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Old 04.26.2007, 06:06 AM   #1
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HAHA, JUST JOKING! I knew you were all going to shoot me in the head
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Old 04.26.2007, 07:50 AM   #2
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Swa(y), it is all fine and dandy that you don't like this or that, but sometimes you come accross as you only go on the internet to argue, and that can be one's ultimate downfall. Just sayin' .
Old 04.26.2007, 08:12 AM   #3
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nnck, love them. great live, more interesting than shit loads out there. just sayin too.
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Old 04.26.2007, 11:26 AM   #4
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I haven't even bothered listening to them yet - I was put off by all the hyperbole. Describe them in 20 words or less, fans.
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Old 04.26.2007, 11:59 AM   #5
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This band have totally passed me by. Unless NNCK stands for something I don't realise yet.

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Old 04.26.2007, 12:02 PM   #6
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Actually, just checked them out on myspace - they're shit. Actually, they're probably good at what they do, but I hate this kind of music.

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Old 04.26.2007, 05:59 PM   #7
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it's only fair to have a thread with this title next to the other one that states them as being the best band in the world... just as a counterbalance and to teach us it's a thin line between the best band in the world and fucking hype shit. i had a vision these threads will co-exist like some yin and yang of the board. owwwww... deep, man.
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Old 04.26.2007, 06:25 PM   #8
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They are very interesting and you'll never know what to expect from this group... they have evolved like no other band i can think of and they keep the people interested on their toes... they also feature a fine bass player by the name of Matt Heyner (Dream Aktion Unit, Cold Bleak Heat) who is a monster on his instrument.
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Old 04.26.2007, 06:45 PM   #9
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I have Egypt is the Magic Number. I believe this is a NNCK side project.
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Old 04.26.2007, 06:55 PM   #10
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What's NNCK?

Edit: I see; they're pretty mediocre.
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Old 04.26.2007, 08:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jt
I haven't even bothered listening to them yet - I was put off by all the hyperbole. Describe them in 20 words or less, fans.
–noun Rhetoric.
1.obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2.an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

It's only hyperbole if they are purposely exaggerating, to make a point. To say a big fat guy "is big as a house" would be an example of a hyperbole. To go on and on about an band is not hyperbole, although it would be hype, which is pretty close; hyperbole is where the word hype came from. But they are not the same. Not to be overly picky, but in the words of porky, just sayin'.
"She hated people who thought too much.
At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate
representative for almost all mankind." - Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle
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Old 04.27.2007, 04:03 AM   #12
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Has anyone heard that NNCK 7" which is supposedly a tribute to Harry Pussy (or perhaps vice versa)
i just won that shit on ebay is why I'm asking...
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Old 04.27.2007, 04:13 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by afterthefact
–noun Rhetoric.
1.obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2.an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

It's only hyperbole if they are purposely exaggerating, to make a point. To say a big fat guy "is big as a house" would be an example of a hyperbole. To go on and on about an band is not hyperbole, although it would be hype, which is pretty close; hyperbole is where the word hype came from. But they are not the same. Not to be overly picky, but in the words of porky, just sayin'.

"It's official - NNCK are the best band in the world. "

I rest my case. Your ass, squire, is duly served.
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Old 04.27.2007, 04:25 AM   #14
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Oh c'mon, that thread was started with the intention of showing general enthusiasm for a band that seems to deserve it because of the way that they play live, or at least that's the way it comes accross. That's taking it a little too seriously.
Old 04.27.2007, 04:31 AM   #15
A Thousand Threads
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This thread makes me think about sanity.
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Old 04.27.2007, 04:49 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by whorefrost
Has anyone heard that NNCK 7" which is supposedly a tribute to Harry Pussy (or perhaps vice versa)
i just won that shit on ebay is why I'm asking...

Ah, you mean the No Neck Blues Explosion or whatever it's called? Alas, it is a hoax and not by NNCK at all. I read just the other day that a couple of dudes that run a fanzine did it as a joke and sent a copy to Dave Nuss. I'll try and dig out where I read that.
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Old 04.27.2007, 05:41 AM   #17
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Someone posted this over at the ihatemusic board:

That No Neck Blues Explosion 7" was indeed a hoax - it was done by the two principal minds behind the fanzine Tuba Frenzy, who were also in the band Joby's Opinion...some '90s Chapel Hill, NC ephemera. One of them told me he sent a copy to - I think - David Nuss at the time, and he wasn't too amused.
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Old 04.27.2007, 05:45 AM   #18
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i have given up almost bidding for music on ebay because its just too painful an experience if you dont win and you how much there is that you want. no its not shut up.

thats what the inside of my head is like at the moment.
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Old 04.27.2007, 07:58 AM   #19
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geezus, so i've been burned? i'll post my thoughts when i recieve this piece of shit..
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