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Old 03.21.2006, 11:40 AM   #1
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the new surreal life season is on right now. i'm kinda ashamed that i'm into it. but god! i can't stop watching it. what does everyone think of this show?
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:40 PM   #2
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i havent heard of it???, but i watch plenty of shows that im ashamed to be a viewer of. like - The O.C, Charmed, Lost, Desperate housewives, America's next top model.
its very sad i know.
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:51 PM   #3
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Never heard of surreal life. I almost watch tv though, what am i missing?
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the best thing inrecent memory.
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:55 PM   #4
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i watch the oc and gilmore girls and they are awesome!!! (well, gilmore girls is kinda sucking now) i'm not ashamed of it but everytime i tell someone i get this weird stare from people, like "what?!"

surreal life...i've watched some, the new season looks crazy. i liked the ron jeremy and vanilla ice one
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:19 PM   #5
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finding nobody, i have watched the surreal life before. hahah last season was the best ever. so much fighting and so much entertainment. i loved it. but i never seem to know who half the damn people on that show are. whatever i still watch. Yeah america's next top model is like the most addictive show ever!!
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:20 PM   #6
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oh i watch the gilmore girls too
ha ha
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Old 03.21.2006, 03:23 PM   #7
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Ha ha....I watch that sometimes. I terms of stupid reality shows, I'm more of a Wife Swap kind of guy.....that shit cracks me up.
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 03.21.2006, 06:28 PM   #8
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what about celeberty fit club
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Old 03.21.2006, 06:42 PM   #9
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my mum watches celebrity fit club. its sad very sad.
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Old 03.21.2006, 06:45 PM   #10
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I love it. Espically when they freak out.
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Old 03.21.2006, 06:46 PM   #11
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hasent anne diamond left now over that operation she had?
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Old 03.21.2006, 06:47 PM   #12
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last surreal life was with janice dickinson and jose canseco? i watched some of it, it was funny, pathetic funny
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Old 03.21.2006, 11:48 PM   #13
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I love the surreal life. I just don't watch too much TV so I always miss it. And as fake and plastic as she is, Caprice is fucking hot.
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Old 03.21.2006, 11:49 PM   #14
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My TV hasn't been turned on in months.

I'm so obscure and indie it hurts.
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Old 03.21.2006, 11:51 PM   #15
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Alexis Arquette wins at life.

Right now Battlestar Galactica is on hiatus until October, so I'm not watching much. I love Lost and The Office, too.
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Old 03.22.2006, 07:15 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i watch the oc and gilmore girls and they are awesome!!! (well, gilmore girls is kinda sucking now) i'm not ashamed of it but everytime i tell someone i get this weird stare from people, like "what?!"

surreal life...i've watched some, the new season looks crazy. i liked the ron jeremy and vanilla ice one
yeah, that was season 1. best by far.

for all those who've never watched it, it comes on VH1 all the time
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Old 05.28.2006, 08:04 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
Alexis Arquette wins at life.
very, very quotable
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Old 05.28.2006, 08:07 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
i havent heard of it???, but i watch plenty of shows that im ashamed to be a viewer of. like - The O.C, Charmed, Lost, Desperate housewives, America's next top model.
its very sad i know.
Don't be ashamed to watch Lost!

It is fucking amazing. The online interactive part is fucking awsome.
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Old 05.28.2006, 08:22 PM   #19
atari 2600
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It's gone downhill a bit, but still pulpy & fun.

I wrote about The Surreal Life first on the old board when it was still a UPN show.

The season has been over for weeks. What you're watching are reruns.

The Sopranos, preparing us for the eventual coming hiatus, is a repeat tonight & NASCAR bumped off The Simpsons on Fox.

I foolishly half-watched the last hour of the season finale of Lost to see what all the hype was about & it is truly stupid. I realize that my assessment is not exactly fair since I have not been watching the whole time & only saw (half-watching) the last half of the last episode.

On the subject of interaction, the G4TV network now airs the classic Star Trek as Star Trek 2.0 weeknights at 11 pm est & features online chat right on the TV screen. I mentioned this one other time in the Star Trek vs. Star Wars thread & there's some person on there with the username Capt_Atari who I think may have read my post. I swear it's not me as I'm not even registered & have not chatted there at all.
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Old 05.28.2006, 09:08 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
I foolishly half-watched the last hour of the season finale of Lost to see what all the hype was about & it is truly stupid. I realize that my assessment is not exactly fair since I have not been watching the whole time & only saw (half-watching) the last half of the last episode.
I agree. Anyone who watches half watches the last half of the last episode of the season is going to think that it is stupid. It is all very far fetched, but has some stupid stuff in it. But I have to know how it ends. I love being able to come up with 'theories' about what the island is, who the others are, things like that. There are fucking polar bears on that island and a group of 'others' and expirimenting labs and shit and it is all supposed to be scientifically explainable.

The lost interactive aspect of it is great as well. A website was made (www.thehansofoundation.org) for the hanso foundtion, this is the company that created/pays for the dharma initiative, the group that is pretty much running the island. On this website you can find many different things. Example the 'projects', like the life extension expiriment. They also have things where you put in passwords. These passwords are found on other websites that are advertised in the commercials during lost. It is a lot of fun.
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