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Old 12.18.2006, 05:12 AM   #1
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thanks to the great www.rbally.net
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 12.18.2006, 05:21 AM   #2
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so it was her....she was drunk out of her face...it didnt look at all like her...
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Old 12.18.2006, 07:03 AM   #3
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is it this one?
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Old 12.18.2006, 08:24 AM   #4
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yeah, im liking her less and less at the moment.
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Old 12.18.2006, 09:10 AM   #5
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id hit that
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 12.18.2006, 09:28 AM   #6
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I've seen whores at Kings Cross looking better than that. She looks like she could be carrying any number of unpleasant diseases.
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Old 12.18.2006, 09:57 AM   #7
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girl was as messed up as we figured. the picture with the jogging soldiers is weird.
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Old 12.18.2006, 01:39 PM   #8
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Im happy to hear she's sober. Im curious to hear her first sober album
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Old 12.18.2006, 02:08 PM   #9
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by finding nobody
Im happy to hear she's sober. Im curious to hear her first sober album

Yeah, right...so many sober people live in South Beach in Miami.

Please, finding nobody, after all, you live in Florida yourself.

First, there's articles about her being an alcoholic (a well-worn media ephemism for any number of celebrity cross-addictions) as a plausible reason why she rivals the infamous Sly Stone in missing gigs and so on, then we hear about how she was gonna kill herself, and now she's "getting sober." If she truly is bringing herself back from the brink of the abyss then I'm happy for her, but, nonetheless, all signs do point to making any reasonable person's bullshit detector sound loudly.

She looked very geeked during her last televised performance on Conan a few weeks ago. Told ya she was a coke/crack head. At the very least she's an MDMA abuser/boozehound.

I'm very disillusioned with Chan for her involvement with the De Beers corporation and consider it a red flag, red herring or otherwise significant circumstance in both her life and musical career. I'm not as angry as I am very concerned about what drove her to such a horrid choice as a platform for her music and a payday.


It's also disillusioning that after repeated postings of this information that I've never received even one iota of feedback here regarding these recent and very troubling Cat Power developments. Obviously, no one here cares due to a combination of two reasons: ignorance and apathy.

I mean...why get the fucking cart before the horse?
So many of you feel so strongly about animal rights, why not feel some outrage over human rights abuses?
At the very least, express that you are also very worried about Chan and the choices she is making.

To be clear, I don't care how many drugs she does; as long as her abuse is not immediately life-threatening, I see no problem, but rather just a personal choice. Just don't talk out of the side of your neck about not doing them if you are going to do them. And for the love of God, do not ever partner with historically genocidal multinational corporations.
She did a commercial for De Beers!


Something is not right about that. She needs money too bad for expensive habits to keep up with the extremely wealthy Joneses of South Beach...end of story.
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Old 12.18.2006, 03:24 PM   #10
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she seemed to be doing fine at bonnaroo, she was in pretty rough shape for a while, but seems to be taking care of herself now. she still stopped in the middle of a couple songs, but 'he war' is a really long song, i don't blame her, i didn't really want to listen to her play the whole song either. she is pretty unrecognizable in that photo, though. yikes!
>>>Thrustin' More<<<


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Old 12.18.2006, 03:26 PM   #11
Danny Himself
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Chan's gotta pay the bills, baby. I'd do a beer commercial if I was going to get paid.
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Old 12.18.2006, 03:37 PM   #12
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Chan's gotta pay the bills, baby. I'd do a beer commercial if I was going to get paid.

It's a De Beers commercial for diamonds, not a "beer commercial," and you sir, as always, are an idiot.

That last part there goes without saying, so maybe I shouldn't have, but, as you can see, I stated it anyway.



Robert Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959. Combine on canvas 81 3/4 x 70 x 24 inches.
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Old 12.18.2006, 03:52 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Yeah, right...so many sober people live in South Beach in Miami.

Please, finding nobody, after all, you live in Florida yourself.
This is true. Fl is party central. You have some good points in your post. I guess we can't make our accusations based souly on this article.
But, check this out:
An interview with a very fucked up Chan. Recorded around the time of Moon Pix

More recent, looking much better, more healthy and less fucked up.
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Old 12.18.2006, 03:57 PM   #14
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this argument is based on such idealistic morals that it's making me sick. i mean really, does this do any harm to her music?
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Old 12.18.2006, 04:05 PM   #15
Savage Clone
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To my mind, the outrage would be better directed in another direction; that is, how an extremely subpar guitarist with a seriously annoying voice and a reputation (coming from even her biggest fans) for putting on some of the worst live shows imaginable on a very regular basis could have achieved a high enough profile to be courted for ad music from a diamond company in the first place.
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Old 12.18.2006, 04:20 PM   #16
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by pulsar
this argument is based on such idealistic morals that it's making me sick. i mean really, does this do any harm to her music?

Idealistic morals? Whatever. Chan Marshall has plenty of other opportunities and ways to make money. You are squarely in the apathetic category with a smidgen of ignorance thrown in for good measure.

Let me guess, you're a vegetarian like Savage Clone, but you couldn't give a rat's ass for people enslaved by apartheid, caught up in civil wars for centuries, and even killed for rights to land for the mining of precious stones and metals.

By the way, computer and electronics manufacturers also mine in Africa for non-precious resources and metals for parts and this also contributes to much of the strife on the continent. Make others aware of this. Write electronics manufacturers and demand change.


Robert Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959. Combine on canvas 81 3/4 x 70 x 24 inches.
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Old 12.18.2006, 04:26 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Let me guess, you're a vegetarian like Savage Clone, but you couldn't give a rat's ass for people enslaved by apartheid, caught up in civil wars for centuries, and even killed for rights to land for the mining of precious stones and metals.

Yeah, and all this crap is totally within my power to stop too.
It's all my fault that it continues because I have made a personal and completely non-evangelical choice on what I eat for dinner.


Nice logical jump into oblivion there.
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Old 12.18.2006, 04:28 PM   #18
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I never really heard anything from cat power.
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Old 12.18.2006, 04:29 PM   #19
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Oh, so you do give a rat's ass, you just thought it served Justice and Truth better to be a smart-ass.

It's all within your power. You have a will, so use it.
Stop being a cry-baby with a victim's mentality.

JL: Because basically there are two types of people in the world: people who are confident because they know they have the ability to create, and then people who have been demoralised, who have no confidence in themselves because they have been told they have no creative ability, but must just take orders. The Establishment likes people who take no responsibility and cannot respect themselves.
- John Lennon, 1971 "lost" interview by Tariq Ali and Robin Blackburn
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Old 12.18.2006, 04:30 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Idealistic morals? Whatever. Chan Marshall has plenty of other opportunities and ways to make money. You are squarely in the apathetic category with a smidgen of ignorance thrown in for good measure.

Let me guess, you're a vegetarian like Savage Clone, but you couldn't give a rat's ass for people enslaved by apartheid, caught up in civil wars for centuries, and even killed for rights to land for the mining of precious stones and metals.

By the way, computer and electronics manufacturers also mine in Africa for non-precious resources and metals for parts and this also contributes to much of the strife on the continent. Make others aware of this. Write electronics manufacturers and demand change.

I love this pathetic nonsense you're making up. The right mixture of boredom of junk to become a screenwriter for these soap operas.
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