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Old 01.27.2007, 02:26 PM   #1
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Anyone have any theories on why The Fall change their lineup so often? I have been wondering this for while, any feedback would be appreciated.
" I tell you this because, as an artist, I think you'll understand..."
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Old 01.27.2007, 02:33 PM   #2
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Mark E Smith was once arrested for assault in 1998.
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Old 01.27.2007, 02:36 PM   #3
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I imagine it's very difficult to keep musicians playing ostensibly simple things for any length of time. You ever tried to get a guitarist to not solo? Impossible.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.27.2007, 02:41 PM   #4
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The man himself explained it very well on an interview tha was on The Wire (if memory serves me well).He said that musicians generally start developing a musician big ego after a while and they have to go.Suits them well especially if they are not that capable to work under brilliant supervision.

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Old 01.27.2007, 02:48 PM   #5
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yeah, but mark e smith seems happy to employ any assortment of pubrockers he can his hands on these days. when was the last time the fall had a member who distinguished himself on his or her chosen instrument?
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Old 01.27.2007, 03:26 PM   #6
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Well, that depends on what you like. I really like Eleni's keyboarding, I enjoyed Julia Nagle's contribution, that violinist chap was great (extricate era?), the guitarist whose name might be Neville I enjoyed. Either he's never had distinguished instrumentalists or he always has them, depends on how/ what you're listening for/ to.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.27.2007, 03:38 PM   #7
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yeah but compare something like dragnet to any of the records for the last few years and the level of imigination in the playing, it's not even funny.
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Old 01.27.2007, 04:04 PM   #8
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I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you there, Mr Bowels. I can't be bothered to articulate myself, but I do strongly disagree.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.27.2007, 04:10 PM   #9
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really? the new fall (i haven't heard the new new fall, country and western bar band or whatever it is) is alright but it's hardly more than a vehicle for mark e smith to recite words over.
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Old 01.27.2007, 04:15 PM   #10
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I think maybe they're further away from any single instrument standing out, but the arrangements are pretty amazing on a lot of the modern stuff - the whole of Levitate, Ibis Afro Man from Are you are..., the use of melodic instruments for 'rock' drum parts on Sparta, the bassline off Blindness...
- maybe it's not all of their songs, but it's not something that's entirely absent.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.28.2007, 05:50 AM   #11
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I've read a few interviews where MES talks makes an analogy of himself being like a football manager and feeling the need to "rotate his squad". He's also said stuff along the lines of seeing The Fall as something that needs to constanty change and move forward. Also, I can't imagine him being the easiest person to work with for long periods of time. Personally I've been really impressed with recent Fall stuff; I thought Fall Heads Roll was a great album - I've not heard the brand new one yet though. I saw the latest lineup a couple of months back in Birmingham and I thought it was one of the strongest Fall shows I've been to in quite some time.

I found this interview with Ben Pritchard (who played on Heads Roll) about how he left the group. I found it pretty interesting, as it kinda shows another side to the story:

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Old 01.28.2007, 06:17 AM   #12
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the new fall albums. country on the click, the unutterable, fall heads roll and reformation post tlc are some of the strongest and musically proficent albums the fall have ever done. its not right comparing fall albumns from 20 odd years ago to todays or even the 80s ones. as john peel said, the fall are always different but always the fall.

the last line up mark had (country/ heads roll) is probably the best line up he ever had and im countuing the mark riley, craig scanlon line up. awesome riffs an music. an so what if he decided to use pub bands so what. its the fall for fuck sake not radiohead!!!!

as for the question of line up changes, mark may have said its to keep egos in check but the real reason is tha mark is a cantankerous git and slightly mad and he will just break up a band when he feels like it. being in the fall must be like being a tightrope waker, exciting and amazing but one little slip up and youre fucked..........

here is the bbc4 film about the fall, this may answer questions. 6 minute youtube segments....
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Old 01.28.2007, 06:28 AM   #13
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Hey - thanks for posting the links to the documentary. I saw it the second time it was shown on TV, but wasn't able to record it at the time. Cheers!

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Old 01.28.2007, 09:06 AM   #14
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you're all mad the lot of you. blinded by deafness.
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:00 AM   #15
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Thus spake the non-musician.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:08 AM   #16
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i'm really surprised you all think the new fall is as good as the old fall. i'm not saying the new fall stuff is bad, just that it's kind of workmanlike
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:19 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i'm really surprised you all think the new fall is as good as the old fall. i'm not saying the new fall stuff is bad, just that it's kind of workmanlike
whatever... i think the new one is great and so was the last one... i think it's good that the lineup changes, it keeps the sound fresh. the fall are probably the best band in the world right now.
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:24 AM   #18
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blindness indeed---- but on jools holland. this rocks in a workmanlike way!

and for comparison
smile------- on the tube with jools holland and john peel 1983
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:37 AM   #19
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history will vindicate me!
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:41 AM   #20
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Blah Blah Blah.

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