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Old 09.22.2006, 04:21 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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jonesroad ain't too shabbyjonesroad ain't too shabby
Anyone see that new Sean Penn movie ALL THE KINGS MEN yet?
The commercials look like that it is a really cool flick.
I wonder if Penn will win another Academy Award?
He really deserved the Academy Award for his role in I AM SAM...
Silver Rocket
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Old 09.22.2006, 04:29 PM   #2
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
i saw "sweet and lowdown" the other day & he did a great fucking job of portraying a part-genius part-moron character.

i might check this out unless it proves to be some fucking hollywood disgrace.

for example, the other day i re-watched de palma's "the untouchables". besides the annoyance that is kevin costner, there was a decent little story there that was ruined but the most awful kind of "glorious music" (that's what i call that over the top melodramatic shit they put to cue you into a crucial moment). oh yes i fucking hate "glorious music". that movie wouldn't have been half bad if they had not used such atrocious soundtrack.

which brings me back to my point-- i hate overproduced hollywood movies.
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