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Old 07.25.2008, 07:29 AM   #1
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Chris, couple of thoughts about the song archive...

#1. You should include the HIDROS 3 tracks. I know you said in the intro that you werent going to, BUT you included IN THE FISHTANK tracks and those were straight up improv. HIDROS on the other hand was at least "composed" by Mats G. PLUS they are Waaaay more interesting compositions than the FISHTANK ones. With Kim's vox and all.

#2. Why did you include "Without Kim" and mention that you weren't including MELBOURNE DIRECT tracks... I ask b/c in the disco you have these listed as basically being Thurston/etc albums NOT Sonic Youth albums. Is MELBOURNE considered a "Sonic Youth release"? Is WITHOUT KIM considered a "Sonic Youth release"? This is more a question of logistics (ie: Where do YOU (all of you collectors) file these in your collections? Under "S" or under "M" or what?)

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Old 07.25.2008, 08:07 PM   #2
Chris Lawrence
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Is "Without Kim" in the Song Database? I don't see it... Both that and "Melbourne Direct" aren't actually advertised as "Sonic Youth" albums, as you pointed out. "In the Fishtank" at least had Sonic Youth's name on the front (though Kim wasn't present, just like "Without Kim" and "Melbourne Direct"). As far as Hidros 3, I didn't think SY were identified by name as "Sonic Youth" on it, though now looking in the discography (where all of these ARE featured!) I see the sticker on the front at least said MATS GUSTAFSSON/SONIC YOUTH WITH FRIENDS...

Maybe it was laziness.
http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang // original folk blues ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'm the boy that can enjoy invisibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Old 07.26.2008, 12:33 PM   #3
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Yeah, mostly thinking (typing) outloud about how to sort things in my collection... but to answer the Without Kim question:

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