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Old 06.30.2008, 06:04 AM   #1
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The Nozones were taped at the WELM Public Access TV Studios, East Lansing, Michigan in 1980. The Nozones' drummer was Steve Shelley, who is now a member of the band Sonic Youth.

This performance was cablecast on WELM-TV on both the "Minority Derelict Wrestling Show II" and on the "Syntax" shows in 1980-1981.

I ran camera for this piece [which I transferred from my betamax video collection], and is called "Personality". Note: The audio sync is off in some places; this is due from the original recording; 3 cameras were used, unfortunately the studio wasn't really set up well for audio recording

The other 2 surviving songs
are "Top 40" and
"Don't Want to listen no more"
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Old 06.30.2008, 07:57 PM   #2
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Old 06.30.2008, 08:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Moshe

The Nozones were taped at the WELM Public Access TV Studios, East Lansing, Michigan in 1980. The Nozones' drummer was Steve Shelley, who is now a member of the band Sonic Youth.

This performance was cablecast on WELM-TV on both the "Minority Derelict Wrestling Show II" and on the "Syntax" shows in 1980-1981.

I ran camera for this piece [which I transferred from my betamax video collection], and is called "Personality". Note: The audio sync is off in some places; this is due from the original recording; 3 cameras were used, unfortunately the studio wasn't really set up well for audio recording

The other 2 surviving songs
are "Top 40" and
"Don't Want to listen no more"

Today Rap music is the Lakers
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