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Old 07.04.2011, 01:36 PM   #1
the end of the ugly
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I had this excellent Thurston Moore/Tom Surgal jazz/improv/noise release on Corpus Hermeticum many years ago, then I lost a caselogic book with many CDs in it, this one among them. I kept the original artwork though. Recently I found a sealed copy, so I have it again. Now I have an extra copy of the artwork, a nice folded cardboard sleeve with graphic scores. It is definitely out of print, hard to find in the states, on a small defunct New Zealand label. Seems a shame to throw the artwork out. Anybody want it? Not sure if this is legit with board rules or not, but i could include a CDr copy of the disc as a "bonus". Only ONE available, I will NOT make any more CDr copies! First one to claim it gets it.

Send me a PM with your location, i'll reply with instructions to paypal me funds ONLY to cover shipping cost to your location, you will receive the album cover and "bonus" disc.
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