICAN NO!! YOU WILL NOT BE STOPPED OR HASSLED OR DEPORTED!!! I cannot believe people are cottoning onto this overblown bullshit so much. How do you deport an american citizine? The very idea is 100% ridiculous. As a hispanic person I assure you. I walk to school everyday at ASU. I walk home. I drive my car, I pull up next to cops at stop lights, I go to the grocery store, I'm living my life and NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR ME! People keep saying this bill is anti-immigration and that's wrong. It's anti ILLEGAL immigration and it's basically nothing other than a different play on words for laws that are already and have been in action in this state for YEARS. It's funny that LA would come out with such a steaming load of BS since Los Angeles has equally if not harsher ways of dealing with ILLEGAL immigrants than Arizona does.

and I didn't even read any of this bullshit here in the middle. dude, the law doesn't go into effect until July, how would shit change yet?

and LA is harsher about immigration? The police and sheriff haven't asked a SINGLE person about their immigration status since the 1970s, even up in the County (jail)..

we are a true and honest sanctuary city, and the people and government here constantly and continuously support not only our diverse population of hyphenated americans, but even and ESPECIALLY our ILLEGAL immigrant population..
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Old 05.27.2010, 02:30 AM   #7
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If you're not happy with them not playing Arizona, then get off the fucking couch and see them in LA or wherever it's closest to where you live. See, Sonic Youth have never played in my country so I always had to travel to attend their gigs and once I even flew 800 miles to London, only to see them at their Daydream Nation gig. Yet I never wasted my time whining about that on a messageboard.

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Old 05.27.2010, 02:57 AM   #8
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Old 05.27.2010, 02:58 AM   #9
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YES the police profile, and it's fucked up and gross, but when the law passes they need to ask any and everybody they stop about there citizinship status. If they pull someone over who's white, black, asian, hispanic, native, whatever, and don't ask about the citizinship of whoever is in the vehicle, then the person who was stopped has perfect grounds for a winnable lawsuit. It's in the bill. Profiling happens everyday and everywhere, there's NO denying it. The point I'm trying to make is that just about every state along the northern and southern borders have laws against illegal border crossing, and I'm sure use profiling to pull off some of their stings or whatever. Why not just boycott all of these states? Why not just get rid of the borders all together? I'm not against the idea and I'm not supporting the bill, I am however clearing up the idea that people seem to have which is that everyone in the state needs to carry a passport, and that racial turmoil is rampant, and Rodney King beatings are happening on every corner. And it's a completely false image. That's why I say "life hasn't changed" because as of now that seems to be what everyone thinks is currently happening in AZ. I empathize and totally support both forms of immigrants who live here and think the law is BS, but as I've said it's being blown out of proportian. ICE has even come forward saying that they refuse to deport any illigal aliens out of AZ! SO why go on with all of this boycott crap when the end result of the law passing will probably be minute at best.

It's an election year and everybody has an agenda. Latinos are going to far outnumber every other race in america in the coming years, and crapping all over AZ because of this law is the perfect opportunity for politicians to woo their future voters. To hell with the citizens legal and illegal who are going to be negatively effected who oppose SB-17 but don't have the means to move.
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Old 05.27.2010, 03:10 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by _slavo_
If you're not happy with them not playing Arizona, then get off the fucking couch and see them in LA or wherever it's closest to where you live. See, Sonic Youth have never played in my country so I always had to travel to attend their gigs and once I even flew 800 miles to London, only to see them at their Daydream Nation gig. Yet I never wasted my time whining about that on a messageboard.

Because dude, I'm a broke college student who can't afford a trip to the Grand Canyon let alone to California. A 28 dollar ticket and a quick bus ride I CAN afford. And exams are over for me and I have nothing else to do so I thought WHY NOT get on a message board and put out an opinion along with a suggestive thread title and see what people have to reply with. You've fallen right into my scheme.
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Old 05.27.2010, 03:51 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by sizzlemeat
And exams are over for me and I have nothing else to do

I dunno, but if I were you I'd go out and look for some little jobs to earn some money and try to save enough to go and see my fav band in another state.
^ ^ ^ ^
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Old 05.27.2010, 04:14 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by sizzlemeat
You've fallen right into my scheme.

Damn, such a concentrated hillarity after 4 posts!!!

edit: I've come up with a brilliant idea for you, but nicfit beat me to it in the previous post so I edited it out.

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Old 05.27.2010, 08:25 AM   #13
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Its very strange to me why people feel its wrong to enforce the borders.
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Old 05.27.2010, 08:44 AM   #14
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to be fair he has a point. Federal agents right now do things like raids on businesses, pulling over greyhound busses and so forth, asking people for papers and "illegals" get arrested on the spot. I'm Polish and you read stories of people getting arrested somewhere upstate NY on a weekly basis. Now all of a sudden AZ is a big deal, well protest the federal gov't and what they are doing too if you want to be consistent on the issue.

As to the boycott, you could go either way are you making more impact by boycotting or by going there making a concert to support the immigrants?
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Old 05.27.2010, 09:58 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Georgekrz
to be fair he has a point. Federal agents right now do things like raids on businesses, pulling over greyhound busses and so forth, asking people for papers and "illegals" get arrested on the spot. I'm Polish and you read stories of people getting arrested somewhere upstate NY on a weekly basis. ?

The Feds conduct patriot checks on the interstates in Vermont and NH looking for illegal Chinese.

If we want to be consistent they wouldn't play NY because NY is home for the US Abu Grabh - the dreaded immigration detention centers in Brooklyn and Manhattan - people disappear into those places for years without charges. Doomberg and his fascist lackey police chief have done like 500,000 warrantless stop and frisks here over the past year. That's everyday, 1000 citizens are stopped and searched for no legal reason. They don't do that in midtown - they do it Brownsville.
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Old 05.27.2010, 10:06 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by tesla69
Its very strange to me why people feel its wrong to enforce the borders.

Europe has open borders at nearly every entrance to every single country.

oh yeah, I forgot, those people are not BROWN.
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Old 05.27.2010, 11:23 AM   #17
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Old 05.27.2010, 11:25 AM   #18
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Does SY actually expect them not playing in AZ to have much of an effect on this issue?
I'm sure the governor is weeping at the state's loss of noise rock for a night.
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Old 05.27.2010, 12:25 PM   #19
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well the sheeple won't care or even generally know about it unless someone like Lady PooPoo signs on and you know her owners will never allow that to happen. To Dr Eugene's point, the Gov might be happy these people - artists - won't be coming to her state.

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Old 05.27.2010, 12:33 PM   #20
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would Arizona even LET Cypess Hill in under the new law??

ps: there goes the Micheal Moore festival toooo..
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