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Old 06.07.2006, 01:09 PM   #1
invito al cielo
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I'm tired of following a lame ass trend. It makes me feel like I'm 12, and the hair styles are retarded. I also see no point of putting my hair over one eye anymore.

Really it's nothing more than a desperate way to look for attention from 14 year old desperate scene shits. Trying to make people pity you for your misery will just make people pity you for conforming to the lame trend.


What a dumbass. And all those From First To My Chemical AtreyuFold bands are associated with it. .


...and I'll fix my myspace too
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:11 PM   #2
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:14 PM   #3
elix it
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Way to jump off the band wagon.
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:14 PM   #4
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when i see emo kids or indeed grown men who look that way i laugh, i just cant help it.
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:14 PM   #5
finding nobody
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dumb idea to try dress like something you're to begin with. fuck trends! be yourself man
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:17 PM   #6
expwy. to yr skull
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This needs a witty and sarcastic reply, but I can't make up one. I request the help of you-know-who.
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:42 PM   #7
scott v
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Originally Posted by Inhuman
I'm tired of following a lame ass trend. It makes me feel like I'm 12, and the hair styles are retarded. I also see no point of putting my hair over one eye anymore.

Really it's nothing more than a desperate way to look for attention from 14 year old desperate scene shits. Trying to make people pity you for your misery will just make people pity you for conforming to the lame trend.

What a dumbass. And all those From First To My Chemical AtreyuFold bands are associated with it. I quit.


what are you doing following trends anyway since you seem to be reasoning to the contrary?

what scene are you talking about?

sorry i don't watch eMpTy-Vee
or listen to commercial alt. rock radio shit, buy Urban Outfitters crap, or that other shit store you find in Malls across america that sell chuck taylors for $50 plus to even know what the fuck is up.

be yr own person and find out about music the old fashioned and creative way (by searching for it and not letting it come to you like as if your mommy is spoonfeeding you mashed up peas from a jar)

followers are for pussys.
btw, is that a pic of you or what?

if that is you, a serious make over is required... that is one of the worst cases of hipster psuedo punk fashion fads anyone can come up with. i mean i'm sorry to put you down but who the hell wears a teeshirt that says "Scenester Clothing" around the waist, that is pathetic.
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Old 06.07.2006, 01:48 PM   #8
Rob Instigator
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Old 06.07.2006, 02:18 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by scott v
what are you doing following trends anyway since you seem to be reasoning to the contrary?
I was, but decided otherwise

Originally Posted by scott v
what scene are you talking about?
It's a Sonic Youth Lyric

Originally Posted by scott v
sorry i don't watch eMpTy-Vee
or listen to commercial alt. rock radio shit, buy Urban Outfitters crap, or that other shit store you find in Malls across america that sell chuck taylors for $50 plus to even know what the fuck is up.
Me Neither. I haven't for a few years

Originally Posted by scott v
be yr own person and find out about music the old fashioned and creative way (by searching for it and not letting it come to you like as if your mommy is spoonfeeding you mashed up peas from a jar)
This is completely inadequite. I don't agree with the whole method of advertising bands in the way that the media does. It's primarily based on what teens can relate to and who has good connections. I never take popularity into consideration when judging a music artist or band. I haven't been watching TV or listening to the radio in years.

Originally Posted by scott v
followers are for pussys.
btw, is that a pic of you or what?
Certainly not. That's disgusting.
Originally Posted by scott v
if that is you, a serious make over is required... that is one of the worst cases of hipster psuedo punk fashion fads anyone can come up with. i mean i'm sorry to put you down but who the hell wears a teeshirt that says "Scenester Clothing" around the waist, that is pathetic.
Dead on, and not to mention the bleeding heart "taped" to it
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Old 06.07.2006, 02:23 PM   #10
the end of the ugly
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Jeffrey Lewis Lyrics

i saw a hippie girl on 8th avenue
she barely looked at me for a second or two
& i suddenly realized i no longer look like a hippie
she had a long thin dress & rainbow clothes
not long ago i wore one of those
but nowadays i guess i don't dress very much like anything
i had a great pair of bellbottoms, i had two
my friend borrowed one & the other i outgrew
& now to the eye i'm turning into a non descript guy
i still travel light & my hair's still long
i still hate deodorant & i still sing songs
but i've come to notice that lately
i haven't been dressing as colorfully & psychedelic
cuz i wore my tie dyes until they rotted to shreds
& i can no longer follow the grateful dead
& it's gotten to the point where
i no longer even identify with most phish fans anymore
& someday soon i'll probably cut my hair
& a week after that i know i won't even care
is that what it comes to all along
everything tht you feel will someday feel wrong
i was talking to my friend erick to see what he thunk
& he said "jeff it's weird but i no longer look like a punk"
i guess we don't need our clothes for an identity crutch
& we looked at each other & we didn't look like much
& we looked at the world like a movie theater
at all the hippies & punks & the skinheads & the skaters
& someday or other, sooner or later
they may come to the realization that what's important is
whether you can carry a human conversation
& it's not what you wear on the outside
it's how you think & feel on the inside
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Old 06.07.2006, 02:28 PM   #11
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I wonder if 'Nathan Barnley' has ever been realesed in America.It would help the poor and needy in the brain department to such a big extent.It's comedy,yes,but comedy that bites your balls open.Kissed by shakesperian tragedy but still comedy nevertheless.

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Old 06.07.2006, 02:32 PM   #12
the end of the ugly
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Originally Posted by porkmarras
I wonder if 'Nathan Barnley' has ever been realesed in America.It would help the poor and needy in the brain department to such a big extent.It's comedy,yes,but comedy that bites your balls open.Kissed by shakesperian tragedy but still comedy nevertheless.

it's "hilarious & co." I didn't like it when it first aired but I downloaded it a month ago and have watched it through twice. Everytime I'm in town centre I notice more and more Barleys
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Old 06.07.2006, 02:37 PM   #13
sugar kane101
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sugar kane101 ain't too shabby
Nathan Barley is the shit!

Most people try to be exactly like one another in order to feel like they belong. They always have. It's pathetic.
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Old 06.07.2006, 02:38 PM   #14
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peace and fucking yeah!
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Old 06.07.2006, 02:43 PM   #15
umjammer atomsk
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CONGRATULATIONS! You're finally free, good for you man. Now we have 0 emo doofuses on this board, sweet.

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Old 06.07.2006, 02:48 PM   #16
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It's going to be totally fuckin' mexico.

Actually as trends go, I much prefer the little fuckers with the stupid hair and over fasionable clothing to the utterly risible adidas 3-stripe tracksuit and angled baseball cap that was so prevelent in my area when I was that age. Plus, kids like that are far less likely to pelt you with rocks or threaten you with knives.
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Old 06.07.2006, 03:49 PM   #17
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T-shirts and jeans have always worked for me.
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 06.07.2006, 04:20 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by strictlycommercial
It's going to be totally fuckin' mexico.

Actually as trends go, I much prefer the little fuckers with the stupid hair and over fasionable clothing to the utterly risible adidas 3-stripe tracksuit and angled baseball cap that was so prevelent in my area when I was that age. Plus, kids like that are far less likely to pelt you with rocks or threaten you with knives.

That's true. There seems to be far too many of those, but where I live they're dying down a lot.

And thanks for the rep thrasher and Fruitloop!
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Old 06.07.2006, 04:42 PM   #19
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you got beaten up on "international emo waking day" yesterday, inhuman?

i can't relate to trends and fashions and whatever, you should definitely go with what you feel like and screw people who don't accept you that way.

now don't screw it up and start dressing like hipster know-it-alls in ironic t-shirts and brown blazers, ok?
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Old 06.07.2006, 05:25 PM   #20
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Fuck changing the way you look. That's just as bad as starting to look that way in the first place.

I wear girl pants. Shoot me.
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